A series of Animal Rights questions

by zucker 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    A stupid trend that I have noticed at the health food stores is vegetarian cat food. This is so stupid, I have a hard time believing that it is allowed to be on the shelves. Cats are carnivores and must have meat. To deny your kitty meat, in order to force it to comply with some sentimental human philosophy, is also animal abuse because the cat is slowly being starved to death.

    Robyn, I can't stop giggling. That's hilarious. Vegetarian cat food is funny in and of itself, and trying to imagine some pinhead PETA freak nodding smugly to themselves while loading up on it to feed their feline friend is enough to make me wet myself.

    Vegetarian/Animal Rights fanatics are just like the members of other extremist groups out there. Almost always ridiculously pompous, sanctimonious, illogically passionate, and small-minded to the extreme. And so, apparently, are their cats.

  • ThiChi

    Don’t worry: The prediction from the founder of "Burning Man," (Burningman.com) is that within ten generations, we will all be gay vegetarians anyway....lol

  • Robdar

    Robyn, I can't stop giggling. That's hilarious. Vegetarian cat food is funny in and of itself,

    Sara Annie,

    I agree. Feeding cats vegan cat food is so awful, it borders on insanity....

    trying to imagine some pinhead PETA freak nodding smugly to themselves while loading up on it to feed their feline friend is enough to make me wet myself.

    LOL....Your remarks have me lauging so hard, I am about to wet myself too!

    *takes Sara Annie's hand and they skip off to the ladies room*


  • teenyuck

    Hi Empress Robyn!!

    I agree with everything. My neighbor is a vegan...kinda. She likes cheese and other dairy and has no problem wearing leather or laying on it (leather sofa). I don't get it. Why bother going half way? Oh, I know, it is alot easier to only be *kinda* vegan...when it does not mean wearing vinyl..

    I am a firm believer we have to eat meat. My cats do also.

    I also have driven by the slaughter houses throughout Kansas and let me tell you, nothing smells worse.

    OTOH, I too am looking for *free range* products. There has been much in the news on how animals are kept for fattening up. Very sad. However, a good steak might come from Kansas. They have huge grazing pastures and during certain times a year, you can see steers for miles. The grass is very healthy and the cows run wild. PR_Capone would know the name of the prairie where they graze.

  • ballistic

    The cat food thing... Well, I feel sorry for the cat and it does seem crazy, but feeding it meat would make the owner seem hypocritical and the other option - leave the cat to fend for itself in the wild - would actually cause it to hunt down and eat meat. I'm thinking about the dilema this puts the vegan cat owner in, and the only conclusion I have come up with so far is that they should give up cat ownership. Anyone have alternate thoughts?

  • ballistic

    teen - where can I get these free range of products - sounds good!

  • zucker

    Maybe Buddha was right. Perhaps all existance is suffering.

  • teenyuck

    ballistic, check the local market. They are now selling meat as *free range*. It is a little more expensive, however, because the animals are allowed to roam, they are labeled as such and sold as such.

    They just came up with stricter guidelines for this in the US.

    I think the chicken tastes better.

  • Robdar

    Maybe Buddha was right. Perhaps all existance is suffering. I understand you not wanting to see any life form suffer. I feel the same way. Please remember that Buddha also said that if we follow his teachings in our daily life, we will be able to solve all our inner problems and attain a truly peaceful mind. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. I believe that Buddha, as well as Christ, with his teachings of love, spoke truth. If we develop inner peace, like ripples in a pond, it will radiate outwards. This will cause more peace in society and eventually for the animals too. If we practice love for one another and of life, society and the animals will be better off for it. Of course, that is way easier said than done but we can try. I hope that one day we will all be able to acheive that inner peace. Wishing you well, Robyn

  • Robdar

    It is a little more expensive

    Greetings, Empress Teenyuck

    Have you checked out the price of the organic milk? My God, it is sky hi!!! But, it tastes pretty good once you get used to it. To me, it's worth the price.



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