Are speeding tickets issused in your area???

by James Mixon 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    DJS: So that was you on my bumper the other day..I was traveling at 79 mph..

    On second thought it wasn't you, it was a Yugo.

  • DJS


    If you are in the far right lane it is very difficult for me to believe anyone is riding your ass. If you aren't in the far right lane and someone is riding your ass and you refuse to get over, you are breaking the law in many states and you are the problem in all of them. Not the people riding your ass.

    And yes those are my middle fingers you saw in the SL500 or the BMW. Get used to seeing them.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    DJS: the problem I have I'm in the middle lane traveling 75-80mph both lanes are

    open, slow lane and fast lane. I look in my rear view mirror and the person is on their

    cell phone riding my ass. The only time i'm in the fast lane is to pass someone and that

    is not often. Be careful with the middle finger, there is a lot of car rage happening.

  • kaik

    European countries have higher speed limits than the USA. Some states in USA have terrible, slow moving drivers that you see signs posted for minimum speed limit (Florida, South Carolina). There are people who literally drive 35m on left shoulder and blocking traffic. I take Interstate every day for work, and the demographics for slow moving drivers are generally well known. In rush hour, the traffic is literally bumper to bumper and I drive 12 miles for one hour in some cases.

    If anyone complains about the speed, he or she should try German's autobahn with extremely high speed. I did not have a speeding ticket for 20 years, but if the speed limit is 55 to 65 on interstate I will be driving it. There is no reason except if there is weather problem or a visibility issue to drive below the speed limit. The worst drivers in USA in experience - Seattle, Florida, and Maryland. Nothing worse than driving between Seattle and Tacoma, and everyone is driving 40mph. Florida with elderly population is a chapter of its own. Even local roads have posted minimum speed limit, because people are literally matching there the speed of bicycle.

  • DJS


    Then you are doing it right. I drove home today on the interstate for several hundred miles and time after time someone got in the fast lane and blocked the flow of traffic for several miles. They were too stupid or arrogant to get in the right lane or speed up, and the right lane was such that the faster traffic couldn't use it to pass.

    THEY were the problem. Middle fingers don't suffice for people like that. There's a special place in hell for them.

    Slower traffic keep right. Simple, really.

  • kaik
    DJS, depending on state, driving bellow the speed limit can be a traffic violation and can be ticketed. It is also dangerous because they cause backlog and a traffic jam. When I am driving on the left lane to by-pass and some gets behind my ass, I move back to the right and let them pass. I am not a traffic controller to block people from driving faster than me. Once on radio I heard that there were elderly that deliberately drove on Interstates to block traffic with idea that they make the highway safer, and could not comprehend to be arrested by state troopers.
  • GrreatTeacher
    Actually, the absolute worst is driving a single lane road and then a tractor pulls out in front of you. If it's a manure spreader, even worse!

    Are speeding tickets issused in your area???

    If you speed where I live..


    The Police Give You a Giant Ice Cream Cone..

    ....Image result for rcmp giving out ice cream

    .............THEN THEY MAKE YOU EAT IT..

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    GT: the worst an open truck with crap falling off it on the freeway. A year ago a piece of iron

    flew off this guy truck and blew out my tire., but the smell of manure can make for a long ride.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Yeah, that's bad when stuff falls off trucks. They've got a covered load law in Maryland, but that doesn't prevent kicking up rocks that crack your windshield.

    Once my husband was driving and kicked up a big piece of sheet metal that hit the windshield and broke his windshield and caused him to wreck.

    We found out it came under Comprehensive instead of Collision so there was no deductible and the insurance paid for everything.

    It was a great truck that ran a few more years until he wrecked it for good. That time there was no fixing it.

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