A few in military refuse to fight 'wrong war'

by Trauma_Hound 128 Replies latest members politics

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    I think the wrong thing they did in america was to make the military look like it is something for people to expect to simply go thru the motions and get money for colledge instead of being the killing machine it is.

    What are you talking about? It's called the the MILITARY, and it's absolutely billed as such. The benefits of service, such as a college education, are in return for MILITARY SERVICE. If it were just a fun romp with excellent benefits it would be called "Summer Camp". What rational person would ever think that it was just a fun way to get your college education paid for and see the world? And if someone were dim enough to think that, a week or two--hell a DAY or two--in training would convince them otherwise. Ask any service person who's been through basic training whether or not they have any illusions about what the purpose of the armed forces is.

  • ThiChi

    There are always anomalies in any situation. The number of self-serving persons in an all volunteer army is minute compared to the Brave men and women who serves their country with pride. But their story is too mundane to put in print!

    The Military Code of Justice will deal with these self-serving cowards.

  • rem
    And, what if they DID serve in other theaters? Say, Afghanistan?

    Does the fact that they 'pick and choose' what they feel is moral invalidate all their previous service?

    Well, it does seem to be a breach of contract. If you default on the loan on your car or house, the bank gets to keep it - they don't have to give you back the money you already paid. So basically the answer is: yes, the fact that they pick and choose what they feel is moral invalidates all their previous service.

    Nobody says it's an easy thing to stand up for your beliefs, but it's something an intelligent person would have thought about before signing up.


  • xenawarrior

    I don't think that people can join the military service and say- "Well, if you go to war here- I'm in but if you go over here, um, I don't think I can do that one. And I might even change my mind about any of this"

    If you sign up for military service you sign up. And it is about following orders- pretty clear to anyone. If you sign up and go through basic training etc and then decide it's not for you, there are plenty of ways to get out.


  • Xander

    Ah, so if the US President (and, say, Congress) then ordered, say, Gen. T Franks to, after the Iraq war, come home and execute or imprison all US citizens who voiced dissent with the war, he would be wrong to disobey?

    Because regardless of how much military experience you have, you must follow all orders, unquestioning?

    If a US President ordered everybody of a certain ethnicity to be rounded up and systematically gassed, that would be okay, because they are 'just following orders'?

    Is that what you want?

    Or, no, wait, *I* know what you want. You actually WANT military officers to obey or disobey orders based on morals - but YOUR morals! Of course, how could I miss that!

  • teenyuck
    And, what if they DID serve in other theaters? Say, Afghanistan?

    Does the fact that they 'pick and choose' what they feel is moral invalidate all their previous service?

    Yes...they signed up to be in the military. If they were in Afghanistan they should still be dishonorably discharged and made to repay. Again, the military....not the KH, the military. The word alone tells you that the likelyhood of your having a gun in your hand is high.

    If he did not want to fight, he should not have joined.

    7 entries found for military.
    To select an entry, click on it.
    Main Entry: 1 mil·i·tary
    Pronunciation: 'mi-l&-"ter-E
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French militaire, from Latin militaris, from milit-, miles soldier
    Date: 15th century
    1 a : of or relating to soldiers, arms, or war b : of or relating to armed forces; especially : of or relating to ground or sometimes ground and air forces as opposed to naval forces
    2 a : performed or made by armed forces b : supported by armed force
    3 : of or relating to the army
  • LB

    Well this Clark guy is going to find out the cost of his convictions if he really has any. A court martial isn't anything to laugh about. Life gets tough for you after you get out of prison.

  • teenyuck
    Ah, so if the US President (and, say, Congress) then ordered, say, Gen. T Franks to, after the Iraq war, come home and execute or imprison all US citizens who voiced dissent with the war, he would be wrong to disobey?

    If this occured we would be in a state of anarchy:

    Main Entry: an·ar·chy
    Pronunciation: 'a-n&r-kE, -"när-
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler -- more at ARCH-
    Date: 1539
    1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
    2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order b : absence of order : DISORDER <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature -- Israel Shenker>

    It would not matter. The people in the country would not allow this to happen.

    I think we would have to ask the French and Germans to come in and try to help...diplomatically, of course. Let them try to talk the crazed dictator down....

  • xenawarrior
    Ah, so if the US President (and, say, Congress) then ordered, say, Gen. T Franks to, after the Iraq war, come home and execute or imprison all US citizens who voiced dissent with the war, he would be wrong to disobey?

    If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses.


  • Pleasuredome
    I think we would have to ask the French and Germans to come in and try to help...diplomatically, of course. Let them try to talk the crazed dictator down....

    i think they'll be the last countries you would want to ask. just imagine if a crazed dictator did take over, and stopped the US going to war with anymore countries, do you think the french would want to get rid of him?

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