I just watched the final video from this years convention. OMG!!!

by NikL 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW_Rogue
    A tribulation where people still work at clothing stores and machine shops, attend board meetings, go to school and movie theaters, use their cell phones, etc., is no tribulation at all.

    I think they have been doing this kind of thing for awhile, when they chose to focus on one part they skip the details of what leads up to it. Only back when we studied the Revelation book did they really try to make sure the timeline made sense. Most people don't care anymore, another big message at the convention was "don't worry about the details of paradise, just make sure you get there," how very convenient.

  • TD

    Most people don't care anymore, another big message at the convention was "don't worry about the details of paradise, just make sure you get there," how very convenient.

    That sounds about right....

    Taking liberties with the details is a common technique in film making. The idea is that the more easily the audience can picture themselves in the scene, the stronger the emotional connection will be.

    The very popular fantasy series, Game of Thrones for example, depicted the politics of the early middle ages coupled with the level of civilization of the early modern period, which is a completely incompatible combination. It's not that the writers were stupid; they were trying to make the story more relevant to a post-modern audience.

    It's one thing to do it with fantasy/fiction. It's quite another for the JW's to do it with what they consider to be Bible prophecy.

  • Finkelstein

    I am now not sure it could never happen

    Don't worry NikL it wont, the JWS is based in the most pro religion government on the planet.

    So JWS are going to be protected there and in every other country that has open acceptance to religion.

    The WTS just like to crank up the fear to keep their mental slaves active in distributing the WTS's literature, its been doing this for over a century now actually.

    The WTS is just now using a video presentation of their fear mongering as a means to be more effective to their intent.

  • Vanderhoven7

    There is more to this convention


    2018 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    We warmly invite you to attend this year’s three-day conventionpresented by Jehovah’s Witnesses.


  • zeb

    I have not seen this video. Are the bad guys in a national uniform and thereby doing the will of a government? or are they a 'supremacist' mob of some sort. So national attack or criminal attack? and why are jw wandering about in a forrest? waiting for a rapture of some sort?

    If/when such an occasion takes place and r&f jw are beaten and killed and Jesus and angels don't turn up what will the borg say then? "Oh we meant a serious 'spiritual' attack" or deny they said it or showed it outright.

    As has been said here the gb are running scared of the thing none of them will talk about... the prosecution of them.

  • wannabefree

    Mind controlling ass hats! I remember dramas and sound dramas that built up that fear and urgency. Now they have video for even more effective emotional manipulation. Same old same old but in new shiny wrappers.

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    Who do you think will kill most JW?

    The SWAT or the Holy arrow of Jesus Michael Christ the Archangel ?

    It remembers me the RPG I made based on the biblical characters LOL;

  • OrphanCrow
    zeb: Are the bad guys in a national uniform and thereby doing the will of a government? or are they a 'supremacist' mob of some sort. So national attack or criminal attack? and why are jw wandering about in a forrest?

    I think it is direct reference to Russia. Several Russian congregations have recently been subjected to a sweep that included raids and armed searches with assault rifles etc. (http://forum18.org/archive.php?article_id=2381)

    And about that forest...again, Russia. That is how a lot of people envision that huge expansive country - miles and miles of Siberian forests. Which you need a parka to wander around in. 'Cause Russia is cold, you know.

    All stereotypical cultural visual clues that have been inserted into the video by those astute org film makers. It is sort of like Disney on steroids.

  • sparky1

    "It is sort of like Disney on steroids.".......................Or a constipated Quentin Tarantino on Valium, anti-depressants and Gin!

  • OrphanCrow
    sparky: Or a constipated Quentin Tarantino on Valium, anti-depressants and Gin!

    Ah...then we would have Tom Cruise playing the part of Jesus killing bad guys

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