The Latest Trend in NW England: Homeschooling Your Children

by pale.emperor 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pale.emperor

    Ive dated two girls who were home schooled. One was very nice but very shy (that could just be her personality though) the other was very bible toting and quoting scriptures like Rain Man... ask her about algebra or physics and she'd say it's not of any use in the real world.

    BOTH were very touchy on the fact that they were home schooled. Only had to ask about it and they'd bite your head off and defend home schooling to the hilt and try to prove to you that they're not stupid.

    I dont think home schooling in itself is bad. JRR Tolkein was homeschooled and he was a very very clever man. But it's not in every stay at home JW mother to teach her kids. Or dad.

  • darkspilver

    pale.emperor: Going to mainstream school is, in my opinion, a must.

    pale.emperor: I dont think home schooling in itself is bad.


  • redvip2000
    Happens a lot in the US as others said, not only for Jdubs, but for the entire religious dellusionist community.

    I have cousins in upstate NY that have 2 kids, maybe about 5 or 6, and the plan is to do home schooling all the way. What a terrible idea. It's basically a way to keep youngsters in the cult cocoon, without any outside challenges.

    What are the chances that someone will want to continue to university after homeschooling? Zero to none i bet.

  • darkspilver


    Watchtower 15 August 1997, page 21 paragraph 13

    What about those who have chosen to educate their children at home? While many have done a commendable job, some have found the task more difficult than they imagined, and their children have suffered. So if you are considering home schooling, be sure to count the cost, realistically assessing if you have both the skills and the self-discipline needed to follow through

    Awake 8 April 1993, pages 9 to 12

    Home Schooling—Is It for You?
    Even ardent supporters of home education admit that home schooling is sometimes done in an ineffective or even irresponsible manner. Indeed, every year there are some home-school efforts that fail, leaving children ill-prepared to face future academic challenges.
    Further, parents should not deceive themselves into thinking that home schooling alone will protect their children from the immoral influences found in the public schools. There is no way for anyone to be completely shielded from contact with the world. Many factors beyond formal schooling shape a child’s thinking, including parental example, associations, entertainment, and both personal and family Bible study. Without diligent training in all these areas, no educational system will prove successful in raising Christian children.
    True, some parents have felt that home schooling has contributed to the spiritual progress of their children. But it should not be forgotten that many Christian youths who are attending public schools are making fine spiritual progress as well. In many cases, parents have had good results in working closely with their local school district to ensure that their children get a quality education.
  • Berengaria

    It is very popular in the US with Christian Fundamentalists. It's simply continued brainwashing. If your "teacher" (mom) does not believe in evolution, or whtever else, then they will do the lessons accordingly. I worked at a public library and saw many of them. Sad, and frankly frightening. The next generation will have none of the critical thinking skills, variety, respect for diversity, etc. etc. etc. It's a losing situation not only for the child, but society in general.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I'm a teacher and wouldn't want to homeschool my own child.

    I'm sure he's getting much more out of the many different teachers with their many different strengths and knowledge of their individual areas of study.

    At least my state forces homeschoolers to register and declare their curriculum, which must be approved by the state. They also must take all state testing. If they can't pass the tests, then they come back to public school.

  • respectful_observer

    Ironically, many homeschooled kids in my area turn 18, get a low-paying fast-food-type job, quickly find a 'worldly' boyfriend or girlfriend, and then fade or are DF'ed, never to set foot in a Kingdom Hell ever again.


    Nearly every J-dub kid I knew growing up being homeschooled from very strict familiies fell in with a really rough crowd (gangs, drug dealers, etc.) in a matter of a few year and ended up getting into drugs or getting pregnant before they were 18.

    BTW, why do the keep them out of schools? I suspect 3 reasons (all under the guise of protecting them from worldly influences and bad association):

    1. Evolution

    2. Pressure to go to college

    3. LGBT-friendly environment

    4. Their parents hated having to deal with defending their JW beliefs to their classmates growing up and they'd prefer their kids not have to endure it too. "Why no sports/dances/birthdays/holidays/etc......"?

  • Rainbow_Troll

    I don't agree with their purpose for doing it, of course, but literally anything is better than a public school. With websites like Khan Academy,, and all the free university lectures on Youtube, it doesn't matter how stupid or uneducated the parents are, just plop the kid in front of a computer and he or she can benefit from the collective knowledge of mankind!

    As for developing social skills? Bah! School is NOTHING like the adult world. The closest thing I can compare it to in adult terms is the type of social order you see in prisons where you either join a clique/gang or get raped and gutted. Screw or be screwed. Are those the 'social skills' you want your kids to learn? If you want them to be sociopath adults, send your kids to be socialized in a public school. If I had kids and couldn't afford private schooling for them (and having that kind of money should be a prerequisite for procreating), homeschooling would be a must.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Jeezus! Where do you live that public schools are so awful?

    We live in a suburban area with excellent public schools!

  • darkspilver
    GrreatTeacher: Jeezus! Where do you live that public schools are so awful? We live in a suburban area with excellent public schools!

    The title to this thread gives you the clue North-West England

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