Global Assistance Arrangement for 2016 Service Year

by KiddingMe 21 Replies latest members private

  • KiddingMe


    The suggested amount in the UK was around the equivalent of 4 euros which equals around six Aussie dollars.

    Fifteen bucks is huge,,,, perhaps you have some "company men" in your cong.

    Jonahstourguide, I also found that interesting. The letter read to our congregation, in the US, specifically referred to combining two separate arrangements, the GAA and TOAA. Whereas, the letter I read online, written on London letterhead, only referred to the GAA.

    So it appears they are not requesting the traveling overseers assistance arrangement (TOAA) in the UK.

  • Crazyguy
    Pontoon, they have pretty much suggested it and some have done it. And and yes most never get it back
  • KiddingMe

    Fifteen bucks is huge,,,, perhaps you have some "company men" in your cong.

    I just want to clarify, the letter addresses all congregations in the USA and the $15.00 per active publisher is what the WTBTS anticipate is needed for both the GAA and TOAA.

    I just listened to the announcement again, and it is really slick how the letter appears to be for the purpose of addressing the GAA. It explains what this is for, then it says, "another type of similar arrangement is the TOAA." It explains what this for, then it says, the anticipated cost for the GAA and TOAA is $15 per publisher.

    On a side note, it's no wonder they there's pressure to become a publisher, it just adds to their bottom line.

    They say publishers can pay less or more but the resolution is made upfront by each congregation. So ours resolved to pay $1,700 to the worldwide work. So even if the publishers don't put it in the donation box, the congregation is still paying the full resolved amount.

  • DarioKehl

    I never donated a penny. Ever. But the way I see it, they owe ME about $150,000.

    i thought about typing up an itemized invoice and sending it to their billing department.

    Items: all the time, gas, material investments, life sacrifices, travel expenses and labor for 17 years--and no goods or services were receive?!? ...yeah, I feel I'm entitled to some compensation, goddamit.

    In fact, I think this would be a creative thing to do: get as many exjws to send in symbolic invoices that quantify the amount this evil cult is indebted to you. Sure, after receiving the first 2 or 3, they won't even look at them, but it'll annoy their financial offices & give us some catharsis in the meantime. And who knows, maybe some kid in the mail room will notice all the volume & realize that something's amiss. I believe it would awaken someone (and just one person is enough for me!).

  • jonahstourguide

    @ KiddingMe

    Havent heard the Aussie letter yet but will keep you posted.

    We do have a separate co assistance payment to the branch.

    (edit) We also contribute to the worldwide work

    Be interesting to see if it will be combined, I'm not sure of the co amount.


  • Ignoranceisbliss
    It's amazing! There is a separate fund for everything. A building fund. A fund to pay for COs. A fund to pay for disasters (molestation payments). Each kingdom hall pays for their own existence. So where does all the damn money go? For me that's the question.
  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Here's the thing. Congregations are supposed to send everything but 3 months running costs straight to the temple chests in Brooklyn. So what is the point of raising other taxes, there is already a blanket tax that covers everything any way?
  • Ignoranceisbliss
    Slidin fast. The purpose is to keep the money coming in. For example. At our hall we are running a monthly deficit. This is after all of these extra taxes are paid for. So they gave a local needs talk that we need to bring in more money. Our hall is paying for itself just fine. But after you add in all of the extra taxes from the GB we r running a deficit. The friends at our local hall will have no choice but to start donating more money.
  • brandnew

    CROOKLYN is at it again..... Actually , they dont stop.

    And they call themselves a charity. Its more like they ask for charity too much.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Man, they sure are asking a lot for money a lot over the last 12-18 months, sounds desperate.

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