Announcement from SPAIN: On Monday, the 26th online in the a.m. in the online edition of

by AndersonsInfo 51 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Hecce

    I think that this is the one:


    LUNES, 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2016 - 22:54 CEST

    Miguel García nació siendo un testigo de Jehová. Dejó de serlo al cumplir los 38 años. O quiso dejar de serlo. Ahora tiene 43 y ha acudido a los Mossos para denunciar el acoso que ha padecido desde que tomó la decisión de abandonar esta confesión cristiana. En esta querella ha revelado otra cosa: que sufrió repetidos abusos sexuales por parte de un miembro de esta comunidad.

    Asegura que sucedieron cuando tenía 16 años, sobre 1990. Entonces pertenecía a una congregación de habla hispana que este credo tiene en Bruselas (Bélgica). El agresor era un hombre que mantenía "una buena relación" con su familia y con el que era "normal" que se quedara "a solas". "Me hizo de todo, pero no hubo penetración", ha explicado durante su entrevista con EL PERIÓDICO. A los 19 años, ya en España, relató a los ancianos de una congregación deCastellar del Vallès lo que había vivido. "Organizaron unaaudiencia judicial" y los tres ancianos le conminaron a dar "todos los detalles".

    Al acabar, le prometieron que recibiría “apoyo espiritual” pero le pidieron que no lo denunciara, a pesar de que asegua que había dejado claro que existían más víctimas del mismo agresor sexual. “No traigamos oprobio a nuestra comunidad”, fueron las palabras que escuchó en 1993.

    "No traigamos oprobio a nuestra comunidad",cuenta García que le dijeron cuando reveló los abusos sexuales

    García está convencido de que los ancianos anotaron toda la información que facilitó en aquella sesión -sus datos personales, los del presunto pederasta y los abusos sexuales- y la introdujeron en un sobre. “Guardaron el original en el archivo de la congregación y mandaron una copia a la sede central de Madrid”, mantiene. También ha detallado a los Mossos que existen más informes como el suyo en otras congregaciones españolas que tampoco se han denunciado.


    Aníbal Matos, portavoz de los Testigos de Jehová en España -una entidad con 8,5 millones de devotos en todo el mundo, 115.000 en España y 32.000 solo en Catalunya-, ha negado tajantementeque esta comunidad haya autogestionado los casos de abusos sexuales que se hayan podido producir en el interior de esta organización religiosa.

    “Los testigos respetamos la ley y en ningún momento hemos encubierto un abuso sexual a un menor ni amparado a ningún pederasta”, ha señalado. Matos también ha desmentido la existencia de un supuesto archivo que almacena los hipotéticos casos de pederastia. “No existe porque iría en contra de la ley de protección de datos de carácter personal”, ha remarcado.

    El portavoz, que sí ha admitido la existencia de audiencias judiciales protagonizadas por tres ancianos de cada congregación (aunque ha remarcado que solo están para dar “orientación bíblica” a aquellos que la necesitan), ha querido remarcar que en ningún caso la acción de un tribunal interno “excluye” la acción de la justicia ordinaria. Deberían ser los propios ancianos “los que dieran el paso” de informar a las autoridades ante cada caso.


    Miguel García, durante su entrevista con este diario, ha aportado un supuesto documento interno que según él fue emitido desde la sede nacional de los Testigos de Jehová en Madrid y que está fechado el 1 de agosto del 2016. El "asunto" que trata es la "protección de menores contra el abuso”.

    El punto 20 de este documento, dirigido a los ancianos de cada congregación, dice que “los documentos relacionados con personas sobre las cuales pesa una acusación de abusos sexuales de menores (...) deben guardarse en un sobre con su nombre y con la anotación 'No destruir'. El sobre se conservará indefinidamente en el archivo confidencial de la congregación”.

  • sp74bb

    Exact. Both articles are correct.

    Sadly, but I had to protect my right for honor and freedom. I'm trying to write now separate threads about the these ones.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Here's the email I received from Spain this afternoon and the link is the same as the one Darkspilver posted:

    se ruega la máxima difusión en todos los medios posibles, precisamos que tenga mucha audiencia en la red desde Estados Unidos y otros países.

    I Google translated the article and it mentions child abuse and harassment, but mainly the article is about disfellowshipping someone who left the religion five-years ago and is being accused by a judicial committee of adultery:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses want to judge me for adultery"

    Monday, September 26, 2016 - 22:15 IST

    "We get in touch with you (...) because he has had sex outside marriage. For this reason we quote him for a court hearing, it is our theocratic responsibility. " With these words begins the letter that the French Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Cardedeu sent this man of 43 years ceased to be a member of this community "about five years".

    This document, which confirms the existence of parallel trials devotees of confession is "strange," said Miguel Garcia, for the book "Shepherd the Flock '-of exclusively for elders who lead the congregaciones- detailing how to form a "judicial committee" and clarifies that it must "cited the defendant orally". It adds that if "a journalist or a lawyer" question from these lawsuits should not "provide any information or confirm their existence."


    This newspaper has contacted one of the three elders who have cited Miguel Garcia for trial on Monday 26 September. As dictated by the book entry, the old man has denied most. "First news," he responded. After learning that appear with your name signing the letter of invitation, he acknowledged that the trial did exist. This session was to be held at the Kingdom Hall of Cardedeu His local- because it is a "theocratic framework" that "instills greater respect in the present."

    "Failure" of the three elders, according to the text, has for the accused "lasting and large-scale consequences." Offenses included in such serious Criminal Code as murder, rape and sexual abuse of minors or made even punishable as smoking or getting drunk deserve the celebration of these judgments.

    Miguel Garcia was separated from his wife to leave confession and four years later formally divorced. To "liberate" his wife, he wrote a letter in which he explained that he had a new relationship. Thus, she could get the "biblical divorce" and remarrying. Garcia suspected that currently have a homosexual relationship has motivated the background is called court hearing for adultery. It is, says Garcia, a "homophobic" community, and as proof refers to an internal video


    Legal sources emphasize that holding such parallel to the existing legislation has "no validity" judgments. And that would be something "punishable" if it were shown that there are constraints to force and comply undergo these punishments imposed. Usually, it is a public reprimand or expulsion directly confession. This second is traumatic when it suffers a member of a family of the same creed because thereafter should restrict the relationship with other relatives.

    In May 2014, the Minister of Justice of Finland, Anna-Maija Henriksson, warned that "no room" in the country "for two judicial systems". He did so after 18 former members of Jehovah's Witnesses denounced the existence of these judicial committees with the capacity to condemn the "ostracism" the accused.


    Miguel Garcia says that leaving the organization almost five years ago was "harassed" by his former teammate. "I ended up suffering an anxiety attack, I was admitted to the hospital and stood there. I had to ask the nurses not to let them in," he recalls. On April 19, 2014 sent them a burofax to require that law enforcement protection of personal data erase all information concerning him. They answered and said documents, they would stay with their data because he kept on file consisting as "baptized member."

    After receiving the summons for trial, he has reported to the Mossos to Jehovah's Witnesses harassment, for refusing to delete personal data and cover up sexual abuse he suffered in a congregation of Belgium, and has taken legal action for moral damages.

    Aníbal Matos, a spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses, admitted the existence of these judicial committees but said that "not mandatory" nor "punishments are imposed." It is only interventions to "give biblical guidance" to members of a congregation.

  • Hecce

    Google translate


    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 - 22:54 IST

    Miguel Garcia was born a Jehovah's Witness. It ceased to be when they turn 38 years. Or would stop being so. Now 43 and has gone to the Mossos to report harassment that has suffered since taking the decision to abandon this Christian confession. In this complaint he has revealed something else: he suffered repeated sexual abuse by a member of this community.

    Ensures that happened when I was 16, about 1990. Then belonged to a Spanish-speaking congregation that this creed is in Brussels (Belgium). The assailant was a man who kept "a good relationship" with his family and which was "normal" to stay "alone". "I did everything, but there was no penetration," he explained during his interview with the newspaper. At 19, already in Spain, he told the elders of a congregation of Castellar del Vallès he had lived. "They organized a hearing" and the three elders urged him to give "full details".

    At the end, he was promised he would receive "spiritual support" but asked him not to file charges, although asegua I made it clear that there were more victims of the same sex offender. "Do not let us bring disgrace to our community," were the words he heard in 1993.

    "Do not let us bring disgrace to our community," she says Garcia told him when he revealed sexual abuse

    Garcia is convinced that the elderly noted all the information provided at that session-their personal data, the alleged pederast and sexual-abuse and introduced in an envelope. "They kept the original in the archives of the congregation and sent a copy to the headquarters in Madrid," he maintains. He also detailed the Mossos that there are more reports like yours in other Spanish congregations also have been reported.


    Aníbal Matos, a spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain-a company with 8.5 million devotees worldwide, 115,000 in Spain and 32,000 in Catalunya- only has adamantly denied that this community has self-managed cases of sexual abuse they have occurred within this religious organization.

    "Witnesses respect the law and we have never concealed sexual abuse of a minor or covered any pederast", he noted. Matos has also denied the existence of an alleged file that stores the hypothetical cases of child abuse. "There is no because it would go against the law of protection of personal data," he remarked.

    The spokesman, who has himself admitted the existence of court hearings staged by three elders of each congregation (although remarked that are only to give "biblical counseling" to those who need it) wanted to stress that in any case the action of a internal tribunal "excludes" the action of ordinary justice. Should be the elderly themselves "those who give way" to inform authorities before each case.


    Miguel Garcia, during his interview with this newspaper, has provided a supposed internal document which he said was issued from the national headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Madrid and that is dated August 1, 2016. The "matter" in question is "protection of children against abuse".

    Paragraph 20 of this document, addressed to the elders of each congregation, says "persons related documents on which weighs an allegation of sexual abuse of minors (...) should be stored in an envelope with your name and the annotation 'Do not destroy'. The envelope will be retained indefinitely in the confidential file of the congregation. "

  • darkspilver

    Abusos sexuales encubiertos

    El denunciante relata ante los Mossos que los Testigos de Jehová le conminaron a silenciar las agresiones que sufrió cuando era menor

  • AndersonsInfo
  • darkspilver

    From today's (27 September 2016) print edition of the Spanish language El Periódico - both the front page and the double page spread on pages 28 and 29

    This Spanish newspaper prints two editions - in Spanish and Catalan - seemingly with the exact same articles and layouts etc - according to Wikipedia it has a combined print circulation of both languages of around 125,000 making it the fifth biggest print circulation in Spain which has a population of around 46 million.

    (actually, that print circulation figure seems rather low for the 5th largest circulation?)

    The print edition includes a copy of the letter which you can read here:

  • darkspilver

    On Monday 26th septriembre, published in its online edition the first publicly reported case of child abuse and harassment in Spain Watchtower, digital edition Monday, Tuesday print edition.

    I'm afraid that, as nobody else has said it yet, I'm gonnna have to say it:

    After anticipation was built up for this story over the weekend with the above message, which was further heightened on the day by the 12 hour delay of it's online publication (as we searched the promised website throughout the day)...

    And although we all have the deepest respect and empathy for the participants in this deeply personal newspaper article...

    I think, if you are honest, the elephant in the room is that it's kinda not the article we were expecting.

    That's not to say, there isn't a story here, and it's good that it's being discussed here, just that it's a rather 'interesting' example of 'news management'.

    And, besides, maybe more is being released today??

  • darkspilver

    So, yes, there is a story, but there is a confusing timeline and a mix of incidents in the newspaper articles.

    • In 1990, while attending a Spanish-speaking congregation in Brussels, Belgium, Miguel Garcia - then aged 16 - alleges that he was sexually abused/attacked by a man 'A' (a brother in good standing in the congregation) ie it was NOT consensual and Miguel Garcia was an 'unwilling participant'.

    • Three years later in 1993, and now in Spain, Miguel Garcia - then aged 19 - approached the elders in his congregation regarding his allegation of sexual abuse/attack that took place in Belgium three years earlier and it seems that a Judicial Committee (three elders) was set up for the man 'A' (???) for which Miguel Garcia cooperated and gave details - apparently others had made similar allegations regarding the same man 'A'.

    • What was the outcome of that judicial hearing? If summary details where placed in a sealed envelope does that mean the man 'A' was reproved / disfellowshipped?

    • Miguel Garcia complains now (in the Sept 2016 article) that he was 'asked not to file charges in order to not disgrace the congregation.'

    • Following the 1990 to 1993 events, Miguel Garcia remained a JW in good standing.

    • After some years, and still as a JW, Miguel Garcia married his wife (a sister in the JW congregation) who continues to be a JW down to this day.

    • Around five years ago? They separated (not divorced, and not scriptural) and Miguel Garcia stopped attending meetings (faded - not DF or DA)

    • Around this time Miguel Garcia suffered from panic attack/s requiring attendance at hospital (when was this? how soon after he stopping associating with JWs?)

    • Miguel Garcia complains that because his JW friends where concerned for his safety/health they visited him in hospital which he did not want (confusing – it is likely that some people would complain if NO one at least turned up - natural human empathy etc)

    • In time, and over a number of years, due to inactivity in the JW congregation, Miguel Garcia was effectively no longer viewed as a JW.

    • Four years later Miguel Garcia and his wife legally divorced (when?? 2014? 2015?)

    • IMPORTANT - although not needed for the legal divorce, Miguel Garcia was happy (at the same time, when?) to effectively confess to adultery in order for his wife to have a scriptural divorce and to allow her to remarry (as per her continuing JW beliefs).

    • In April 2014 Miguel Garcia wrote to the congregation he was last associated with and requested the removal of all his records and data etc from JW files (wouldn't this effectively be a technical 'disassociation' - and shouldn't/couldn’t the congregation have pursued this as a DA at the time? – tricky thing is I don't think the elders can ask if you want to DA.

    • The JWs told him he was still viewed as a 'baptised member', and not ALL records could therefore be destroyed.

    • IMPORTANT - it seems that Miguel Garcia was asking for the destruction (scrubbing out of the record?) of the very basic summary details of his allegations of earlier sexual abuse/attack? Yet there was huge outcry here when it was (mistakeningly) thought that the JWs were destroying these summary records anyway? Do you support the destruction of these (summary) sexual abuse/attack records?

    • Miguel Garcia is complaining now (in the Sept 2016 article) that some information on him was apparently not destroyed – again, it seems he wanted to remove (withdraw?) from the record his allegations of sexual abuse/attack.

    • Although no longer associating, or viewed by the congregation or the public in general, as being a JW, for around five years now - the congregation elders now wish to pursue a judicial committee.

    • QUESTION: Wouldn't Miguel Garcia's earlier 'confession' have been enough to trigger the Judicial? - no need for a preliminary meeting to confirm need for Judicial? Also, could that confession - which would have needed to be signed or at least verbally stated in front of two witnesses - have been enough anyway to DF Miguel Garcia even ‘in absentia’ – that is IF the JW elders had really wanted too at that time? Indeed, could Miguel Garcia's evident (non) action regarding JW scriptural things be sufficient to indicate a lack of repentance from a JW view point?

    • Miguel Garcia is complaining (in the Sept 2016 article) that the JW congregation are only now pursing the Judicial Committee due to them believing he has committed (homosexual) adultery rather than (heterosexual) adultery - ie: he is complaining that if the JW elders believed he had committed (heterosexual) adultery, they would NOT being pursing the Judicial Committee with him.

    • Sidenote - I believe the letter inviting him to the Judicial is in order (if they had not been able to contact Miguel Garcia in person or verbally), but it is a 'last resort' method, though it should NOT have listed the reason why, that should have been given to him verbally. Miguel Garcia isn't denying the allegation of adultery (as per above comments - allowing wife a scriptural divorce), and it's likely that members in his wife's congregation know too if she continued in good standing throughout and is now free to date/remarry, and Miguel Garcia has himself chosen to go public with the letter.

    • Sidenote 2 - Must say, I'm kinda disappointed that, after the build-up of this article in this English language forum, we seem to have only been provided with an automated 'google translation' of the articles and not a 'human' one - also disappointed that there seems to be no translated transcripts of the two videos either yet - c'est la vie

    Does anybody have any corrections and/or clarifications on the above? Please?

  • Hecce

    One observation, the individuals involved in this case are not professionals. They are common people doing the best that they can to shine light on the WT conduct. The press will present facts on the manner that they think will sell more papers, they are not going to publish a transcript word by word of their conversations with Mr. Garcia.

    Please keep in mind that this is a situation that has been developing for years, like the matter of the records removal was something triggered by Spanish Law and not related to the actual situation.

    In the end I support these people and I am happy that they broke thru the "Maginot Line".

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