College, Working and Kids: Is it Possible?

by StinkyPantz 22 Replies latest social family

  • SheilaM

    Stinky: All I can say is that I have friends that went to college and are now unemployed let's see TWA and Sprint just to name two in this area. They thought they were set and now one of them is working at Home Depot with my son. That is what I meant by careers come and go, you are despensible in all fields times change.

    We lived on $7.00 and hour for over 4 years and my kids were better dressed than most we knew. That is how I was raised, I just never could imagine resenting my children for anything. That was my Mother's baggage not mine. I guess when I'm old and ready to die I don't think I'll care about what money I earned but I will think about what kind of Mother and Grandmother I have been. I guess I just could never imagine not having children to me personally I would feel that I had missed out on the best thing this world has to offer. BUT that is me...I have felt this way since I was 18.

    I am glad I had my children young because I now can spend time with my grandbaby and Thunder and I are talking about having two more. Even he who only wanted two has seen that as far as things in life our kids have been just the icing on the cake.

    As I said make the decision that is right for you and your husband.

  • StinkyPantz


    My husband constantly tells me that,"Nothing ever goes as planned." Since I'm an over-planner I HATE when he says that.

    Given your own strength and the experience of others, you have a real good chance of doing everything you want. You'll work harder and be more exhausted than you ever thought possible. It'll be worth it. But know that when you have that baby, everything may change.

    I like a challenge. I like hard work. I very badly want a child while both my husband and I are young. I want a career. I think I can do it successfully. I figure if things get overwhelming I can take a semester or two off, no big deal right?


    Can I be the honourary Canadian uncle ?

    Of course hunny!


    I hear what you're saying.

    I am glad I had my children young because I now can spend time with my grandbaby and Thunder and I are talking about having two more. Even he who only wanted two has seen that as far as things in life our kids have been just the icing on the cake.
    This is my primary point. I want kids now so that I can enjoy them AND my grandchildren. If I wait until I'm done with school to start trying, Jon'll be 65+ with grandkids. I think I can do both. Before I got married I didn't even want kids, I wanted a career; but lately I've been having this overwhelming need for a child. I think we'd be great parents, and I think that now is a good time. We are both strong and dedicated people and I think it'll work out. ________________________________________ I appreciate everyone's thoughts!!!!
  • bikerchic

    Hi Stinky Pants,

    Here is my .02:

    Even though I know from reading all your reasonings that you will totally disagree with me and go ahead and do that which you wish to do which is to have a baby now I'm still going to throw my life's experience out here to for thought eh?

    I totally agree that every woman should have an education beyond high school and a career. I know that there comes that time when the nesting syndrome hits us females and there is no stopping it, I also know that you will question the sanity of that decision on many nights (days too) when you are up all night with a fussy child (or two, or three...). I also know that there is no one like Mommy and Daddy when a child is in his "this is my nest" syndrome which is from the age of birth to 18. Children have the right to expect their parents to be involved with their lives in every aspect and they resent being shuffled from home to day care, babysitters, fast food in the car so Mommy can make her next important meeting or so Daddy won't have to cook yet again. Life is busy but children shouldn't have to make the supreme sacrifice so Mommy and Daddy can have their cake and eat it too.

    Having a career is extremely important to me. If having children means I can not continue with furthering my educational and career aspects then children will wait. I want them very badly, don't get me wrong; but I fear that since I have done nothing other than waitressing, the money just won't be where I want it to be in order to give my children the lifestyle that I think they deserve.

    Now while you are young is the best time to persue your education, give it top priority. Then start your career work for a couple of years get some job experience under your belt then start a family. The only lifestyle children deserve is two dedicated full time parents! IMHO All the rest is what YOU want for them;

    Not having money can affect children no matter how much love you shower upon them. They might want for things they'll never get. Other kids might ridicule them for not dressing a certain way or not having certain things. They'll want toys and to go out, and if money's tight, they might not get it. Both my husband and I grew up poor and it sucked. My parent's loved me to death and I don't resent them for being poor, but it DID affect me. Love doesn't pay the bills.

    Oh I said this is what YOU want for them and yourself. It's all in the attitude girl!

    I disagree. I am a very dedicated person. Moreso than most honestly. I'm not saying that things will be perfect or easy, but I think that starting a career and motherhood will be harder than having a child and school. School in general is a breeze for me. I am an excellent student. I've seen less dedicated people make it.

    Have you ever had a time in school where you were really pushing the limits cramming for a test or time to study and get all your homework done? Try juggling a job, a baby, added household chores (LOTS OF LAUNDRY) shopping a sick baby and hey what if you are one of the unlucky parents who has a colicy baby.........try keeping up with school when you've had NO SLEEP for days on end! Just being realistic. Being pregnant and working is not hard, many women do it all the time right up to the week they give birth.

    appreciate your words. MY age isn't what I worry about. My husband's yes. If we wait until I get me Master's, he'll be 40, which means by the time I have our second child, he'll be 45; which means that when the second kid is 10 and wants to play ball or be active with his dad, Jon'll be 55!! That ain't cool!

    I wish I could still think 40 is old..........and 55, sheese don't insult us old pharts like that. No it's not ideal but then I know a lot of 60 year olds that ride century biking events. I've often heard people who have had children late in life say they keep them young and it's very true!

    My suggestion to anyone who is planning a lifetime together is...have them young, and then get them the hell out of the house.
    I couldn't agree more. My mother was 31 when she had me and 42, when she had my lil brother. She said that 10 years is a big deal when it comes to having kids. She says that she wishes she hadn't had me so late, let alone my brother. The energy just isn't as abundant when your in your 40s like Jon will be if we wait.

    It sounds to me like you've made up your mind here girl.......what happened to:

    Honestly, if I had to choose, I'd probably choose to have a career. I don't want to resent my children for taking away or significantly putting off my goals. The thing is, I'm an optimistic over-planner and I think I can have my cake and eat it too, otherwise what's the point of having the cake .

    Maybe the cake is a cake of a different sort and changing the view of your life. I'm really thinking more of the quality of parenting you can give children. Maturity has it's rewards for you and your children believe me it does! What is important to you now, the lifestyle you said you want for your family now will change as you mature and be more reasonable. Again MHO.

    I hope I've given you things to think about and not pissed you off because I know, or at least I sense by the tone of your words that you've already decided what you are going to do and whatever it is I sincerely wish you the best! I just want to leave this article for you to read and think about.


    Subject:One Income Living in a Two Income World

    One Income Living in a Two Income World
    by Deborah Taylor-Hough

    I hear it all the time: "It must be nice making so much money you can be home with your kids. We could never afford to do that."

    Excuse me?!

    Our family of five lives on an income which could easily qualify for several low-income programs. We make so much money, huh? Where is it?!

    Now please don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. My husband and I have voluntarily, and quite happily, chosen this frugal lifestyle. But it's funny to hear the misconceptions others have about our finances.


    The assumption seems to be, if you're home with your children full-time you must be rolling in piles of money. Common urban folk-lore unsettles us with the "fact" that it will cost over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to raise each child to adulthood. According to those figures, it would cost over half a million dollars to raise our three children!

    Gulp. . . .Maybe the numbers are accurate if I bought my children's clothing exclusively at up-scale specialty stores, sent "Buffy" and "Skip" to ultra-expensive private schools, and outfitted their rooms with the latest audio/visual equipment and top-of-the-line designer crib ensembles.


    But the reality in our neighborhood is drastically different. Nearly every family on our block has consciously made the choice, at least for a time, to make the necessary sacrifices so one can parent can be home with their young children.

    I hope you won't think we've all dropped out of life and taken up an existence of soap operas and bon-bons. Far from it. Many of the women have cottage industries or attend college. Some do consulting work to stay abreast of their professions. A neighbor stays home with her children, actively pursuing a writing career.

    But even with additional part-time incomes, the families on our street don't make the money that statistics claim we'll need to adequately raise our kids. But raise them successfully, we will!

    THE SECRET So, what's the secret to "one income living in a two income world?" Actually, there are several easy tricks:

    1. Watch Your Purchases

      Watch your purchases, even small ones, carefully. If you're cautious with your pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves. For one month, keep a detailed spending diary of all expenditures, even for newspapers and coffee. Seeing it all in black and white can be eye opening. Buying a latte' at the local espresso bar each morning can easily cost you $30-$40 per month. Most people spend at least $5 each weekday on food related items at work. (Lunch, pop, coffee, snacks, etc.). Bringing lunches, treats and drinks from home could save your family nearly $100 per month, or $1,200 per year!

      Groceries are one of the few fairly flexible expense categories in most families. Learn tricks for saving money by careful meal planning and using up leftovers. Investigate the concept of cooking for the freezer (i.e.: Frozen Assets). Learn to buy in bulk, and take advantage of lower prices by planning your menus around the grocery sales flyers in the newspaper.

      Little expenses add up quickly if they're done on a regular basis. When you find the areas in your life where the money is draining out, plug up the holes!
    2. Live Within Your Means

      Vow to live within your means. Easier said than done -- but it can be done! The first step is establishing a budget. If you have problems keeping to a written budget, try the envelope system. Figure out how much money you need each month for the different categories of expenses (food, clothing, gasoline, bus fare, etc.) and place that amount of cash in separately labeled envelopes. You will have a concrete visual aid to show you exactly how much money you have left to spend in each category. And you will see clearly that borrowing money from another envelope leaves less money in that other category.

      The envelope system is great for people who tend to think that as long as there is a positive balance in the checkbook, they can keep on writing checks.
    3. Get Out of Debt

      Get out of debt, and stay out. In 1996 alone, there were over one million personal bankruptcies filed in the United States. The majority of these were the result of poorly managed consumer debt.

      - Does your installment debt (not including mortgages) total more than 20 percent of your income?
      - Have you taken cash advances on one credit card to pay the monthly payments on other cards or credit accounts?
      - Are you at your credit limits?
      - Are you receiving letters, phone calls, or notices from collection agencies?
      - Do you have difficulty imagining your life without credit?

      If you answered "yes" to even one of these questions, consider seeking advice from a financial planner. You could be on the way to severe financial difficulties, or even bankruptcy. Contact Consumer Credit Counseling Service for free financial advice and debt counseling. Call 1-800-388-CCCS for the office near you.
    4. Identify Priorities

      Identify personal priorities. No one can set your family's priorities for you. But if you don't take time to think them through, articulate them clearly and live them out, you'll find you have lived a life that is not a true reflection of your inner priorities.

      Clarify your personal definition of success and meaningfulness by writing out a brief mission statement for your life. Then evaluate every purchase and activity in light of your personal life mission. If having time for community involvement is an important priority, can you pare back the non-essential activities to allow room for volunteering and service? Watching evening television might be a relaxing pastime, but is it adding anything to your community's quality of life?

      If staying home with your children is a top priority, are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen? It's not a crime to shop at thrift stores for your family's wardrobe essentials. And your children won't hate you if you don't take them to Hawaii every year (these are extreme examples, but I think you get the point).
    5. A Support Network

      Establish a support network of friends in similar financial circumstances. If money is tight, every decision can become a financial one. It helps to have friends who understand personally the difficulties you face, and can offer support for the choices you're making.
    6. Resources

      Tap into the many resources available for simple living. There are newsletters, books, web-sites, and even local study groups that can inspire you and offer practical ideas for living within your means.

    It doesn't take a salary the size of Bill Gates' to live on one income. But it does take careful planning, focused priorities and a non-negotiable commitment to stay out of debt. There are sacrifices involved, but if your heart's desire is to be home with your children, the rewards of staying true to your convictions will far out-weigh any losses you might experience.

    Our family faced these decisions nearly ten years ago. We followed our hearts, and we'll never regret it. I drive my used, rusty station wagon with pride. Laugh if you must, but we don't make monthly car payments and our yearly license fees and insurance premiums are minimal. Driving used cars is just one of the many choices we've made that allow me to be home each day with our young children.


    Am I making sacrifices? Maybe.

    But for me, the real sacrifice would be giving up the joys I share each day with my three kids. Laughing together. Growing and learning side by side. Being available to others in need. Those are joys that I can never recapture if I miss this opportunity now. Carpe diem. Seize the day.

    By making a few not-so-difficult financial decisions, we have been able to reach our dream of living on one income in a two income world. If you share that dream, I believe you can make it happen, as well. It can be difficult, but the benefits of making it work are beyond belief!

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Deborah Taylor-Hough (free-lance writer, wife and mother of three) is the editor of the Simple Times and Bright-Kids email newsletters. She's also the author of the bestselling book, Frozen Assets: how to cook for a day and eat for a month, Frozen Assets Lite & Easy, Mix and Match Recipes, Curriculum Yellow Pages and A Simple Choice: a practical guide for saving your time, money and sanity Permission granted for use on

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