The "Left Behind" book series. Has anyone read the books?

by Yizuman 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis
    There's no real way of knowing when exactly could happen, before or after the Rapture. Only time can tell.

    So Yiz thinks there will be rapture and Armageddon?

    The movie Damnation Alley is a much more likely scenario....*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Scully

    I take it that Yizuman thinks lots of us need "saving" with his particular brand of "Christianity".

    I'm not about to let him or anyone else preach to me!!

    Love, Scully

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    All this is some person's speculation as to what is going to happen. As most of us here already know, scripture can be be twisted into any belief. Whatever happens, happens. As long as a person doesn't cheat, steal, murder, etc, then they should have nothing to worry about.

    I certainly am NOT going to worry about if there is going to be a rapture or not or if armageddon is coming or not. It's just fear being put into the hearts of people by other people who want to control lives for money. In other words, IT'S ALL JUST A BUNCH OF CRAP.

  • SexKitten

    I agree with you on that point El kabong. But I know that the rest of what you said about being good eg: lie, steal cheat ect... personally I can't be perfect like you. That's what the ten comandments prove that human nature being what it is, is unable to be perfect and good therefore I'm a fraid I won't be seeing you in your ideal whatever happens!

    It's because I can't be good or perfect that I need a personal LORD and saviour. Like you said fear put into your heart by other people, is just that fear wordly idea of controland malipulation.

    The fear of GOD is a different type of fear a least by people who know Him it is a fear of respect that comes out of love and understanding. God dosn't ask any thing of us exccept to knowledge what He has done for us through His Son.

    No I don't fear the second coming. Why? Because I know and fear the LORD my God. I know that He has everything in control and nothing that is happening, happens out side God's WILL. And that we have all been living in the end-times since Christ Jesus ressurection and ascention.

    How do I know this? Because God tells me this through His Word and His Holy Spirit, not because of someone's else ideas of what God wants for me and you.

    And then again I don't know when my days are numbered only God does, He comes like a thief in the night. I know Him as my personal saviour and father above and have a true personal relationship with Him. I know when we are all judged the just and the unjust for all will be judge according to His righteousness, I will stand before His throne cleansed and clothed in righteousness.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Whoa: Sex Kitten. Chill out. First off, I never said I was perfect.

    So you Cheat, Steal and Murder???? That's why you need a personal savoir. Well, I'm sure that the majority of people on this board don't cheat steal or murder, so by your account, they don't need a personal savoir. But because you cheat steal and murder, you get a personal savoir.

    I think you need to re read my post before you start taking pot shots at me. All I said was that as long as a person doesn't cheat steal and murder....notice I did not say lie because everybody lies from time to time, everybody, and if anybody says they don't lie, well....they are a liar.

    So, if you don't agree with my post, fine...I really don't care. But don't go taking pot shots at me because you don't agree with my beliefs.

    All I meant was that IF a rapture and/or armageddon comes, if a person doesn't cheat steal or murder, then why should they be worried about being taken up into the air or surviving armageddon.

  • SexKitten

    So let's see you've never taken that little shampoo bottle or pkt of soap from the motel room, or maybe wished some son-of-a-bitch dead, or had some sexual fantasy in some kind of three-some, or wanted what someone else has.....

    So you don't need a personal saviour, that's alright you're a much better person then myself. I have come to the realization that I do need a saviour and that I can't do it my own way because I stuff-up at every turn, yeah, I still stuff-up but I not let it get to me.

    I reread your post and I still get the same message that your doing fine on your own and don't need God. Why? Because your a good person, law abiding, polite ect....

    I just didn't agree with your theology. But you have a right to your opionons.

    the bible saids that we are all sinners in God's eyes. That we all fall short of the glory of God.

    Jesus saids in the bible - I am (Jesus,the messiah) am the way the truth and the life no ONE comes to the fFather(GOD) except through me.(the lamb of God- Christ Jesus).

    Jesus answered them,"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke ch 5 : v 31-32

    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matt ch 5 : v9 Who are the peacemakers? The ones in Christ, and who tell the gospel to others. The Messiah is the peace and He comes to give it in abundance, but not as the world knows peace!

    God loves you to and wants a relationship with all of us. The rest is up to us....

    I didn't mean for it to look like pot shots at you personally what you think is what a lot of people think. I just wanted every-one reading this post to see the truth.( Jesus Christ the Word of God-the goodnews)

    I agreed with you that the 'Left Behind' theology is a heap of crap!

    GOD BLESS...

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Hey Sex Kitten: Where did I write that I don't need God???? I don't need RELIGION. Big difference.

    Why don't I need religion???? Cause their all filled with judgemental jerks like YOU!!!

    The more you try to preach, the more I get turned off. What gives you the right to preach to me? What makes you think that you are right and everybody else is wrong?

    Y'know. This board used to be a place where former JW's could go and help one another. Now, it seems that no matter where I turn, the so called full of shit fundies are there forcing their form of preaching down peoples throats. YOU, SEX KITTEN are bringing back all those feelings I had when I was a JW. Just remember that when you are praying to YOUR GOD today.

    YOU, and OTHERS LIKE YOU, with your NONSENSE have confirmed that I DON"T NEED ANYTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION and NEVER will have anything to do with religion. If Heaven is going to be filled with PEOPLE LIKE YOU, then I HOPE I GO TO HELL. Because I would NEVER, ever want to associate with so called CHRISTIANS LIKE YOU. I had enough of JUDGEMENTAL people in my life as a JW. I certanly am NOT going to have any of that HERE.


  • SexKitten

    Sorry.... but I don't know why your so touchy for. After all I'm saying I'm the person who sins. At least I admit it!

    Oh! by the way I take back POLITE!

    God Bless....

    All I meant was that IF a rapture and/or armageddon comes, if a person doesn't cheat steal or murder, then why should they be worried about being taken up into the air or surviving armageddon.

    Think about it, who's being Judgemental? You have your ideas. I have my Faith.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    Think about it, who's being Judgemental? You have your ideas. I have my Faith

    Good, I'm very happy for you. I hope you and your faith live a long heathy life.

    It's christians like you who took away my faith.

  • SexKitten
    Good, I'm very happy for you. I hope you and your faith live a long heathy life

    THANKYOU, and I hope you do to. You seem like a very nice person, except you seem to be really hurting deep down. I'll add you to my prayer list.


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