Tight Pants Tony and the 1st international broadcast started a chain reaction that woke up an uber pioneer

by Bad_Wolf 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bad_Wolf

    Hopefully more are on the same path. Here is the story....

    This person I know was the model jw, and them and their spouse could have really moved up. They knew I was gone and awhile ago started asking me questions. I gave some guidance, and told them if they really seek out the truth, there is no going back and what to expect. Several months later they are fully out. But what started it all?

    Aside from little doubts, the big hit was the first international live broadcast. That God's direct and only organization on Earth having this first big international broadcast, and very anxious to what special insight or news God was going to reveal to the Governing Body to tell his people. The ones that if you are not part of this group, then you will die because this group is God's chosen and it should be obvious to the world they are the only true followers. So what happens on this historic day?!?! 75% of the meeting, 45 minutes, are featuring Tony ranting about tight pants and yoga pants. Out of everything happening in the world, and how close the end is supposed to be, for the first day in history for this international live broadcast, God directs Tony to rant the entire time about tight pants. Thank you Tight-Pants Tony!! You have done what nobody else could do, and hopefully your tight pants rant(s) have set in place the right conditions for many others to be waking up as well!

  • Londo111

    Good work, Tony!

    I'm starting to think Tony and Stephen Lett have made more impact than any ex-JW activist out there.

  • scratchme1010
    The ones that if you are not part of this group, then you will die because this group is God's chosen and it should be obvious to the world they are the only true followers. So what happens on this historic day?!?! 75% of the meeting, 45 minutes, are featuring Tony ranting about tight pants and yoga pants.

    That certainly resonates with me and many others. I remember similar stories of that kind of waking up, that is, how they claim that their message is so important, and how crucial their work is, and then what they talk about is pure crap, either hateful things, menial, stupid things, or something that is certainly not critical (like yoga and tight pants). And people are left thinking "Is that what we should be concentrating on right now? Is that really what humanity needs to hear to be saved?"

    I never got to know who that Tony is, but he's doing a great job by showing how archaic, closed minded, and downright stupid they can get.

  • doublespeak

    In a not so dissimilar way, I would like to express deep thanks to Stephen Lett,

    For years I had denied myself any scrutiny of many things that neither felt right or sounded logical.

    Sitting through a talk given by Lett was a watershed moment in my life, it convinced me to go and read CoC (which I had only heard of just days earlier)

    It wasn't just that I saw him in the flesh, it was all the more poignant because his talk was being interpreted.

    While his interpreter spoke the target language, Lett animated the interpreter's work with his infamous facial contortions. As I sat there I thought to myself, if I had brought along a study, what would this person be thinking right now? What would any reasonable person take away from the "performance" ?

  • Londo111

    When I was a JW, I was always filled with anticipation at hearing a Governing Body member give a talk. And each and every time this happened, I was either underwhelmed or felt outright discouraged.

    I've seen Henschel at a district assembly. I've seen Herd (as a district overseer and after his appointment to the Governing Body, at a circuit assembly). I've seen Splane at a circuit assembly. And lastly Pierce about three years before his death (he gave the Memorial talk).

    Nowadays, the Governing Body are front and center, whereas before, it was a rare and "privileged" thing. They could maintain their mystery and awe over their anointed status. Also, before, they were not the entire "Faithful Slave", but rather the thousands of "anointed" were mystically connected into this "class".

  • sir82

    While his interpreter spoke the target language, Lett animated the interpreter's work with his infamous facial contortions.

    Goodness, that would have been hysterically funny.

    I guess I could get the idea by watching one of his videos with the sound muted.

    For those of you who have never seen a Lett performance, but are hesitant to give jw.borg any higher traffic, this will give you a sample:


  • ToesUp

    Oh....the tight pants talk! That was the final nail in the coffin for us. My spouse (never a MS and well pass the age of 23) was infuriated with that talk. We were beginning our fade and listening to that talk was incredible. I have heard more people left due to that talk. So many other encouraging things could have been discussed.

    Thanks Tony!!!

  • jp1692

    If God has nothing better to do than worry about the fit of my pants or the color of my socks then I'm not interested.

    Thanks Tony, you've helped countless people see just how incompetent you really are!

  • slimboyfat

    I only saw Dan Sydlik and Jack Barr of the GB give talks. I was impressed with both of them. They seemed sincere and engaging. And Barr released the Creator book at that convention (1998?) one of the best WT books, I think. And Sydlik gave the closing prayer which humble and gracious. These people made a good, if fleeting impression on me as a JW.

  • Crazyguy

    Lett woke me up when at a DC he said he was considered an apostate back in the early 70’s while at bethel. He said he was one of the few there that didn’t think that Armageddon would hit in 1975. What ? Wait we were told back then that only a few rogue elders cos or dos thought this and it wasn’t from bethel. What your saying now Lett is the exact opposite. Hmmm , I think I’ll do some research.

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