WTS 2024 Annual Business Meeting ...

by careful 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • careful

    ... is just three weeks from this Saturday. The org has been tight-lipped, really, successfully secret about advance info on these in recent years,

    Now that these relatively recent changes on dress and grooming, reporting FS time, judicial matters, etc. have been in place for months, do you think they'll have some new ones to announce at their big meeting?

  • LongHairGal


    The JWs are still reeling from last year’s changes. Maybe the older JWs don’t like them.

    I am Out a long time as a ‘Fader’, and am just a spectator.. The change about no longer needing to turn in a time slip really shocked me.. I guess this century-old teaching was man-made and simply the product of self-appointed ‘holy’ men’s worthless opinions. Who knew?

    However, I was judged over this. I was a ‘low hour publisher’ who worked! …I’m So glad I never listened to these phonies and it was worth every penny to be shunned all those years ago.

    They caused quite a stir with these changes. I can’t imagine what they will do next. Stay tuned.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    What will they demand next?

    "Sell everything you have. Give us your money."

    With that loyalty bit,,,always ramped right up.

  • NotFormer

    Changes will probably be precipitated by whatever current court cases against and government investigations into the WT are happening at the moment. Any obvious smoking guns?

    Perhaps they've changed enough over the last year or so to their satisfaction. Experiencing change fatigue? Maybe they're pausing for a tea break, David Lange style.

  • Gorb

    My forecast:

    They stir the King of the North situation up.

    Russia will attack the holy place, Armageddon is imminent.

    Stay alert, keep on the watch, prepare for the great tribulation.

    And the new watchtower studio will open in 2028, if it has Jehovahs blessing! Isn't that great? Aplause!

    The society will plan a dramatic video serie "How to protect your children". What a provision from the Governing Body, isn't it? Big applause.

    The international conventions for 2032 are planned. Make plans to attend them. Locations are Hawai, Sydney and Vancouver. The contracted hotels will be a wonderful provision.

    There will be a part by a Governing body member "Brothers, stand firn in your congregation". It will be about stay in your congregation and in your country and not leave it because of war, or because of the political situation. Be prepared to take your part of persecution.


  • mikeflood

    What about 'a new lovable provision'.?. Exciting news !!!

    We're gonna be totally online, so each congregation should make arrangements, aka get a printer and ink, if you guys want a physical copy...

    That's gonna allow to save a ton of money !!!

  • SouthCentral

    Most changes are based on court cases or some connection to perception among governments..........oh and money!!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Nu lite serve us year 2026,,, the printing era is officially GONE.

    Everything in Dubland is permanently done through an app,,tablet or cell phone.

    Please expect a special,special, special regional convention in 2026 to update on Ramapo.

    ""Aren't we glad ,, grateful we have these new blessings & wondrous expansion taking place?""


  • Ron.W.



    "Brothers, I'm sure you will be thrilled to learn that our new ROBO-SHEPHERDS will be calling on each and every publisher worldwide this service year to assimilate encourage you all."

  • Listener

    I think the organization is trying to distance itself from being viewed as a cult or having more extreme beliefs and practices. It's causing them numerous problems, such as problems are with Governments, being socially accepted, trying to recruit new members and causing JWs to leave.

    It's possible they'll come up with more changes to doctrines, simply saying 'they just don't know'.

    Birthdays, mother's/father's day and other special days not considered to be pagan by them may be allowed.

    Reducing the workloads even further by removing the mid week meetings might be on the cards. Transferring that saved time and resources into more direct involvement to benefit the Watchtower.

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