Toxic Person?

by stuckinarut2 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stuckinarut2

    I read a fantastic quote that applies to the way the society treats those who choose to leave...:

    "When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try and control how others see you"

    Just wanted to share...

  • punkofnice

    I was listening to John Cleese talk about political correctness. Similar quote about when a person can't control their emotions, they try to control you.

    Too many toxic people surround us. I see the vitriol and brave confrontations on forums and such regularly. It seems people are quite brave hidden in anonymity, behind their keyboard. I imagine they'd be far more polite and reasonable face to face. A bit like rude drivers who will do all sorts on the road and then speed away once they've caused danger and offence. Get them face to face and they'd wee their pants.

    I do dislike this anonymous confrontation.

    The jobos have invented 'apostates(tm)' as just such an anonymous enemy. They spout vitriol and nonsense about 'apostates(tm)', but it's all fictional mumbo jumbo.

    The human race is full of flawed apes in suits. I do not claim to be any better.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    In all honesty, and with genuine respect for r & f J.W.'s (especially the numerous ones I've had as good friends) the org provided us with all the "answers" with which to convince others we had "the truth", while at the same time dictating that we don't "debate" with such people. In other words, learn things which question the org's dogmas) We weren't/aren't even allowed to research & discuss the org's doctrines independently of the org as a group of J.W.'s!!!!!! (September 2007 KM - Question Box)

    It's all about control - of your thinking, loyalty, obedience, and money.

    Demonstrate otherwise, and see how quickly the "love of the brotherhood" toward you ceases.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Fantastic quote. In my experience, so very, very true.

  • ToesUp

    I love that quote Stuck. Thank you

    This is exactly what is happening to my spouse and I right now by a wonderful family member.

  • Tallon
    When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try and control how others see you

    Never truer words written / spoken. Great quote; thanks for sharing.

  • Finkelstein

    When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try and control how others see you.

    That's quite true when it comes to JWS and how they handle people who leave JWS, some are the most two faced hypocrites as well, they throw condemnation onto people for their certain actions, not taking responsibility or blame for doing the exact same thing.

    There is constant endeavor by JWS and coreligionists alike to keep a white and pure character around themselves, and one way to do this is point out supposed faults of others.

  • snugglebunny

    I think this quote originates on a web article dealing with narcissists.

  • doubtfull1799

    Great quote. No doubt why the org tries to demonise apostates as "mentally diseased" and "wickedly deceptive"

  • rebel8

    It seems people are quite brave hidden in anonymity, behind their keyboard. I imagine they'd be far more polite and reasonable face to face.

    It's interesting you say that. When I left dubdumb, there was no Internet. There was a fad among the dubbies to write letters if you had trouble talking to a person. I got letters after leaving, which I refused to read. My mother asked me why and I told her it was not an assertive, grown up way to communicate. Also I didn't want to communicate with them, lol.

    I remember one person writing me a note who was a sincerely nice person--the exception.

    This other childish, self-centered douchebag bully was big into writing letters. I suspect she liked it because she felt she could always have the last word. I ripped hers up. Years later, I ran into her and told her off. (I am the opposite of the quote above--I am more polite if I can censor my thoughts by electronic means.)

    I think this quote originates on a web article dealing with narcissists.

    Probably and it's apropos. Narcissists are very emotionally immature and center their entire selves around themselves. It fits dubs very well.

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