CO just confirmed worldwide construction halt and possible JW.ORG news of it

by LevelThePlayingField 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Warwickslave
    They are stoping big projects London betel, Peru betel or any Assembly halls. They are not stoping KH building this information was giving to me from someone at the branch construction dept.
  • respectful_observer
    If they finished the projects and then said we will be focusing on preaching, that would not be objectionable.

    Soon you'll start hearing people say: "The Org stopping all this build is like Noah finally finishing construction on the Ark! Now all we have left to do is 'fill the Ark' by focusing on the preaching work! That's the only reason we still need to keep build Kingdom Halls -- that's how we 'fill the Ark!'"

  • cofty
    We are getting rid of our special pioneers because it's all about the preaching.
  • respectful_observer
    cofty12 minutes agoWe are getting rid of our special pioneers because it's all about the preaching.

    Bahaha!!! My favorite quote of the day!
  • Oubliette

    How in the world can you hide the sun with one finger?

    By closing your eyes.

  • defender of truth
  • StarTrekAngel

    Don't spread it. Wait until it comes out on JW news

    That is the line for "keep your shit to yourself". I seriously doubt they will ever announce such a thing officially. Unofficial rumors will be quashed in the same fashion as above. If the rumor grows too big to the point that they have to do damage control, they will spin it somehow.

    As it is, a JW broadcast was put together to clarify that even when the loans were forgiven, donations were still necessary, what do you think would happen if they officially announced the halting of construction?

  • Dunedain

    Well then WE have an obligation to put the word out. However, we, of course, dont want to put out false info either, because then this undermines anything we say. Its a tough position to be in, because the Borg will never admit whats really happening, and the information is hard for us to get to the bottom of.

    It would be great, if there was a letter, say that only CO's have gotten, that tells about the construction stoppages, and then we in turn got a copy of. Then we could show some JW's the letter, and be like, "look read this". Its just tough when nothing exists yet. However, putting together different letters, say from what the Special pioneers got, and what the Bethelites got, and maybe letters that some from the construction dept will get. Getting this info and posting it here, is key.

    We are perhaps, at the very edges tipping point, of the WTS, seriously undergoing a radical change. This can result in the waking up of many to TTATT, and the exposing what the GB, is REALLY doing with the money, and where they are concerning financialy, concerning child abuse, concerning if they are growing or crumbling.

  • Fisherman
    Since when when hasn't the main focus been of the "preaching work?"

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