Should a JW accept Veteran payments?

by Tantalon 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tantalon

    Hello people,

    I was born in but long time faded. I think I hold current JWs to a higher standard than they now maintain.

    Here's the thing; my father is very old, in his nineties and been a Jdub for over 60 years and even made it to Elder till he got too old.On a recent visit my siblings and Dad were saying how wonderful that Veterans Affairs were. Dad served in the army in WW2 before drinking the Koolaid. Any how Veterans Affairs came around and assessed his house and fitted him out with hand rails, auto hose reel and electric stand me up chair. Adjustable bed is next. All on free loan until he passes. He has also been on free health care since retirement. Thank you Aus Govt and Veterans Affairs. I have no problem with looking after ex service people but I have long thought it odd that they (staunch JWs) would accept this help with pride and Dad even said "I got shot at and caught Malaria so my conscience is clear".

    What happened to pacifism and "no part of the world" etc?

    I did not pursue the subject as there is no glory in arguing with frail aged people. Just bemused that's all. Any thoughts people?

  • tiki

    They earned the benefits...they are there to utilize. As for dubs....well my father baptized at age 37 died at insurances no nothing...Armageddon going to take care of future never a nickel saved...well because he was a ww2 vet...his very frugal cremation costs were completely covered...and the memorial service held in the kh. Its a non issue....

  • Tantalon

    Well I did say I have no problem with looking after ex service people in my OP. That wasn't my question. Never mind.

  • Vanderhoven7

    As long as they are depleting this system of things - why not? Accepting ill-gotten gains does not seem to be a problem for JWs as evidenced by their rationalizing acceptance of immorally acquired blood fractions for example.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    J.W.'s in Russia are accepting awards from the man who has just vilified and banned their religion!

    How insane is that?????????????

    The Warwick H.Q. of J.W.'s sanctioned and encouraged the parents to accept the award - I'd bet my house on it! There's no way the Russian elders or the Branch would have cleared this - they'd have passed such a precarious decision up the pyramid to the "glorious ones" in N.Y. state.

    They in turn saw it as an excellent propaganda opportunity - and used it as such!

  • sir82

    I've got no problem with it.

    If they performed the service, they are entitled to their earned compensation.

    Many JWs are nitwits, but they are still people, and it's only fair for people to get what they deserve.

  • Finkelstein

    I know of JWS men who collect veteran pensions.

    When it comes to money JWS see things diffidently, perhaps even hypocritically.

  • Giordano

    Nothing Hypocritical about serving your country as a non witnesses and being eligible for benefits.

    The problem with the WTBTS reasoning is that they are preoccupied with being separate from the world. So they have markers down for non worldly pursuits which they violate as an organization.

    For example: You can't sell tobacco but they invest in tobacco companies, or if not directly, there is a foundation that was set up for the WT that pays them the dividends on a variety of investments that they would not allow their followers to participate in like tobacco companies, military armaments, soft porn etc. Those investments benefit the WTBT$.

    So somebody who honesty earned their benefits deserves their benefits.

    Furthermore didn't Jesus truck with sex workers and tax collectors and non Jews? Had women washing his feet?

    For you lurkers out there. Nothing the WTBTS says should be believed unless the founder of Christianity....Jesus........ said it..... anything else is just made up BS.


    I have long thought it odd that they (staunch JWs) would accept this help with pride and Dad even said "I got shot at and caught Malaria so my conscience is clear".

    What happened to pacifism and "no part of the world" etc?

    If you served in the military.

    You deserve your benefits, even if you`re stupid.

  • Gayle

    The JW Vets deserve their benefits. Ironically, the 'evil' governments provide them funds for their elderly years, that the JWs were sure they would never need, as they wouldn't get 'old.' The WT organization demanded the rest of their lives, including time and money. The WT organization owes them nothing and they get nothing.

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