Someone please tell me there is a JW Survivor help line

by WireRider 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    There was a phone line 1-800-WHY-1914 that closed down...part of BRCI which also closed down. 2 ex-jw women manned it for years and sent out material. I called it 15 years ago.

    Try contacting Randy Watters to find if something took its place.

  • flipper

    When really distraught people have shown up here most times someone will pm them and offer a phone call. This has helped some really depressed people at least get pointed to good counseling (both peer and psychological) and has started good friendships.

    Very important to find a professional counselor who is familiar with religious cults and who sees that the watchtower is one. I can't count how many non jw people including some counselors who had no clue about this. (I sure enlightened them)

    Mrs. Flipper

  • Simon

    I think people often take for granted what a kind word can accomplish in someone's life when they are going through tough times. Just someone saying "I understand" or "it'll be OK" can be very powerful.

    I agree though, beyond personal support some professional or informed counselling is probably helpful. Sadly too there will be people eager to take advantage of vulnerable people so we always need to be on the lookout for bad-actors.

  • Sabin
    Hello again Wirerider, Aside from the forum here where some-one can talk freely without judgment, I would recommend Exiting the JW cult: a healing hand book by Bonnie Zieman. Yes you do have to buy it however it`s not really expensive & the information & advise she offers having been raised a JW for 30yrs, experienced the challenges of leaving, was a licenced psychotherapist I have found to be of great value. You could probably borrow one from the library at no cost at all as well. Are you thinking of yourself or for your ex?
  • gda
    JWstruggle. great guy and compassionate. Marc and Cora. Any one have their number close by?

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