Has the rebranding worked?

by MrTheocratic 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MrTheocratic

    It's been several years since the start of the rebranding of Jehovahs Witnesses. I believe it started with the website change. Ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction. In my opinion it is an attempt to paint the Titanic as it sinks.

    Though you have some who brag about jw.org and various video presentations at meetings and assembly's , I do not see the enthusiasm that was present in the late 80s early 90's. Maybe it's just my part of the world ( north east USA). But even friends I talk to from other areas have observed the same thing. Most go to meetings out of obligation and guilt, not because they want to be there. The congregations are full of problems, mostly caused by those who are supposed to be taking the lead. The pioneers are no source of encouragement but rather deter others from following their course because they serve with no joy. Come to think of it no one has joy when you look around at those inside the kingdom hall. One brother when visiting my hall said it was like a funeral.

    What do you guys think and see? Has the rebranding been a success or bust?

  • joe134cd

    Funnily enough. I was just talking to this jw today who sat down with my mother while she was having a break from the carts (I'm inactive). I questioned her about how successful the carts were. According to her she's never been busier and a hugh success. Jehovah is speeding things up in the time of the end.

  • Finkelstein

    According to her she's never been busier and a hugh success. Jehovah is speeding things up in the time of the end.

    JWS are known to pretentiously bullshit to show their own righteous vigor and steadfast devotion.

    What I've seen is that the Carts aren't doing much.

    My thinking is that people are intimidated to openly talk about religion in public.

  • berrygerry

    At a meeting 2 years ago was an interview part - one or two pioneers - brief bio - joy from being a pioneer, etc.

    Interviewee - intelligent (24 ?) male. Usual, pioneering is the life. Number of studies conducted? "Well, I haven't had that privilege yet, but I sure hope to soon."

    I felt so sorry for the guy. It was downright embarrassing. That was the best that they could do?

  • baker

    A bust, since they are downsizing


    Has the rebranding worked?

    In my opinion it is an attempt to paint the Titanic as it sinks.

    Rebranding has been an absolute success for Internal WBT$ Advertising..


    JW`s Love Any Crap The WBT$ Feeds Them..
    Image result for viagra smile

  • konceptual99

    Driving down the A316 past Twickenham the other evening and drove past a car with a big JW.ORG sign all over the back window. As outlaw says the internal rebrand is very successful...

  • scratchme1010

    What do you guys think and see? Has the rebranding been a success or bust?

    Neither. It's just a smoke cloud. The WT is no longer depending on their people nor in selling literature. They are now in the real estate business. They make money out of real estate, with gazillions of dollars given to them for free as a startup when all the KHs were turned over to them.

  • Rainbow_Troll

    I think "rebranding" is too strong a word. The Org definitely has a much stronger online presence than it did when I was in it and there are the cute little cartoons (I just loved the one about the classmate with two mommies) but it's essentially the same old shtick.

    The WTS has made no effort to appeal to a larger crowd. If they wanted to they could ease up on some of their more hairbrained rules (no blood, no college, no holidays) and start having charity drives like mainstream Christian churches. But they won't because the leadership is just too insular and out of touch with the rest of society.

  • stuckinarut2

    While the outward appearances may be more glittery, the substance is certainly lacking.

    Witnesses have no enthusiasm for activity now.

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