Why are the Jehovah's Witness Tennis players allowed to "serve two master"?

by I_love_Jeff 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    After last year (2018)'s season, that certain player had better be unbaptized. Otherwise, I don't see how that thing could remain in good standing. First, the coaching--cheating. Do we now allow certain people to cheat (i.e., stealing)? Then there was the racket smashing, followed by a full blown temper tantrum demanding special treatment. This thing broke the rules and threw a tantrum about being punished for it.

    I can remember someone in my own former congregation having a fit all night at work because his help called in sick. After trying to steal me from another department where I was needed that night, this thing knocked down displays all night on purpose and left them knocked down. Of course, he got fired. Some time later, I got questioned about what I saw of this incident, and he ended up getting reproved. That, for something far less spectacular than what this tennis cheater did. No way that would have not have resulted in at least a reproof, if the congregation was doing its job.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am pretty sure Venus and Serena never were baptized. Prince definitely was baptized, but he pretty much towed the line in front of the elders and only put on a show as a show business character. Oh, you and I could not do that, but he already had money to give, so of course they didn't say anything. And Venus and Serena have money to give, so of course they won't say anything about 'bad association' relating to them. It's really that simple. The JW's never had a special care for celebrities officially like the Scientologists have, but unofficially it's about the same way.

  • slimboyfat

    Because in tennis you get two serves? Including if there’s a footfault.

  • steve2

    Look what I've given up for Jehovah! Am I not good and worthy?!

    Most of the JWs I know who have 'given up" worldly careers and goals were 'over the hill" and/or on a downward spiral anyway but astutely reframed it publically as giving up worldly pursuits.

    One of my acquaintances was a professionally trained opera singer who derived much pleasure in telling anyone who would listen all about what he gave up for "the truth". I was to later learn from a reliable "inside" source that he had not been successful in his application to undergo advanced tuition/training with one of the "masters" because he didn't have what it takes to keep advancing. So he was already on the way out when he made the decision to 'put the kingdom first'. That happens in life - and I feel for anyone in that position.

    However, strange - or perhaps not - that he never shared that particular tidbit with listeners - the whole story changes.

  • smiddy3

    The Williams sisters ,prince .soccer player Nesmachniy ,AFL footballer Rance , and no doubt many others around the world who have made themselves known as elite athlete`s with a following in there sports ,and who have money to donate to the cause are going to be treated with special preference right ?

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