Mass Mailer to Congregations & Branches - Those who can't disassociate

by thedepressedsoul 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • traveb

    This is my personal advice on the matter:

    Move on with your life.

    Be happy.

    Live well.

    Don't feed the JW persecution complex.

    Be gracious and gentle to JW family and friends you still have contact with. "Kill them with kindness"

    If you still feel the need to vent, post your feelings on discussion boards like this one.

    Write a letter like the one you described, but don't mail it.

    Talk to a therapist.

  • Dunedain
    @- Bill Convert, could you elaborate on your specific dealings with Merton Campbell? I am VERY curious, as i knew him, and his psycho wife Olga, many years ago. I would love to compare "notes", lol. Also, where can i look up the info on him that you mentioned? You say JWN, but i dont know what that is. I would really appreciate ANY info on Merton, and JWN, thanks in advance.
  • sparrowdown

    It's a free country and never underestimate the power of many pens!

    There ya go that's my two cents.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Dunedain All that I know about Merton Campbell is from Barbara Anderson from a phone conversation a year ago. we were discussing a project that centered around a swindler/cock sucker who had a 20 year carreer of swindling the elderly with in the church. I was telling her how the Service Dept. handled the material presented to them on a $4.250M unregestered securties swindle which was to have Ray Dale and his investor cronies investigate their own swindle, they had the fox investigate why there were dead chickens in the hen house. To which Barbara said that is easy to understand as the person sitting on the Northern Calif. Service Desk was Merton Campbell she had me Google his name which brought me to this site and a post of Randal Waters pertaining to a sodomite J. Henderson who is 25 miles down the road from me in Red Bluff. That post showed how the Service Dept on 5 occasions allowed a sodomite to return and molest boys [Henderson has since given up trying to get back into the cong. as I understand].

    When Merton Campbell had the swindler investigate the swindle I wrote the Service Dept telling him that he was a "servent on a horse" Eccl.10:7 a political correct way of saying he was a fucking idiot.Then I cut out the political correctness and just called him and his bosses everything but a Christian. To which Barbara asked if per chance I was the man in Northern Calif who had the reputation in Bethel of writing the most offensive letters of anyone in the entire USA, to which I said yea that was me. Seems when was in Bethel she was friends with the two sisters who scanned all incomming letters, so it was amazing that Barbara was able to go back over 20 years and pull something out of her long term memory [just goes to show she has not lost it yet].

    So the topic of this post was writing letters. I would probably hold some sort of record of pages written. As I stated in the 2013 summer convention talk about "Human Apostates" I read on this site that mention was made as to apostates using a new tactic letter writing, well I am the guy they were talking about. The main thing being done in those letters was using the internal church grape vine to play a mind game with the guy sitting on the Service Desk as to who could out fuck the minds of the Redding area elders. As I described in this post I was able to pull the strings of the Service Dept and put them in a position to where they had take actions against their own Redding elders but do it in such a way so as not let on that a apostate was doing the string pulling.

    I pissed off Merton Campbell so bad that when my wife left the marriage in May 2004 he did the lowest and dirtyest vile act a man in his position could do which was to make a secret out of Shasta Co. Superior Court case #149893. In 2007 I hired a privite investigator to do a back ground check on Raymond C. Dale to which he uncovered a Redding widow Brenda B. being swindled out of a deed of trust which went to trial in Oct.2003 and ended in March 2004 two months before my wife left [due to WBTS church policy that marriage vows can be broken if a mate is a threat to the spiritual health of a faithful mate] had Campbell been upfront with the information and made public the court case I would of been vindicated as the ONLY elder in Redding who stood up to a "wolf pack" Acts 20! It was so low down and dirty that the Circuit Overseer Lester Bailey was willing to phone the Service Dept for permission to release the secret information to which he was instructed to stay out of the family breakup.

    So due to Merton Campbell incompetence we have a 25 year contest between one man and the WTBS. So keep your eye on Watchtower Documents probably Nov or Dec you will be able to read of the extent of the damages to WTBS reputation due to the actions of Merton Campbell.

    Shalom Bill Covert

  • azor

    Blues brother. I doubt the elders know. I was an elder less than a year ago and I had no idea about any of this. Once I knew I was floored with the amount of lies from jworg. One of them principally being that "apostates" are liars, manipulative, and so on.

    One of the things I told my siblings as I was walking away was that what fear does light have of darkness. If it's the truth it has nothing to fear.

    I for one would like to participate. I have hundreds of addresses in the socal area mainly.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    azor They know. It is not letter writing per say but what is contained in the letters coupled with how it is presented. In Redding I am a apostate that is feared, it can be read on their faces when bumped into in town. Realize that when elders lord it over the flock, the flock is all ears when the tables are turned against the elders. Hence the effectiveness of letters penetrating the church's wall of silence. So the letters need some scandal or ability to humilate in order for people to read.

    If this is something you want to do my suggestion would be to patiently wait untill something develops in media as the molestation issue that the faithful can't run away from and use that as your entry into the minds. As we read the posts on this site there is a vast amount of energy flowing as to money related issue which have its roots in the molestations, stay in those areas at that time for some success, its comming!

    As I mentioned watch for a upcomming article on Watchtower Documents as to content of letters, evidently it is going to take a Barbara Anderson open peoples minds.


  • sir82

    It would be a anonymous letter

    Boom - right there - your letter won't even get opened, it will go straight into the bin.

    Or if it is opened, it will be binned within 10 seconds.

    Write if it makes you feel better. Getting things on paper can be very therapeutic, Just don't expect it to have any effect on anyone else.

  • Tornintwo

    I posted this on freemindfade's thread:

    for those who can't dissassociate, how about an anonymous letter to all the witness email addresses they have. Something like: we are your fellow brothers, we sit in the Kingdom Hall with you, we love Jehovah, but we are increasingly concerned about.....

    include the most divisive topics such as shunning, blood, child abuse, false prophecies, GB worship, everyone else will die etc etc with some jwfacts style hard arguments against the wt stand on these issues. Sending them all at the same time to r&f might cause a lot of people to think, certainly stir the pot. If these things are only addressed to the ones in charge it will quickly be clamped down, but if to the r&f it would really be out there and uncontrollable.

    Personally I must have more than 100 email contacts who are witnesses, if we all put these together on mail chimp or something and send out a mass mailer on one day (say get cedars to own the account coz he obviously doesn't care about anonymity) we could have thousands upon thousands of witness addresses.

  • Dunedain

    @ Bill Covert - Thanks for that further info. If i read your post correctly, you are saying that Merton Campbell was in the service dept at around 2004 to 2007 ish, in Northern California?

    He was in my old congregation in NYC, when he was on the service dept, but in Brooklyn bethel headquarters at the time. I hadnt realized that he was sent/moved to California. I myself, had dealings with him over 20 years ago. I was only in my late teens, but had a close relationship with him, due to reasons i wont get into now. He was quite the egomaniac, and very "proud" of his high position. His wife was one of the FAKEST, JUDGEMENTAL, 2 FACED, and GOSSIPING, woman you could ever meet. The type to blow smoke up your ass to your face, and 2 seconds later talk shit about ya, behind your back.

    Both, Merton, and his wife Olga, were "buddy, buddy" with my ex-grandmother in law. My ex-grandmother in law, was all into "high society", and the "whos who", of the organization, and living within miles of Brooklyn Bethel, she had access to them. She was a very wealthy woman, and the GB, and Cambells, and other "higher ups", would kiss her ass, and she would line their pockets. They were all on the take, and Merton and Olga Campbell were right in the mix, getting their share.

    Anyway, i caught Merton in a real serious lie once. The type that undermines confidence and could break serious trust. It just never set, right with me, but thats the nature of this beast we call the WTS.

    I appreciate you confirming for me, please, if he was indeed in Northern California, when you dealt with him, thanks.

  • brandnew
    Seems to me that the gb, and their puppets are doing a very good job in blackballing themselves. Going infront of millions of people in their broadcasts is doing wonders for decline.☺

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