Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of

by AndersonsInfo 51 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    Announcement from SPAIN:

    On Monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in Spain Watchtower, digital edition Monday, Tuesday print edition.

    Greetings to all. Please maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online early in the morning of Monday 26, in the online edition.


    El próximo lunes día 26 de septriembre, publicará en su edición digital el primer caso denunciado publicamente de abuso de menores en España y de acoso de la Watchtower, lunes edición digital, martes edición impresa.

    Saludos a todos. Rogamos la máxima difusión del enlace, estará en la red a primera hora de la mañana del lunes 26, en la edición digital.


    I just received this news through email. If you are a Spanish poster here on JWN, please try to access this story on Monday and post it. It would be wonderful if the article was translated into English for us. Thanx.

  • wifibandit

    We will be ALL OVER this story.

    Thank you for sharing.

    This following Monday, 26th of September, will publish in its online edition, the first publicly reported case of child abuse in Spain and harassment by Watchtower. Digital edition Monday, Tuesday print edition.

    Greetings to all. We ask for the maximum dissemination of the link, it will be online first thing in the morning Monday 26, in the online edition.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    We will be ALL OVER this story.

    Looking forward to it!

  • biblexaminer

    It's good to see that there are countries where they view child rape as a crime.

    In Canada, our officials don't seem to feel raping a child is such a bad thing.

    No, in fact, it's obviously not on the scale of, say ... stealing a car.

    Raping a child, well that's just all in fun, here in Canada. But taking a neighbor's 1998 Toyota Corolla for a spin without his permission, well that is "grand theft auto" and punishable by imprisonment!

    And if you knew that somebody stole a car and you covered up that crime for religious reasons or otherwise, they you too must pay a heavy price with the Law.

    But child rape in Canada, well not so much. In fact, you can cover that up with lies and the Law won't touch you.

    Maybe our elected officials have their own ideas about touching children. Maybe they are fantasizing about sex with children's???

    I cannot think of another reason why they wouldn't take issue with a religion actively teaching that it is alright to practice and advocate the concealing of child rape.

  • wifibandit
    6 a.m. in Madrid and nothing yet. I'll check back in a few hours.
  • TheOldHippie

    Nothing there. But two important local elections were held yesterday, and they have much to say for the formation of a government in this country which now soon has been without a government for one whole year. So I guess that is wieved as slightly more important ............

  • darkspilver

    Hi AndersonsInfo

    it will be online early in the morning of Monday 26, in the online edition.


    anyone found it on their website yet?

    it's now 2.30pm in the afternoon in Spain....

    where did this 'announcement' about the article come from?

    the elections would have been known about, so would have been slotted into the news cycle?

    or may be they are burying the article under the elections??

  • Vidiot

    Spain's entering the fray?

    Jeezus, how many countries is this, now?

  • AndersonsInfo

    I received the following message from Spain this morning:

    hoy daremos link de la serie de artículos sobre abusos sexuales de menores en España, denuncia ante la policia y mucho, mucho asín por el estilo

    Google translated: Today we will link the series of articles on sexual abuse of minors in Spain, complaint with the police and much, much as ín like that

  • darkspilver

    This has just been upload this evening (9.07pm Spanish time) - but this doesn't look like the article that Andresoninfo was saying it would be?? Confused

    It does seem to related to this thread though....

    "Los Testigos de Jehová me quieren juzgar por adulterio"

    Un exmiembro denuncia a la organización religiosa por acoso y por citarle a un juicio interno

    Miguel García sospecha que la confesión le persigue en el fondo porque tiene una relación homosexual

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