Another heart-worming story

by StephaneLaliberte 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Today, I got an email from an old friend with a story told by Brother Andre Ramseyer who attended training at Patterson in England.

    A service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner. When the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man. As the dog got excited every Tuesdays and Sundays, the new owner finally decided to let the dog lead him to the meeting where he started a new bible study!

    Isn’t it a beautiful story about how Jehovah uses different means to get to people? <include aww sound here>

    Well, I still have some questions about this:

    1. Was the new owner a neighbor of the previous owner? How did he know to go to the kingdom hall from the new starting point?
    2. In which congregation and city did this happen? When?
    3. If that man started a bible study, how long did it last? Was he baptized?
    4. Did the man live alone? Did he have a family? How did they react to all this?

    There’s always a lack of details on stories like this which tends to be the case when stories are heavily embellished or simply made up.

  • waton
    Brother Andre Ramseyer who attended training at Patterson in England.

    SL: do you have a scrambled story right there?: "Frere Andre'? " Ramsayer. "Patterson in England" ? in a New England state perhaps?

  • steve2

    This is not the first story I have heard where the dog starts a Bible study; however, I started to wonder about these stories when I heard the dog started answering during the Watchtower Study: One bark for yes, two for no and five quick barks for Jehovah. That about covers the full range of answers for the Watchtower Study.

    That said, I may well start going to meetings again if they can show me that a dog now conducts the Watchtower Study.

  • smiddy3

    It all sounds like dogshit to me .

  • Fadeaway1962

    I got sent the same experience the guide dogs former owner was a bro who's routine was to attend the meeting on a regular basis , then when he passed away the dog was then given to another blind person who took him to the k/hall and he got a warm welcome then started a study ,

    Probably things elaborated each time it's passed on like Chinese whispers .

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    You're thinking too much, cut that out. Wait, I thought JWs were supposed to be the "thinkingest people"?

  • tiki

    Too funny!! I remember hearing that bizarre story. Patterson is in New York state...which is not New England...just abuts NE states....not that that matters...

    Perhaps the dog got a lot of attention at the hall...maybe people brought him treats. That would account for the meeting time excitement. Other than that dogs can be creatures of perhaps it was just his routine. Or perhaps the story is just a fairy tale.

    At any rate, that was a spiritually minded dog. How happifying.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    heart worming ?

    maybe you mean dog worming ?

  • tiki

    Dog disease heart worm???

  • truth_b_known

    Does the dog operate automobiles or was there a home for the blind next door to the Kingdom Hall?

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