Son Graduating end of May but...

by SheilaM 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    My son will be graduating May 29 then leaving for bootcamp the 11 or so of June.

    I find it so sad that most of the people I sent invitations to weren't family ( I have no dub family and most of Thunder's is out too) I didn't bother sending my Dad an invitation since he has gone to NONE of his granchildren's graduation, (oooh don't get me going on him ) I am going to be very upset if my sister doesn't come she has done everything for Melanie but Anthony has always been left out. So the people that we invited were older couples that we have met on vacations and such, now isn't that sad. I invited Thunders sisters and brother but as I said his Father couldn't even say anything nice about his novel so I wouldn't bother sending an invitations they sent Melanie a youth book for hersas if we hadn't had one and thrown it away LOL

    (sorry but had to vent)

    Edited: to vent properly

  • SheilaM

    OK I was venting but would like some feedback

  • Joyzabel


  • Joyzabel

    " I didn't bother sending him " who is "him"? That is what I don't understand.

    I'm happy for your son's graduation. It is intersting to see that he has plans after school already.

    As far as "him" goes, yes it is terrible that one child is adored and the other ignored. But that's human failings and I'm sure there are more things wrong with that person and the family dynamics that you can't go into.

    ((((((((((ShielaM)))))))))))) just cause you need a hug.


  • SheilaM

    Thanks JOY.......Hugs needed

  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    ((((((((Sheila))))))))))))) it's so hard not to have normal family, or hell, even a regular 'disfunctional' family that is willing to at least be there for major life events...graduation, marriage, birth of babies, funerals..the events that landmark the changes in our lives.

    I wish i had something constructive to offer in the form of advice, but all i can offer is my understanding and also the company that misery usually loves. i'm going through a family wedding this next week that is just minutes from my home, but that i'm not welcome at, and even though i knew it was coming, it still hurts. a lot. i can understand your pain!

    (((((((((((Sheila))))))))))))) more hugs,


  • SheilaM

    Ghost of E: I'm so sorry about the wedding, believe me I know how you feel. I think my sister may treat my daughter better because my nephew has always been in trouble, drugs etc. great heart but Trouble with a capital T. and Anthony has never been in trouble which I think would make her happy and sometimes I wonder whay I don't want to make any effort in friendship etc. and then it hits me sometimes people just suckThanks so much

  • nightwarrior

    (((((((((((((hugs and hugs))))))))))))))) Sometimes just a hug and a smile helps you cope. I know that It always helps me. Keep going girl.... Mrs Nightwarrior (cath in the uk)

  • Gopher


    Have you invited any number of your son's classmates? If there were a number of people his age there, it would feel more normal to him. (Sorry if you already thought of this -- but I sometimes have a "firm grasp on the obvious".)

  • 95stormfront
    they sent Melanie a youth book for hersas if we hadn't had one and thrown it away LOL

    what the hell is it with JWs who equate a gift with those useless rag magazines and books.....

    NObody but them care about any of the WT psychobable contained in them anyway

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