Who is considered more bizarre?

by incognito2014 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy3

    The tragedy is when Witnesses reach retirement age totally unprepared. They have been told there is no need (and are criticized if they DO prepare). They are led to believe Armageddon will come in time to save them and they should be in their ministry and not bother their pretty heads about annoying things like earning a living.

    And they end up living in Aged Care facilities run by Institutions of Christendom whom they have lambasted their entire life as the Anti-Christ .

    Because the JW Religion does not in any way or form look after the aged volunteers that have given their life in serving for the WT religion .

    They in effect say the Govt. or Christendoms Religions will take care of you we have better things to do than look after the elderly who have spent most of their life slaving for us.

    After all they are only volunteers ,it was their choice to volunteer,nobody made them do it.

    And to answer the OP question ,the Mormons ,however the JW`s are the most damaging.

  • joe134cd

    It wasn’t until I left the JWs that I started to take a closer look at the LDS. I remember when I walked out the door, thinking that it wasn’t possible to get any more crazy than the JWs. I was to latter realise how wrong I was.

    From a doctrinal point of view the LDS are in a more precarious position the JW. Its hard not to think of the BoM as a veneer for a conman who was a sexual predator. Honestly, Rutherford had nothing on Joe Smith / Brigham young.

    Now, if we put doctrine to one side, as a life style choice, I would choose LDS. I Wouldn’t even have to think about it. Basically the LDS are a weirder but more user friendly version of the JWs.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Hard to pick between the two. Put which one will survive if we go into a total collapse of our economy? I feel the mormons will take care of each other while the JW's will be every man for themselves. The borg will become a shadow of them selves. That said magic underwear looks pretty good. Still Totally ADD

  • LongHairGal


    There was always something about certain JWs in the congregation that was vaguely unreliable, for lack of a better term. I was raised Catholic and saw the difference.

    The JW religion preaches poverty, gives nothing, takes whatever it can get and has the balls to ostracize anybody who was a responsible person who prepared for their retirement. You can bet that I would run from these cheesy idiots who never wanted to work!

    In contrast, the Mormons believe in education and careers and you get a more respectable and prosperous impression from them.

  • tiki

    Yeah....I agree that despite odd underwear and polygamy the Mormons are a bit saner.....in terms of education and community betterment....socialization. Witnesses come across as weird by not participating in normal cultural or societal activities....and imho the higher education negativity predisposes the cult to outside observations of serious lack of enlightenment....which is not unfounded.

  • incognito2014

    Woohoo!!!! I have asked a question and got lots of responses. Usually I ask questions (with this or my previous username) and no-one responds and then I start to doubt myself. Thank you all.

    Anyway - I always understood it was magic spectacles and not a hat, but the hat seem to be the focus and underpants!.

    My reason for asking is that I have been speaking to a Mormon recently, we don't get into deep conversations we just meet while out with our dogs and I get the distinct impression that she don't really understand her own religion but so far all advice has turned out good for her so she goes along with it.

    Almost like the JW view that if if it turned out to be false it is still the best way to live *which I totally disagree with as a sentiment).

    I would suspect that it is a club just like JWs are and belonging to a club is a good thing.

    I have no intention of upsetting the Mormon but rather find it interesting to talk as 2 people with similarly viewed religions in terms of not being mainstream

  • joe134cd
  • Giordano

    This might sum up the issue of the JW's Versus the Mormons.

    Both the Mormons and the JWs are knocking on the doors on the same street Both approach one another on the sidewalk.

    They stand facing one another and the two JW's declare that they don't step aside for Apostates.

    "We do!" Says the Mormons and they walk around the JW's.

    Seriously Of the two religions, and if that was the only choice, I vote Mormon hands down.

    They live in the real world...though they have an imaginary one ...and as such they have their own quirks.

    But they do encourage higher education. They have a fair number of universities and colleges. They are business oriented. Making money is a good thing! They don't refuse a life saving blood transfusion. They don't meddle in peoples health care.They officially gave up multiple marriages though some still think it's the proper thing to do. But they are very family orientated.

    They only ask for two years of door to door service then it's on to the rest of their lives.

    They are versed in politics and military service.

    Their taste in music is up to the individual.

    Where they live and how they live is left up to the individual.

    The Mormons like the JW's can't seem to reconcile gay people. The Mormons didn't allow Black Folks to serve in their temple the JW's have the largest group of people of color. So that's one for the JW's.

    That aside........... being a casual Mormon with a good education would be the best of both worlds.

  • TD

    Anyway - I always understood it was magic spectacles and not a hat, but the hat seem to be the focus and underpants!.

    I believe it was what they call a "Seer stone."


    The person puts the stone in a hat or a large bowl and then puts their face in it, (Think Harry Potter and the Pensieve...)

    The stone then allegedly reveals to the practitioner the location of lost objects, buried treasure, yada, yada, yada.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    This reminds me of the last Presidential race here in the USA. Hillary or Trump?

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