Australia: Jehovah’s Witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors

by yalbmert99 28 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    This is a giant face-saver. Now the legislation is passed they have to obey caesar by their own rules. Surprise, surprise, that obedience is going to save them millions in tax dollars.

    So, obey with bad grace and hope no-one notices.

  • nowwhat?

    Here is how they will spin it.

    The redress scheme is actually Satan's crafty scheme against jehovahs people!


    Hahahahaa!!! I told my Eldub relative that if we want to see who the true religion is, just see who worries about having to pay taxes.

    Jeehooberdoober can provide for any true Xian, so the Governments of the world should require all religions to pay some kind of tax, and have completely transparent financial records to receive any tax breaks or exemptions.

    Whichever religions refuse to pay taxes/ obey Caesar is a false religion. Just follow the money.



    So the ARC is no longer an Apostate lie?? Lol! Genius.


  • menrov

    So, if the law requires people to vote, JW's are now allowed to vote? If the law prohibits preaching, JW's will obey and stop preaching?

    Or only the WT headoffices chose what to obey and what not..... money rules.

  • Jeffro

    “Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that it is their responsibility before God to respect and co-operate with the authorities [when their tax exempt status is threatened].”



    They actually caved.

    Maybe. Or they could just be seeking an extension of their precious tax-exempt status for as long as possible. The article says the Department of Social Services is still waiting for them to officially initiate the process of joining.

  • Biahi

    So, how much money do they have to put in to be part of the redress? 😀

  • nowwhat?

    They will drag their feet on this for years and use every excuse in the book for not filing important documents by the required deadlines.

  • yalbmert99

    Jehovah’s Witnesses join national redress scheme, but lawyers remain concerned

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Like almost everyone knows, they only joined the redress scheme to protect their "charity" status. It's all about money, just like everything else the Borg does.

    Even though they joined, and tooted their own horn for doing so, you can bet they'll fight tooth and nail over every single claim. They will almost certainly coerce, badger, and even threaten the victims to get them to give up their claim or accept a far less amount than they were entitled to. "Why would you want to take away dedicated funds that could do so much good? You are robbing Jehovah!"

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