Depressed beyond Words...

by Shytears 31 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • TheSilence

    please post back and let us know youre okay. youre in my heart and you have my email if you need anything.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    The Silence has a kind heart

  • Jesika


    When I was 13-16 I felt much the same as you do now.

    Looking back, I am sooooooo glad I didn't go through with it. You have soooo much to live for, and I am glad you didn't go through with it.

    You will soon have the freedom you need to live your own life. Please don't let them take that from you.

    You are strong and loving, please call a hotline or something to get some help.

    You are VERY loved here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Solace

    I agree with Jesika.

    You are so young and have so much to live for. Most of my troubles existed when I was a teen, living at home with my disfunctional JW family. I dont blame them, they had their own share of problems, ya know?

    I remember feeling depressed and miserable most of the time and believing that what I was going through, was my entire existance. I felt like there was no way out and I believed that I would always be miserable, have no purpose, piece of mind, let alone find happiness, or love.

    Once you are of age, your world can open up for you. You can take control of your life and make it into whatever you need, or want it to be, if you have the desire.

    You are in control of your future, not the people who are hurting you. You can find peace if you let it happen, but you cant get there if you give up.

    Do you have a friend nearby, or a school counseller you can talk to? There are also confidential hotlines where you can talk to people who have had the same feelings as you are having right now.

    This, what you are going through right now, is not all there is to your life.

    You have so much more to live for, you just cant give up hun.

    Take care.

  • Shytears

    Thanks guys,im so glad i have yall to talk to and share my feelings with.well im already on effexor i been on that for like 2 yrs helps but every now and then i get in a lil deprsssion,ya know thiking about everything,thinking bout my life,hopes dreams.dealing with the jw issue.sadly i was babptized at 13 so much for that,i really regret that,cause i didnt know what i was getting myself into. but thanks guys i was really on the edge last night,i know its not worth it.. laura ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

  • confuzcious


    I tried the same thing but I was going to hang myself.

    All I can say now is that I'm glad it didn't happen.

  • flower


    i sit here reading your post and i remember myself at 16 when i was depressed and suicidal and even tried to kill myself once too. i think if i could live it over again knowing what i know now i could totally have avoided all of that depression and pain. heres my advice to you based on what i went through then and what i know now...

    dont let your parents dictate how your life is going to be lived. your parents cannot do anything to you that would be any worse than living with the misery you are now and they definately cant do anything that is worse than suicide. if i knew back then what i know now i would not have lived in fear for so many years of what my parents were going to do to me if i broke the stupid 'jw rules'. i would have actually LIVED life and not sat back watching everyone else live it. they call it 'rebellion' to have friends outside of the organizaton or to go to college or to play a sport or go to a party. i call it living and everyone deserves to have a life.

    Just remember that what everyone here said is true..this is only temporary. keep your eyes on your real goal in life..whatever that happens to be. even if you are stuck there being a jw for now dont worry you wont always have to be. you can be whatever it is you dream of being. or you can just be free. very soon you will be free to make your own life choices. some will be hard and may leave you feeling bad temporarily, some will be the wrong choices..but those are your choices to make not your parents.

    Life is hard now but just keep remembering its temporary. Finish school if you havent already and got to college and think of your future free of jw's. good luck!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I want you to promise us that the next time you feel that badly, PLEASE come here and talk about it. Please promise you will post here and give us a chance to talk back to you before attempting this again.

    We're all on this earth together for a long time. Helping and caring for each other is the only thing that takes that loneliness away.


  • Solace


    You are on Effexor right now?

    Please talk to your Dr. and tell him you are having thoughts of suicide. Effexor works well for some, but not always so well with those who have suicidal tendencies. He may suggest you take something different.

    My cousin began taking effexor and a few weeks later, she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. Her friends found her in time, but she had to have her stomach pumped and she remembers every minute of it. She awoke during the procedure and said it was the worst experience of her life.

    I asked her why she tried to kill herself and she said she had thoughts of it before, but never had the nerve. She said for some reason she felt unusually calm, no inhibitions and wanted to sleep forever. She said she hadnt felt that way until she began taking the Effexor.

    I think the medication helped her with the anxiety she was facing going through med school, but for some reason she still felt very depressed and then maybe just calm enough to go ahead and attempt to kill herself.

    I hope your Dr. can help you, maybe elaborate more. Dont be afraid to talk to him and tell him your feelings. Sometimes meds can help, but they can also contribute to your emotions, ya know?

    Stay well hun.

  • Mulan

    Are there any non JW family members who might help you? Do you have grandparents, aunts, uncles?

    My son was much the same as you when he was 17, but we wouldn't listen to him. He ran away to my disfellowshipped brother, who took him in immediately. We called the police, and they recommended we let him stay where he was, because if we got them involved he would go to foster care, and we would have to pay for it. Nice, huh? At least my brother cared about him enough to help him.

    He had talked to his high school counselor who gave him very good advice. I didn't think so at the time, but they were right.

    Please talk to someone, who can help you.

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