what type of faith do you REALLY want?

by atheist_R_stupid 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Xanthippe
    Oh I see, he can't cope with the cognitive dissonance that the personal experiences of bethelites, elders, pioneers and many JW families on here are causing him so he has decided to pretend we are all fakes who were never in the religion and are making all our stories up.
  • GrreatTeacher

    You certainly would call yourself a Journeyman in the US, as in Journeyman Wiremen. It's all over the IBEW Journal. You might also say you are a Master electrician if you've passed the Master's test. This distinction does come up on the job.

    If you are an apprentice, you might call the electrician you are working under your Mechanic.

    Sometimes you might "pull a nooner" (leave at lunch), "get some gook" (skim some copper wire off of the job to resell), or even "drag up" (quit), and "go get your money" (collect your wages up until the last moment you've worked).

    You might need a "pair of dykes" (small diagonal cutters for snipping small wires), but your company may have realized how offensive the term is and banned its use, especially if there are women on the job.

  • LisaRose

    By saying you dont believe there are any JWs or ex here here I dont know if you think we are all lying or that the fact we are no longer believers means we were never real Jehovah's WItness in the first place. I was baptized at age 13, in 1968 and sincerely believed everything I was taught and did my best to meet the requirements of the religion until 1999. I find it amusing that anyone would not believe I was ever a Jehovah's Witness, I only wish it was true and I hadn't wasted 31 years of my life on a pack of lies. 

    I found that I could no longer in good conscience associate with the Watchtower Bible and Tract society, as their record of lies, half truths and deceptions proved they were not as they claimed, God's sole channel of communication to mankind, so I stopped associating.  My spiritual pathway has taken many turns since then, and at this point I am a very happy atheist. I can hardly believe I ever thought the accounts in genesis were actual events, as they could not possibly have happened as recorded in the bible.

    The scientific evidence for evolution is overwhelming and it not questioned by the vast majority of scientists, to deny that is to stick your head in the sand. I remember the Book "did man get here by evolution or by creation" and laugh to think how naive I was to believe any of it.  The book contains half truths and quotes that have been selectively edited to say the opposite of the original. It's interesting the society has not dared update this little gem. Given the vast amount of progress  in these fields since the book was published, that's probably a good idea on their part.  Even their master skills at obfuscation are not up to explaining away the mountain of evidence. Advances in DNA research alone have proven we did indeed evolve. 

    I can see by your name you are not here to discuss anything, just to spew anger at those who don't believe as you, so I doubt you will be around long. It's your loss, we have some really great people here, I have learned a lot. If you were open to it you could learn a lot too, but I suspect you are happier living in ignorance, so you are better off staying a Jehovah's Witnesss. 

  • truthseeker100

    Grreat teacher Sometimes you might "pull a nooner" (leave at lunch), "get some gook" (skim some copper wire off of the job to resell), or even "drag up" (quit), and "go get your money" (collect your wages up until the last moment you've worked).

    The good old days years and years ago. LOL

    Like AR Stupid I have a second trade  AR Stupid is an electrician and a RPN. These days I just keep as busy as I want to. Most of my work now is in the office

  • GrreatTeacher
    Good for you working indoors now, truthseeker! I always wondered at the irony of the term Inside  Wireman!
  • TerryWalstrom

    HOPE is a state of mind which says, 'Things are going to turn out just fine even though they sometimes don't." It is a positive outlook tempered by the understanding that real life doesn't always go our way.

    FAITH is a state of mind which says, 'I am absolutely sure of this without a doubt.'  It is an unrealistic and rigid refusal to prepare for contingency or consequences.

    INTELLECTUAL HONESTY is the willingness to be wrong when viewing all the evidence, as well as the courage to change even the most treasured of one's deeply held 'truths.'

    PRAGMATISM is measuring the truth of theories and beliefs by assessing the results of their application to real life.  Results are what matter most.

    In view of the above, I would endeavor to be an intellectually honest pragmatist.

  • Odrade

    I've made a deliberate effort to discard JW-sanctioned terminology as part of my personal recovery. I say: 

    "left the watchtower" instead of "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    "church" instead of "kingdom hall"

    "door-knocking" or "proselytising" or "evangelizing"

    "converted" instead of "learned the truth"

    "indoctrination" instead of whatever ridiculous explanation for following the FDS is in the latest WT

    "propaganda meeting" instead of Congregation Book Study

    "recruitment training" instead of Theocratic Ministry School

    "tent revival" instead of Circuit Assembly...

    See how that works? I refuse to abide by their terminology. 

    One last point: Independent Thinking is now a badge of honor.

  • truthseeker100
    I wonder if the number of posts ar stupid is allowed to post is restricting his presence here or did he just go away? 
  • Honesty

    AR Stupid,

    I made a lot of back calls when I used to be a Jehovah's Witness.

  • Listener
    I just watched a Youtube where a non JW approached a young lady next to a WTBTS literature cart.  He asked her what was she doing, she replied "I am placing literature with genuinely interested bible students".  This is the type of language we had to conform to rather than sincerely trying to reach people.

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