
by Darryl 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    So what would you have the WT do? Serena Williams is off the scale as far as a typical Witness goes. She can say what she likes and the WT can't do a thing about it. I'd be amazed if she's even associated with a congregation. When was the last time she attended a meeting? Can you even imagine the elders trying to speak with her, arrange a shepherding call, ask for her report?

    I'm no WT apologist but trying to use Serena Williams' hypocrisy as a stick to beat them with seems silly. I've never met a Witness who takes her seriously as a JW. Most just say Jehoober knows her heart and it's up to him.

  • Gargamel

    "Barrold, you can be DA'd if you are not baptised. I was never baptised and I was DA'd."

    I'm surprised to hear this as I thought disfellowshipping required a baptism. Also, I thought that disassociating was something that could only be carried out by the individual - and even then, only if they had been previously baptised. Maybe they've changed the rules yet again; it wouldn't be the first time in my 40+ years away.

  • konceptual99

    There is no rule change. The process around DA is clearly documented in the Organised book. It is an action taken by a baptised person. It's not initiated by the congregation. The list of "DA by actions" is clear and specific.

    I await JWDaughter's feedback on her specific circumstances but I suspect this is likely unilateral shunning by ones in the congregation in response to actions on the part of an individual.

    I know of cases where people take it upon themselves to brand someone as having DA'ed themselves by their actions (e.g. fading and then doing something "sinful") but that's the individual justifying their own self-righteousness with a mis-interpretation of procedure.

    I have no doubt there are cases of the mis-application of the process by Bodies of Elders as well but, again, this will be ones operating outside of the instructions.

    At the end of day it's all academic of course. If ones want to shun you for whatever silly reason they like then they will.

  • sir82

    The point is baptized or not baptized if the world identifies you as a JW then you have to walk the line.

    Says who?

    Barrold, you can be DA'd if you are not baptised. I was never baptised and I was DA'd.

    That is old, old school. Up thru the mid- or late-80's or so, you could be announced as "no longer an approved associate" even if not baptized. But for at least the past 25 years, in order to be officially shunned, you have to have been baptized.

  • ToesUp

    Membership has it's privileges! Follow the money!

    Prince received a big fat JW send off, yet he obviously had a problem with prescription meds. He died of a drug overdose. I would get df'd for smoking a cigarette. Make sense? No. It's what happens when mere men are put in the judges seat.

    Gulp down the camel yet strain out the knat.

  • blondie

    Yes, unbaptized publishers stopped be treated as disfellowshipped in 1988. My cousin was in that status before 1988 and we were told not to talk to him and in 1988 suddenly we could again. It's like you can't get divorced if you haven't been married that individual.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Darryl, what is WT supposed to do?

    They can't be disfellowshipped or disassociated in absentia. They weren't even unbaptized publishers as far as I'm aware, so they can't be removed as one.

    What can WT do?

  • Darryl

    If you are an unbaptized publisher and go in service every week are you allowed to do whatever you please as long as you don't get baptized? Can you run for political office and still comment at the meetings and still go out in service? Wouldn't the society distance themselves from you if you are doing things contrary to their beliefs. Identifying yourself as a JW makes you in all intents and purposes a JW. The world doesn't give a rat's you know what if she goes to meetings turns in time or has been baptized. Also how does everyone know for sure she's never been baptized. But anyway the world views her as a JW because she says she is. Now I'm not talking about her personal life whatever she does in private is her own business all I'm talking about is her competing in the Olympics waving the flag on the medal stand, national anthem in direct opposition to one of the JWs core principals. So if you're in service and you say we as JWs are neutral we don't show any allegiance to any country Just the kingdom we don't vote. The hh says what about Serena I saw her just win gold for the US and wave the flag. Oh she doesn't count even though she says she's jw she never goes to meetings and she's never been baptized. Even though we have no way of knowing if either statement is true

  • sir82

    If you are an unbaptized publisher and go in service every week

    Does Serena "go in service every week"?

    Wouldn't the society distance themselves from you if you are doing things contrary to their beliefs

    The Society doesn't know about, nor care about, nor comment about, what happens in local congregations.

  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman

    Hello? #1 All the things you are talking about are matters of conscience, i.e., playing sports, going to the Olympics, etc. Sometimes people get confused as to what is strongly suggested verses what is a hard and fast rule.

    #2, there are many people nowadays who identify themselves with JW's who are not baptized JW's like actor Terrence Howard. If people mistakenly think he's an active witness or the Williams sisters are nobody is keeping tabs and they don't have to "walk the walk."

    Singer Patti Smith was brought up a JW, her sister still is, and she has a lot of nice things to say about JW's in her old age, but she doesn't have to do anything because she may like the witnesses or associates with some of them. That whole idea is kind of silly.

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