The Witnesses Are Really Trying Hard To Get Me Back In

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    Explain to them how a watched pot never boils. JW's have been watching for Armageddon for years and that is why it hasn't come. The Bible says that at an hour that you do NOT think to be it, the end is coming. So you are simply trying to contribute to the out working of God's will by not thinking that the end is coming.

    hang in there, bro

  • WTWizard
    And that Saturn is in Sagittarius is not helping. This is favorable for cults to recruit, and for them to re-recruit.
  • minimus
    Family members have apologized to me for their previous shabby treatment. It seems like they are turning on the charm to win me over. They must think that I have forgotten the tactics.
  • Simon

    Typical WTS tactics to try to snare you when you've just been going through an emotional time.

    Be strong min.

  • Je.suis.oisif
    Good idea using delaying tactics. Then when it's all over ( sorry). RUN FOR THE HILLS.
  • KateWild

    Sorry Min, to hear you're going through the love bombing right now. Hope you can get through it. Take care.

    Kate xx

  • dubstepped
    Wow, I'm so sorry Minimus. Sending good vibes your way.
  • Finkelstein

    A common JWS tactic to exploit a situation like someone's death where people are in a weak emotional state to lure them into the cult.

    My heart felt empathy to you Minimus with the no catch or conditional clause.

  • carla

    How shameful and disgusting! downright ghoulish. I'm sorry min, in my thoughts, carla

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Minimus--is your mum in her own home-?--or a care home--or your home. do you have any control over who is allowed to visit ? it might be better to restrict or limit such visits if she is very weak or distressed.

    my old dad --94--is in a care home nearby. he is much weaker now than 6 months ago. he never gets any jw visitors any more---not since an elderly sister who knew him passed away many months ago. the local elders know he is there--but stopped visiting over a year ago. i simply dont know why.

    maybe dad told them not to come anymore. or maybe they shun him because he has a close relationship with me. my own daughter has never visited him--but only lives half a mile away.

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