JW's And Their Education Level

by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snowbird

    Yes, let it be up to the individual to decide.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste ...


  • Someguywhocares

    @snowbird Thanks for the compliment on my comments!

    Believe i I understand what you mean about 'despising', I really do because I was in lock step with you for a time.

    My point was just that, sometimes, and I believe this is one of those times, despite being deserved and warranted for one to personify a particular negative emotion toward any 'body', group or person, the desired or intended result of said targeted group is never realized due to their ambivalence versus our stated resolve. In this case, to my mind, it becomes an exercise in futility where the 'ROI' is recessive thus rendering the output & investment just not worth it.

    Does se that make sense?

  • Rainbow_Troll

    There was one man in my cong who repaired and built computers for a living; but he was a convert. He was a funny man since though he was very pious, he had no problem with pirating software. He even offered to give me some, but I said no.

    Everyone else cleaned, did construction or lived off welfare... though maybe that says more about the place I lived than the cong. There were no colleges, not even a little community college, and not many white collar jobs either.

  • rebel8

    I was from a big college town and jws were among the least educated groups.

    Ass-embly programs always included lots of drumming on the anti-education message. There were lots of talks about how great it is to start your own business. All you need is a squeegee--just walk around the mall asking the store owners to pay you $8 to clean their windows each week and jehoopla will manipulate the store owners' hearts to say yes. He always provides for you as long as you don't do something bad like get a full-time job, go to college or get a 2-door car.

    Or if you're a chick, you need a vacuum cleaner and bucket. Put an ad in the Pennysaver offering to clean somebody's house for 2 hours per week for $25.

  • Someguywhocares

    @snowbird If I'm prying & being to personal or forward then please feel free to 'digitally spray me with water' as though your training a cat, lol.

    If I may ask, where did your daughter go to college? What did she major in?

    Had I attended MIT, I was planning on attaining my Doctorate in Physics with a 'minor' geared towards also graduating with a Masters in Business Administration. (So, I guess it would be more of a double major, lol).

    For me, despite the straight A's in high school, it was Math, Science, Accounting, History & Psychology that were a 'cake walk' versus English type courses.

    When my my sister was in 2nd grade, the decision was made to home school her starting with 3rd grade

    *Note: this was, believe it or not, a decision that was NOT based on the JWs love of home schooling children. The actual reason was due to a genetic birth defect that lead to my sister developing into a woman at an insanely young age; and when I say 'developing' and 'insanely young' I mean 'able to become pregnant' at the age of 5. Thus, she was attempting to deal with out of control & irregular female matters at an age where her classmate would never understand what was happening, let alone the difficulty to her psyche. My parents both worked an hour away so if anything happened, no one was readily available or close by to go pick her up & get her home, etc. So, we arranged the last half of second grade so that, if needed, her school would call my high school (less than a mile away), my principle would get me from class, drive me to pick her up & then drop us at home where I could care for her, help her change out of stained clothes, etc.; again, I digress.*

    I bring that up for the purposes of giving an example regarding my math, science, etc. mind...

    When she began her home schooling - both parents still working an hour away - she could not even get 2+2 right. So, I got permission from my school superintendent to arrive at high school each morning - in home room as normal - to be present for roll call and then proceed to the office where the secretary would hand me my course work for that day.

    I would then return home, wake up my sister by 8AM, have her shower while I would make her (and I) breakfast and then I - at 14 - became her teacher. I would instruct all lesson plans for her & grade assignments. We'd break for lunch, then back to work until the bell would ring at the school she would have been in.

    She then was sent to the desk in her room to do her 'homework' to turn in to me the following day.

    That is when when I would sit and grade 'yesterday's homework'. Upon completion of her school day, I'd then adjourn to my own room & workspace and I would now do my days school work at night.

    The next day, when picking up my new set of work, I'd hand in my prior days work to the high school for it to be graded by the appropriate teachers and then I would head home for that day, repeat

    Each Friday I would pack up my sisters school work - everything I graded - and then it would be mailed to the school for a teacher to review & ensure her education went correctly.

    Then, it was 'lather, rinse, repeat' as it were.

    I tell that story because that little girl, unable to perform simple addition, went on to become the YOUNGEST FEMALE CPA in Massachusetts history (at the time) when she was only 20 years old.

    I was, I am and I always will be extremely proud of her for her success gained by her hard work

    So, now you see why I have such stated love for math, science, accounting, et al.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste. -- Sylvia

    It's a terrible thing to lose your mind. -- Dan Quayle, reportedly

  • LongHairGal


    Your post is correct and some skilled tradesmen make a very good living. And we all know that college in and of itself does not make somebody more lovable.

    In this day and age it's about survival and making a living. I won't downplay knowledge and love of learning but most people attend college because the job market demands it. Decades ago somebody could get a good job without college. That may still be possible here and there now but the problem is if these persons lose their job the chances of getting another are reduced because of competition with college graduates.

    The Jehovah's Witness religion has a problem with r&f who are educated because of ego. They feel threatened by somebody sitting there who has a degree if they do not. They would rather see underemployed and starving illiterates sitting there because it makes them feel better about themselves. So, yes, I do believe it is for a reason as base as this that Witnesses hate for people to get an education!

  • Someguywhocares

    Just to be a smart ass, as usual:

    "Whether you believe you can, or believe you cannot, you are always right" - Henry Ford

    "A ha teh huh ha ha heh heh duh" - Vinny Barbarino


    Now, to be the genuine version of myself:

    "At all times, and in all ways, the difference lay in man IS a brain; the rest of him but a mere appendage. The key be that in which we afford dominance" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    "Beauty is that every man is, unbeknownst to himself, the sculptor of his own brain; Ugly is realizing that his only sculpting tool is inclination and motivation" - Santiago Ramon y Cajal

    "Nothing is a waste of time, save for time being wasted" - Someguywhocares

  • snowbird


    My daughter attended a very good university here in Alabama - majored in Accounting.


    My nephew attended Harvard - PhD in Education.


    Both are still active JW's.




  • Someguywhocares

    Sylvia...that post made me laugh...thanks. Always good to laugh but it's even better when one finds oneself on their 3rd day of insomnia. Lol

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