wasted in arguments

by hippikon 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Hi Emyrose. The reason you are having trouble getting sympathy and empathy, is that we all just feel you have enough sympathy and empathy for your own self, without us cluttering up your headspace with extra stuff, especially since you obviously hold most of us in extreme comtempt.

    You want others to be all sweet and kind and googoo to you while reserving the right to be really nasty to others for yourself.

    Get a clue, troll. You are acting like a nasty vicious little git. I bet the 'friends sitting next to you' while you spew your trollbait are just other aspects of your vicious little self. Any sane intelligent observer would know exactly who is keeping the pot stirred up.

    Your attempts to derail the debate into a race/gender war are just proof that you are only here for titillation, not communication. Low tactics from a desperate ego.

    You want kindness and understanding, try turning off that stream of pointless moronitude you're spewing, and quit trying to outpiss everyone who's told you you're acting like a moron. You're waaaay out of your intellectual league, and your pouting and nastiness just display your childishness and immaturity.

    And you have yet to make a salient point of any kind!

    Now take your stinky prejudices and go find a clue, willya?

    Can't wait to see what nasty insults you have waiting for me!

    Laughing at you heartily, no sympathy in sight,
    Mommie Dark

  • goo


  • emyrose

    Hi Mommie Dark,
    I hope your depression is not getting the best of you.
    I know how it feels when anti-depressants don't seem to work.

    I find it sad that you attack me like this, but I have
    sympathy and empathy for you because I read your thread
    and know what you are going through.

    As for your insults about my intellect, all I can say is
    I respectfully disagree with you. I have had doubts about
    my abilities all my life, which stemmed from what I disclosed
    to you on your thread. But, that changed recently.
    You see, after struggling through college for four years,
    I recently was accepted to a Law school in New York.

    PS, stay iron-strong

  • hippikon

    Ahhhhhhh I Give Up

  • Francois

    Hippikon's arguments are right as far as they go, they just don't go far enough.

    They don't go far enough because the WTB&TS is destroying people's lives...literally. And in many cases is killing people who don't have to die. People in Malawi, people who need blood transfusions, or innocualtions (historically), or organ transplants, etc. It also destroys families, and ruins relationships of all kinds.

    Society has a right to protect itself from those who would prey on it. All sorts of individuals and organizations who prey on people are illegal and are not tolerated in civilized society: numbers runners, bunko artists, drug dealers, murderers, con men & grifters of all sort, arsonists, robbers, forgers, and on and on and on. Society doesn't just tolerat these types because they are "different." These people are different alright, but they are different in a way that damages others. And they have no right to do so. And there are severe penalties for engaging in these behaviors.

    The WTB&TS is in the same category as the other criminals listed above. Just because it hides behind the first amendment, doesn't mean it's really a religion. You all know it isn't. It's a combination cult, publishing and real estate empire. And it's dangerous, dangerous to the society which tolerates its loathsome presence in its midst. If we don't call attention to this danger then we are a part of the problem. The Society should be ripped from society root and branch and destroyed. Sooner rather than later. We can wait till it falls of its own weight or we can help it.;

  • Julie

    :after struggling through college for four years,
    I recently was accepted to a Law school in New York.

    If I were you I would put the whole debate about your intellect and debate skills on hold until you actually attend law school. There is will you will learn the fine art of argument. After you do, and if they do a good job teaching you, you will most likely be mortified to come back and read these "arguments" you have put forth on this board.

    Another bit of advice: You need to learn to develop a thicker skin because you'll never survive law school if you are sincere in how some words from total strangers on some discussion board have affected you.

    Good luck in law school, I think it will be quite challenging for you.

    Julie, who used to copy out Black's Law Dictionary for fun as a child

  • Francois

    Julie, your ego is showing.

  • ajw

    right on Mommie Dark.
    Emyrose was being disingenuous or did not read what was posted properly.


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi hippikon:

    Please don't give up! You make us laugh AND you have a good point in your opening comments.

    So much is lost when people resort to actual name-calling. I've gotten upset before too when someone tries to uphold the WTS beliefs by making an erroneous statement but there is a huge difference between disagreeing with someone's point, then backing your opinion up with a valid argument, and getting your dander up because someone doesn't agree with you, then just resorting to rude, slanderous, name-calling.

    For those of us who are reading a thread because the subject is interesting and informative, it is totally frustrating and distracting from the subject, to have to wade through all the crass putdowns.

    Many of us here want to learn more info about the WTS we once put so much faith in and come here to get insight, help, encouragement, a laugh...whatever it takes to get strengthened in our resolve to not let the WTS own us again...and some need help to know how to help their loved ones still trapped inside.

    There are so many veterans here who have done their research that are respected who can present their information in a clear and understandable manner, and many who have an eloquent way with words that are healing and encouraging. All those kinds are the posts that gain respect and support.

    So I will continue to read those posts of ones who have earned my respect through their presentation of 'make-sense' information. I am learning valuable lessons here and hope we don't have to see more precious time wasted on unproductive arguments.

    Had Enough

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