Upon learning of a terminal illness would you return to being a JW to appease your family?

by NVR2L8 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NVR2L8

    This is an hypothetical question...I am doing well. But I was thinking about how my JW family, grandchildren and all will feel when their inactive grandfather dies with no hope of being reunited in paradise. Of course there would be immediate rejoicing if I came back to the "truth" and a surge of conditional love from the "friends". After I am gone all would hold the hope of seeing me resurrect which would make my passing less painful than facing the permanency of death. In reality my dying wish would be that they all realize this life is all we have so they shouldn't be wasting it prisoners of a cult...what do you think?

  • cofty

    Been there - twice - survived (so far)

    Going anywhere near that cult mentality was never further from my mind.

  • RubaDub

    Don't we still teach that death paves the highway to the new system?

    I think it is still taught that there is "hope" of a resurrection.

    I am still in, but I have heard that it is better for a person to die in that condition than be alive at Armageddon.

    But then, hitting a few meetings at the end would make everyone happy I guess.

    Win One for the Gipper.

    Rub a Dub

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Their religion means nothing to them in general. Being legalistic they don't have to really "Care" about anyone. All your eventualities are spelled out for them:

    1. Die worldly = resurrection. Death pays for sin.

    2. Die inactive = resurrection.(Without sin against HS)

    3. Die baptized = resurrection

    4. Die DF'd & practicing sin. = Gehenna, no return.

    So where do you fit in?

    If they don't give a damn about you now what makes you think they would feel any different when you die? So, no I would not return for them or anyone else.

  • Biahi

    I would never go back for any reason, I HATE this cult.

  • Simon

    Hells no.

    Your time is precious - spend it with who you love doing what you love.

  • LV101

    NOPE, never! Heard of a husband who attended few yrs. ago with his wife when her cancer had reached terminal stage. There was, of course, negative JW chatter how he was only there for her and had no intention of ever being a JW.

  • JimmyYoung

    No. I would tell my family and see if they came to visit. If not, oh well..


  • cofty

    I got a visit in hospital the first time. Then when it looked like my demise was no longer imminent that was the last I heard from anyone.

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