I think I am even being shunned here.

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I'm over 3000 posts, and I have never been talked to yet! Jesus hates me and so does everyone here.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well I like ya just fine Gumby. Can't talk for Jesus though.

  • Shakita

    Hi cheeses..........sorry I missed your first posts....so here's a big welcome...

    W E L C O M E !

    Awww gumby, don't feel bad. You still have Pokey!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Robdar


    I welcomed you to the forum when you bombed my erotic poetry thread with your dismal poem.

    But, if it makes you feel better, welcome, again, to the forum.

    Jesus hates me and so does everyone here.

    Not me, Gumby. I love ya. I want you to have my love child.


  • wednesday
    I'm over 3000 posts, and I have never been talked to yet! Jesus hates me and so does everyone here.


    Gumby, I just have to meet u some day. I know i like u. King cheese, Relax, we will get to know u. I have been here since sept 02 and i only really "know" a handfull of posters. for me, i have had to hold back b/c i did not want to be "outed" by someone. I want so badly to tell it all, but i have to consider what it would do to my husband. This board is made up of all kinds of people , in all stages of recovery from the jw experience. Honestly, i can't think of anyone that has pissed me off to the point i will not read their posts.(well, with the exception of the war posts-it is hot and heavy there) i love your name-it is original. welcome and jump in the water is great.

  • nowisee

    welcome cheeses.

    i love you, gumby.


  • onacruse

    Hey, gumby, have you already cleaned up from the slobbery Net-kisses that Katie and I gave you yesterday? Well, then, check for a new thread!

    CheddarCheese: Heck, a lot of my threads (that I, of course, think are bursting with overwhelming value LOL) get maybe 6-10 posts back (on a good day). It ain't what I say, or what others say, or don't say. It's the sharing that matters, because here we can say what's on our minds, and not get an "investigational committee" on our backs next week.


  • SheilaM

    Holy Cheese: It may be your name is too long to type LOL Personally I am lactose intolerant ROFLMAO

    All kidding aside there are some good eggs here, not everyone responds to every thread for instance I have yet to have Frakel answer one of mine ( I do believe) but I am not into serious posting.

    I had enough dub stuff slammed down my throat and I'm here to relax not to debate doctrine but that is JUST ME and Farkel, Uncle Bruce etc. do really good at explaining doctrine etc to help all those wanting to leave and that have questions.

    So welcome to the board and sorry if you felt shunned


  • gumby
    Hey, gumby, have you already cleaned up from the slobbery Net-kisses that Katie and I gave you yesterday? Well, then, check for a new thread!

    Dang it Craig, you weren't suppose to say anything!.....I was lookin for some attention and lovin, now everyone will know I was lyin!


    I remember making a thread when I first got here nearly 2 years ago, how christians were shunned more than dubs. I didn't know the humour of the board and thought nowone could care less. I found out different.There is more intelligence and caring people here than anywhere I've ever seen.

    Anyways, I just want you to know in reality I'm the most well liked, best lookin, kindest, coolest, poular, bastard on this forum .....just in case anyone tells ya different.


  • onacruse


    I have yet to have Frakel answer one of mine

    hehe, count your blessings; Fractal is such a character, even when he does post it's hard to tell where he's going (or where he's just been)! LOL

    So, what say we honor HCKOTJ and make this the new "Apparently I'm a Killer" thread? That one got something like 400 posts, eh?


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