wasted in arguments

by hippikon 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Hi there Francoise,

    : Julie, your ego is showing.


    Or could it be scepticism? Not all that perceptive eh?


  • Francois

    Perceptive enough to spot a flashing neon ego.

  • JanH


    Perceptive enough to spot a flashing neon ego.

    In the mirror?

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • outnfree


    I'm making a commitment to try not to slam anybody on this board in an unkind or sarcastic manner and to carefully pick and choose to whom and how I reply.

    I think you're absolutely right that a great deal of time gets wasted in non-productive arguments. The board should be a civil place respectful of people who hold divergent viewpoints, though not necessarily respectful of those divergent viewpoints.

    Thanks for bringing this subject up several times in the past week or so. And please don't give up on us.

    Self-censoring (such as in not clicking the links to goo's pics, for example) or just restraining ourselves from our first impulse to make a smart-ass or derisive reply (counting to 10 first, anyone?) might be just the ticket to make this board once again the welcome respite for those whose minds have been 'addled' by the Borg.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    You are so right! I came here about 2 months ago and enjoyed just reading people's thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and support for one another. It took me about a month to work up the courage to finally make my first post ever anywhere. The encouragement and help I received overwhelmed me and I feel more at ease now.

    But had I just started coming here in the last week or so, I think I would have just given up because of the viciousness I seen recently. I wonder how many who have just started looking in on us have been scared away.

    Considering what most of us have come out of and/or been through, a warm, inviting place is needed to take the plunge in self-expression. Many of us have been stifled for so long, it takes awhile to feel comfortable joining in.

    So I too hope this place can continue to be what I found when I started here...a place to share knowledge, to encourage depressed or afraid ones, to applaud those deserving, to give or get suggestions and support, to vent ones frustrations, anger etc. but not to vent at someone here by insults and slurs, and a place to laugh and have a giggle.

    And I like your wording of:

    The board should be a civil place respectful of people who hold divergent viewpoints, though not necessarily respectful of those divergent viewpoints.

    And I support your suggestion of:

    just restraining ourselves from our first impulse to make a smart-ass or derisive reply (counting to 10 first..

    Had Enough

  • bajarama

    My opinion is I like the smart ass comments!

    It adds color and interest to the board.

    I admit, I am young and dumb and don't have alot of bright things to add to db, yet.

    Besides, this is not grade school or the kingdom hall, and I think were all happy about that.

    If some one gives you shit give em' two scoops back. Or don't respond, the choie is yours.

    If you try to censor the board it will become a boring place!

    Beware of what you think you want, for you just might get it.

    (of the two scoops class)


  • outnfree


    I did not say "don't post any smart-ass remarks", I merely suggested counting to 10 first. If one counts, and then still thinks the smart-ass retort is the correct thing, then by all means, feel FREE. I very much value my newfound freedom of expression, I wouldn't dream of censoring anyone elses'!

    Had Enough?

    Thanks for your support. I often find myself agreeing with your posts and never more so than now, when you're agreeing with mine!


  • riz


    you know what's up. you crack me up, man. two scoops. ROFL.

    (32 flavors and then some)

    Insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule. - Nietzsche

  • bajarama

    Thanks outandfree and riz!

    License to talk trash! Joking?


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi bajarama:

    btw:I don't think you "haven't got alot of bright things to add to the db", as you put it. I get a kick out of many of your comments.

    You may like the smart-ass comments though and that's fine.

    I don't like the results of enforced censorship either, but self-censorship as hippikon says, does have its merits. Don't get me wrong here. I don't want to see this turn into a gradeschool or Kingdom hall mentality either. I do like reading a good barb or giving them too, but in fun and not at the expense of the other person.

    When it becomes downright vicious and nasty, it becomes stupid and then tiresome and not funny to many, perhaps not to all. To read several people's comments though, it seemed like the many of posters don't like when it gets out of hand and downright nasty.

    I never heard my father talk that way to people or about them, and he was a very funny man, could 'tell it like it is', could take being corrected if his opinion was wrong and was loved by many, many people.

    Good grief, I hope I don't sound 'preachy'...really, its just MHO.

    Had Enough

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