A Sense Of Well-Being.

by Englishman 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Do you have a sense of well-being?

    How would you describe a feeling of well-being?

    Do JW's ever have a true sense of well-being?

    What -if anything - is required to give a person a sense of well-being?

    I will put my two pennyworth in later.


  • cruzanheart

    My definition of well-being: a feeling that I'm doing my best, a sense of peace and happiness with my family and circumstances in life, and being loved and loving in return.


  • Joyzabel

    Good question, e-man.

    I was just thinking about this the other day, after listening to my mom and s-i-l talk about <wooooo> the "time of the end" and how close we are now. I remember the anxiety that was always present with every war or declaration of "peace and security". Now, I can't believe how relaxed and content not having that JW mindset, wondering every year if this would be the year and what would happen to eveyone. Now life is just unfolding ahead of me and my family. No dread about the future though I do not know what the future will be. There will be highs and lows but my "sense of well-being" is absolutely the best thing I have since leaving the WTBTS.

    Man, what stress we jws got used to living under! JW's have no sense of well-being. They are always looking for omens on when Armegedon will come. <shaking head> not a way to live life, imho.


  • nowisee

    i have found my sense of well being only this past year. for me it is knowing that God is in control, that He has a plan (though i might not understand exactly what it is), that He is working everything out for the ultimate good, that whatever He does is right and just, that this whole existence is just a blip on the radar screen when compared with eternity.

    i never had this peace of mind as a jw.

  • Sentinel

    For me, a sense of well-being means that I've done all I can do personally, and I have let go of trying to change others. It means I've learned how to relax and enjoy what is at this precious moment, instead of wailing about past injustices, or what terrible event might happen in the future.

    So that no matter what is happening in my little world with my life, my family, and the larger world around me, if I try, I'm still able to feel peaceful, find contentment and appreciate the many good things so often taken for granted.

  • TR

    Saddam getting his ass kicked gives me a sense of well-being.


  • gitasatsangha

    Do you have a sense of well-being?

    Sometimes. More often then not.

    How would you describe a feeling of well-being?

    Accepting things for what they are with a minimum of overt suffering.

    Do JW's ever have a true sense of well-being?

    Perhaps, but it would be difficult. Perhaps they often have a false-sense of well being.

    What -if anything - is required to give a person a sense of well-being?

    Honest knowledge and love of the being itself. Mindfullness but at the same time being compassionate and not uptight about things which are beyond one's control. And decent shoes. Very important, that last part.

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    When you could look around yourself with a feeling of warmth, and say "LIFE IS GOOD!".

    JW's will always be waiting for the "new system". They are not satisfied with their life as it is now...they are forever waiting for something better. They are not able to truely feel that "LIFE IS GOOD".

  • teenyuck

    Do you have a sense of well-being?

    Yes, I am happy, healthy and live a very good life. (except for the bad hair dye...)

    How would you describe a feeling of well-being?

    Feeling comfortable in my surrondings, with the people I choose to have (or who want to be) around me. Also, when my cat comes and offers unconditional love, I realize how good I have it.

    Do JW's ever have a true sense of well-being?

    I currently only have my mother to go by, so no. She is always poor, tired etc. She very rarely enjoys life. She is waiting for armageddon and the new system.

    What -if anything - is required to give a person a sense of well-being?

    Let them feel loved/cared about. Be compassionate and understanding. Try to see both sides of the story/coin before passing judgement. Try not to be judgemental....I don't think I am nearly as bad as I was as a dub. My credo is treat people as I want to be treated...

  • basics-for-me

    My sense of well being basically comes from being able to think for myself and taking responsibility for my own actions.

    Since leaving all of that hogwash behind, I am truly getting to know myself. What I want, what I like, what's important to me, etc.

    Learning to trust has been a biggy for me. However, baby steps and small risks have played their part.


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