Do You Feel That You Were Brainwashed Into Becoming A JW?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phil


    Now that you brought up the subject,

    What the hell does the Republican party have to do with Jehovah's witness. You seem to be predisposed with politics. There is no fundamental difference between a far right Republican and a far left Democrat. Both being far out as fundamentalists, they serve no useful purpose in a society.

  • Phil

    What makes minimus a member of the"Emperor" class? What ever it is I certainly know I don't want to be there.

  • breal

    I believe timing and circumstance have a lot to do with it...

    It is misleading though as they claim it is voluntary....if so why can one not leave voluntarily?

  • minimus

    Since Democrats are not usually conservative but more liberal, I mentioned Republicans, especially in my mind, ultra-conservatives, as being similar to JW's in their hardline views that are expressed from the party head to the right-wing followers. Many would not consider such a political party as either being a cult or brainwashed, yet they adhere to their beliefs in the same way as die-hard Jehovah's witnesses do........btw, I've never voted, but if I belonged to a political party, it would be the Republican one.

  • anti-absolutist

    Good question minimus....... FINALLY!!!!! lol

    From reading all the other posts it seems as though most people here would try to avoid using the term "brainwashed" when discussing this exact topic with JW's. I know for a certainty that I do!!!

    What does this suggest to me? The problem lies not in the fact that a simple expression or word like "brainwashed" can actually do any harm to anyone. The very word though, would instill outright hostilty from any JW. Therein lies the answer to the question:

    DO YOU WANT TO KNOW IF A JW IS BRAINWASHED?...... JUST ASK HIM/HER. If he protests greatly at the very thought that you would suggest such a thing, then YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT HE IS BRAINWASHED!!!!!!


  • hoodwinked

    Yep! That "mental-regulating" is some powerful shite! I still feel like a dupe anyhow. Oh well... I am just glad I didn't waste too much of my life in that CULT!



  • minimus

    Just because you ask a person if they're brainwashed and they say "no", it doesn't mean their brainwashed. If they protest greatly at such a thing, it doesn't mean they're brainwashed, either. The WT.Society tells people that if they read "apostate" internet sites or books, that they will get brainwashed by Satan the Devil. That's not true, either........Do I think that JW's are brainwashed? I think so, based upon one dictionary's definition:"the subjection of a person to systematic indoctrination or mental pressure with a view to getting him to change his views". Still, I prefer to say that such a person is "mind controlled".

  • anti-absolutist


    You say mind-control, I say brainwashed. That's kind of like "you say potato (pronounced poh-taaaayyyy-toe) and I say potato (pronounced poh-taaahhhhh-toe)"..... you get the idea.

    The WT.Society tells people that if they read "apostate" internet sites or books, that they will get brainwashed by Satan the Devil. That's not true, either........

    It isn't true, you are right, but the fact that the witnesses believe it to be true, certainly is what convinces me and you both that they are mind-controlled/brainwashed doesn't it?

    Is that a better way of putting it for you?


  • Ravyn


    brain washed assumes there was something there that had to be washed away---so maybe the term is not accurate in my case. I was raised in it. but I was never once led to believe that there was any other choice. Even if I chose NOT to be a JW---then I chose to be nothing. Any other religion was all lumped into Satan's World. So the choice was Jehovah or Satan. No degrees of Satan. Which is exactly why upon leaving I went right to witchcraft---figure if I was going to be accused of it, then I better learn what it is and get good enough at it to scare off anyone who might come to call. So I did. But I have since intensely researched other religions--spanning the whole spectrum.


  • minimus

    Brad, I just wouldn't use your line of argument to prove that point to a Witness. Of course, if you tell a JW that you believe he's a brainwashed person, he will protest loudly. And if my mother tells me that I've become brainwashed against the "truth", I protest loudly, back.

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