who/what/where did you go away to?

by nowisee 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nowisee

    if exjw, who/what/where did you go away to? what was greatest factor in your decision? if jw, what are you seeking? if not either why are you here?

    thanks to everyone who welcomed me so warmly, compassionately and thoughtfully. i am amazed and moved at the responses. i in no way intended to minimize human suffering under any circumstances. i think my reaction to 9ll was directly related to images from childhood. does anyone remember paradise lost book, the illustration with people running through the streets and buildings crashing down. (i know im going back a long way and i have a feeling a lot of people here are younger than i). as a child every night after saying prayers i would ask my mother if armageddon was coming tonight. a life full of fear. i am finally finding the Way.......


    Hello again Nowisee.

    For me, and several others, many years ago, we were lost.

    No where to turn after leaving the WTBTS. No support networks, period.

    I simply disappeared. I had to live with my former JW mindset, quietly simmering like molten lava for a long time. I was not a happy person, I was never fully content nor satisfied. There was some lingering fear for several years, but no longer.

    Way back in the early 80s, there was, of course, NO internet.

    So basically, I just went away.....not anywhere in particular.

    Now, I have not only a place to go, but a place to be when someone needs support or some sort of validation that 'YES' there is a life outside of the organization. And it can be successful and fulfilling.

    I hope you're headed in that direction.

    Nowisee, I'm glad you're here. You make me smile .

  • sandy


    I know just how you feel. I remember that paradise lost book. It was a peachy color right? I am barely old enough to remember it......really I am...

    I was always afraid of armageddon to. I still am I guess, only now my fear is: what if the JW are right and I have turned my back on God? That is my greatest fear now. I try to reason with myself and say well, if they are right then Jehovah knows my heart is sincere. My doubts are sincere too. I have so many questions. I was born a JW, I had no choice in the matter. I reaalize now that my time in the Org. was all for others. I had all my friends and family there, Where else was I to go? It really is such a small world in the Org.

    I am doing some research now behind the org. If everything I am finding out on this web site is true, then I will know that the JW Org. is just another religion capitalizing on the fear of armageddon.

    Well take care.

    Send me a message some time, I would love to talk to you about our doubts.


  • kat_newmas

    I too walked away, and feared that I would find nothing. I was twelve. You will find my story on other posts, so I wont be too detailed. My mother stopped the car in the middle of the road one day, to give me a spanking.... (the spanking is not relevant here... I deserved it) She got out to get a switch.... I jumped out of the car, and ran into the woods. Some sixteen hours later I was two states away, because an old man picked me up.

    I didnt look back. You can guess that being a cute blonde haired, blue eyed boy... it wasnt long till the perverts were onto me. In a matter of months, it became a way of survival to me. Prostitution I mean.

    I had suffered brutal rapes and starvation by the time I was sixteen. I can remember sleeping under an old school bus in Va, in the snow.

    Anyway, for years I just wandered the streets waiting for Armageddon to hit. I hid in the shadows watching man and his world go by. I was almost twenty before I finally convinced myself that Armageddon was a scare tactic. I had so much time on my hands.... I would often hide in the public library to escape whinos who wanted to rape me, and cold weather. I began to study on my own, man and his religous beliefs. I went all the way back to the beginning. I found so many conflicting things, and was very confused.

    I didnt remain homeless out of choice. When I was a minor.. there was no work... by the time I had reached adulthood... I didnt know how to fit in the rest of.... anything. I prayed to no avail it seemed. But soon I would find that I had a love for beautiful music, art, beauty, and just life in General. It was then that I started to really see the world around me.

    Eventually things worked out for the best. I have escaped death so many times. I came to know that "God" was such a vast being, that everything I had been taught as a child was just.... inadequate. No Doctrine or teaching I had learned... could fit the Dweller of the Heavens for me. I learned of so many different cultures and beliefs. I have seen that all life truly is connected.... that everything in Nature depends on everything else. That there will always be those who create and those who destroy; those who love and those who hate.

    Anyway, in my last few years on the streets, I became more and more confident that God was not some man on a golden throne waiting to hand out eternal judgement. That is was not the end that mattered.... but it really was the journey that was important.

    I am a successful artist now. Open minded. Married to wonderful woman. It wasnt until I could get past all the guilt and shame that I was able to live life for real.

    Mine is not some sad story. I learned so much. I wouldnt trade it for anything. There is a freedom that one enjoys, when he leaves the tiny minded way of man. That is why if you read my first post to Yiz on the "hi I'm Homeless Now"..... that is really my only advice to him...SEE the world. Learn from it. Enjoy the freedom you have... financial status and social status are so.... limited.

    I grew up with alley-cats as my best friends.... I relate to them. Their motto is "Avoid the humans... till you need food or your back scratched".... Anyway... I hope this helps someone out there... when you think you have hit the bottom of life's Pit.... know that there is always a way to learn something from it. If there were not hard times.... you would never grow.

  • Satanus

    When i realised that the wt was $#!+, i went to the bible, pentle and standard christianity. After i found out the bible was also $#!+, i then examined other religions, including eastern ones, near death experience stories, institutes that explore alternate dimensions, and my own psyche. Eventually, i realised i didn't need to go anywhere, really, as i have everything i need. I don't need salvation, forgiveness, diversions, or deliverance, but i do need money. I'm not solliciting. Keep yer dam money w the pyramid on it.


    If you wrote a book, it would probably sell, especially to excult people. Axl rose (guns and roses) went through a similar stage, only not as bad.


  • DJ

    Hi nowisee,

    I went to the bible and came upon Matt. 11:28. I read it and cried. I thought that I couldn't do what it asked because I was so afraid. It went against wt teachings. Finally, I got the strength and went to him..............I've never looked back since! Read it for yourself and don't be afraid. Love, Dj

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I didnt care where I went. As long as it was my choice and I could do what I wanted without having a bunch of 80 YEAR OLD men trying to direct my life for me using my parents , my blood kin, and my every aquaintance as their agents of enforcement.

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome nowisee and kat_newmas.

    I don't think we fully comprehend how much we are/were affected by the "high control" group we used to belong to. It takes time, lots of time to heal.

    When I first came to this board, in my journey, I asked how long before the sayings in my head go away. (You know, those common stock replies we had for everything. Well, ok, the replies that was subtly interwoven in our minds) I find they don't, they fade as I replace them with rational and critical thinking, but they still pop up once in a while.

    nowisee, I read in another thread that you left bethel in '76, so did hubby and I. Maybe our paths crossed.

    kat_newmas, man your comment moved me. I'm sorry for all that you have gone through, but what an excellent attitude on dealing with life and seeing the good it has to offer.

    hugs to all,


  • kat_newmas

    NEVER be sorry.... I certainly am not.... I would not be where I am today had I not stepped out of that car. (the irony is... it was sunday morning, we were on our way home from a meeting... my dad just so happened to be working that morning and my mother was left alone with us... I believe my dad would have been able to catch me.... my mom was wearing heels and a skirt... and that made my escape possible)

    NO REGRETS! Anyone out there afraid to take a chance...... Go for it!

  • Loris

    I went away to Jesus Christ and his Father and away from the confining strangle-hold of the WTS. I went away to freedom, freedom to think and research and explore. I went away to my inner rooms and away from sanctified holy buildings. When I left 6 months ago I surrounded myself with as many Bibles, commentaries, and concordanances as possible. I spent enormous amounts of hours on line. I printed reems of information. I put my life on hold while I searched for the answers. I have a sense of peace now that excells all thought. I am content in what I believe. I am content to know that I will probably never have all the answers. I am no longer obsessed with needing to have answers to all the questions. I trust our heavenly Father to take care of the universe. I only have to take care of my little corner. I only have to love him with all my heart, mind and soul. And I have to love my fellow human brothers and sisters like I am learning to love myself. It is so simple. I love my life now. And I can love everyone else, too. I do not have to treat others like birdfood.

    There is life after WTS. Love, Loris

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