has anyone here been rebaptized after leaving wts?

by nowisee 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowisee

    what factors went into your decision?

    if you have found new faith and not been rebaptized, why not?

  • mouthy

    I posted this before but it didnt go through-I did get baptised after the JW -1989-(got kicked out of the JW 1987) -I gave my testimony over radio -then got dunked -Why???? I realised Jesus was no Angel called Micheal -He is King of Kings,Lord of Lords, Savior, God, Redeemer, Judge I could go on & on but some on here will pelt me- I dont have to suffer persecution anymore -like I did for the Borg.... So keep the rocks loves -I will stand on MY ROCK------ Jesus

  • DJ

    Hi nowisee!!

    Yes, I was baptized in 99. My husband and I were actually dunked together. We just desired to show publically our profession of faith in Christ's sacrifice alone for our salvation. We were both sprinkled as babies in Catholic churches but we didn't remember it. Then the watchtower fed us lies.......when we discovered the Truth was Jesus and not in some building, we were so excited that we practically lept for joy. It seemed only natural to be baptized into his burial. The whole' to immerse' or' not to immerse' controversy in my opinion is murky because I know many people who have not been immersed that seem to have the love of Christ and the holy spirit within them. Love to you, dj

  • nowisee

    thank you mouthy & dj. your reasoning makes sense to me.

    the pastor of the church i attend says there is no need for me to be rebaptized as long i was baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. well i was baptized by jws in l959, long before baptismal vows were changed, but somehow i don't think i was truly baptized in the true Christian sense. as you can see this is on my mind......

    mouthy, it is nice that you responded to me. little by little i will learn your story.

    dj, what can i say? thanks as always for your input.....and by the way, what are you doing here?? (not a complaint - glad that you are).

  • Dawn

    nowise - if you really feel that you want to be rebaptised then by all means do that.

    I was rebaptised 2 years ago. I was baptised as a JW back in the late 70's, but I was really young and I felt that not only did I not understand what baptism REALLY meant (ie: a declaration of your acceptance of Jesus as your savior) - but I wasn't even sure what I was baptised to - I didn't know if it was the father, son & holy spirit or what. So I just felt like taking the plung - and I'm glad I did.

  • DJ

    Thanks nowisee.......I'm going....check your personal messages later. I have to take my kids to the store but I will answer tonight. Love you, dj

    p.s. Mouthy goes to the PA convention every year from Canada. Isn't she a doll?

  • JeffT

    I have not felt the need to be rebaptized for a couple of reasons. Before I even started studying with the witnesses I had made a personal confession of Jesus as my savior. I regard my baptism (even though it was in the Borg) to be my public profession of that faith. If I had been baptized under the new rules, I might rethink that. In 1989 I did rededicate myself to Jesus at an Easter service at our church.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Mouthy,

    Although I am a down-in-the-dirt atheist, I am quite fond of you and have no rocks to hurl in your direction.

  • gumby

    I attended the Grace Baptist church for years after exiting and decided to get re-baptised as I believed.....at the time of my second baptism.....that I had never known what salvation was all about and whom it was in. I reasoned I had been baptised on the premise as a witness would believe, and I didn't like it.

    3 others were baptised that had been witnesses along with me, and before the baptisms, we each got to give our story and testimony. The pastor of the church said that was the most touching moment in all the years of his pastoring.


  • Ravyn

    as far as i know JWs have never baptized anyone in the 'spirit' of the Trinity which is what 'in the name of the Father, Son and holy Spirit" means. So I think you may need to be baptized again, but realize this is not a RE-baptism but a baptism for the first time since JWs do it wrong in the first place. (Even if they used the words back in 1959--they did not mean it the way it was supposed to be meant.)


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