Evil quotes from a JW site

by Nordic 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Nordic

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    Fra: Finnish_Tenor (Oprindelig meddelelse)Sendt: 16-12-2002 15:50
    Last Thursday, the Finnish National Broadcasting Company aired the infamous Panorama show by the BBC about alleged covering of paedophiliacs in our organisation. As it happens, we had our Circuit Assembly last weekend and our D.O. encouraged us and assured us that the programme and its allegations are essentially nothing to worry about. We have also a letter to the bodies of elders from our Branch, which we are reading to the Congregation next Thursday. This should calm and comfort the Brothers - it seems that some, especially some Sisters, are a bit concerned about the programme and its lies. It is wonderful how our Organisation has already taken measures to provide us with facts that help us see over the lies and remain faithful and loyal to Jehovah despite Satan's efforts to shatter our confidence in Him. However, I would like to hear how similar situations have been handled in other countries where the programme has been on air. In Britain, for instance, rumour has it that special meetings were held in which the programme and questions it might raise were discussed. The fact is, this problem is virtually non-existent in Finland. Cases are extremely rare. But some brothers are wondering. And prominent Apostates are very excited and active indeed. So I would like to hear any facts concerning these things that might not have been mentioned in the rather short letter from our Branch. What really is known about the persons presenting allegations and Mr Bowen. How long has he been an apostate etc. Anything to help our brothers cope with this situation. Dylan

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    Fra: kathy2Sendt: 27-01-2003 22:32
    This issue was raised in the UK sometime back last year. Sorry I can't remember the exact date. For some of us it did come across as quite shocking until we took stock of the wording in the programme. Firstly, there was a constant reference to church rather than Kingdom Hall. This made us realise that the people involved had very little understanding about Jehovah's Witnesses. Also following the programme there was a live debate. The main character who was doing the accusing stated that he had been an elder who no longer associated with the brothers and questioned some of what were refered to as doctrines. It came out that he was disfellowshipped. I think that finally put everything into perspective. Satan will use any means to attack Jehovah's people and as child abuse is such an emotive issue, particulaly within religious circles (catholicism), the use of the national and international media to portray Jehovah's Witnesses as evil was easy for Satan to do. The next day on the ministry, some of us expected opposition, but actually it was the reverse. It was as if Jehovah was shielding us. Most people were polite and friendly. "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection" (Proverbs 18:10)

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    Fra: stumblebumkinSendt: 28-01-2003 22:42
    I hestitated to comment on this subject because it is so controversial. In a local congregation where I have relatives a situation arose of child molestation by a young brother in the congregation. The elders applied all the Society's suggestions on how to handle it & relied heavily on Jehovah's direction. It was a most trying time for them. The brother was disfellowshipped & was charged for his crime. He was found guilty. The local newspaper did report on it, however, the reporter made it clear that the elders cooperated very much with the police & the wrongdoer was removed from the congregation. So although the brothers & sisters were concerned how the situation would reflect on Jehovah it actually served as a witness to the community that we do not allow people who harm children to remain among us if they are not repentent. How wonderful it will be in the new world when such horrors do not exist.

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    Fra: matchestik2000Sendt: 07-02-2003 00:38
    When all this was happening with the Catholic church we were all worried here about it since people have been killed for this sort of thing, but when we went in to ministry after the broadcast, either noone mentioned it, and noone cared when asked, most would say, Jehovahs dont have time for that sort of thing, and 'i cant see any witnesses being that way'....so its like Jehovah blinded their eyes so these lies would effect them and our ministry. Comforting scripture, trust in jehovah in all your ways and he will makes your paths straight:). I was however very saddened to see a former sister carring on so foolishly. And even a former elder. i guess there will be those who must be weeded out sometimes. Jehovahs sifting for fine gems not shoddy fools gold. With love from the islands, Matt

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    Fra: joebazotsSendt: 08-02-2003 00:07
    I know of the program of which you speak. It is sad that these things take place. Whether anyone wants to acknowlege it or not, these things do happen...and at times, things can be handled in a way that is less than optimum. Believe me, I know. I have posted on the despite hardship board about what my family is currently undergoing. For the ones who do these things, God's spirit is definitely not upon them and they will reap what they have sown, one way or another. It is counterproductive to steep ones self in hate, even in the most trying of circumstances, but what goes around comes around...usually 10 fold. Please, I am not excusing any of these ones, but one must remember that when the innocence of childhood is stolen, it is a hard thing psychologically, physically, and spiritually. I am by no means making excuses, but one must realize that this organization is made of imperfect people and that sometimes there may be greivous errors made. Let us hope that all involved can realize the adjustments that they must make. Joe

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    Fra: jazzygirlSendt: 11-02-2003 05:04
    I remember when this program aired in the US last year. I went to the official WT site and they had the entire interview there. The news reporter did not use the entire interview. I was very disappointed because it was a reputable program and yet they only used what they wanted to for their program. Had they used the whole interview the audiences would have seen that Jehovah's organization does not cover up this type of thing.

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    Fra: Sally SmithersSendt: 12-02-2003 20:59
    I must admit to being very disturbed when the Panarama program was aired in Britain. I was worried about what people would say to us in the ministry. I need not have worried, because no one said a word about it. It seemed to upset the brothers and sisters far more than anyone we met out there in the preaching work. We even heard that some fell away from the truth because of it. We have to remember though that Jehovah allowed that program to be showed to the nations and he must have had a reason for that. Perhap's the congregations of Jehovah's trusting people have been a haven for some who wished to pray on innocent children. But I feel very certain that we are all on our gaurd more than ever now, as to who we leave in charge of our children. And those who should not be with us will now leave.

    0 anbefalinger Meddelelse 8 af 10 i diskussionen
    Sendt: 16-04-2003 22:14
    Meddelelsen er blevet slettet af forfatteren.

    Meddelelse 9 af 10 i diskussionen
    Fra: debreynaSendt: 16-04-2003 23:17
    Reading this reminded me of our Watchtower study this past Sunday. How we don't let negative media effect our relationship with Jehovah Just keep progressing. I am so glad the society does take the time to warn us and prepare us to be strong in faith in Jehovah.

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    Fra: PhiloSendt: 19-04-2003 13:21
    Excellent comments sister.

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  • be wise
    be wise

    All this said they don't say they are going to change a single thing in there policy, so nothings changed, only that parents should keep an eye on their children - don't you think they do this already ?

  • Pistoff

    It turns my stomach to read this; one of the posters feels better because Bowen is df'd? He was NOT df'd when the program ran; that is the whole point-he was df'g FOR the program, you idiot! NO discussion of whether the allegations are true, only if the public was aware, or the rank and file were upset, or that the people involved are "former" brothers and sisters. If ANY witness went through what Barb Anderson did, or Bill Bowen, they too would be "former" witnesses. THINK: they saw first hand how the policy was handled; how did they react? It pushed them out of their lifelong association, where their friends and family are; does anyone do that on a whim? What are the witnesses thinking???? "I gots my mind made up; don't confuse me with facts"

  • xjw_b12

    Isn't that touching. All of that concern for jehovah, his name, and of course his organization.

    Who cares about the victims! Well they must be as evil as the media. Shame on them.

    xjw_b12 " Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know "

  • Elsewhere

    Amazing how they keep referring to "Jehovah's Organization" over and over as a central theme... yet they will deny over and over that they are a cult.

  • be wise
    be wise

    [After reading the rest of these JW's posts, all I can say is,]


    be wise.

  • Latte

    Sigh...this is just what i would of said in the past.....

    Reading this reminded me of our Watchtower study this past Sunday. How we don't let negative media effect our relationship with Jehovah Just keep progressing. I am so glad the society does take the time to warn us and prepare us to be strong in faith in Jehovah.

    ...yes - the past....

  • Francois

    Notice how the discovery that the chief accuser was DFed "put the whole thing in perspective." That is nauseating. I'm so glad I cut the cord to those evil bastards long ago I could just wet my pants.


  • Swan
    Firstly, there was a constant reference to church rather than Kingdom Hall. This made us realise that the people involved had very little understanding about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    So let this be a notice to all abuse victims and news media; Be sure you use the correct terminology. If you don't, then the JWs don't have to give your accusations any credence.

    Satan will use any means to attack Jehovah's people and as child abuse is such an emotive issue, particulaly within religious circles (catholicism), the use of the national and international media to portray Jehovah's Witnesses as evil was easy for Satan to do.

    So this is Satan's and the Catholic's fault that this happened! It's a current worldly fad to expose child molesters being protected by church Kingdom Hall policy. If it wasn't a hot issue right now, they wouldn't be in the limelight, and the molestors could go right on doing what their doing.

    This just makes me sick.


  • TresHappy

    Can you spell brainwashed? And to believe, I used to think such things!

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