Things I remember growing up in the 70s

by The Rebel 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    @the Rebel

    ". I say this because I love your Avetor a car number plate " 666 XJW" that's cool."

    the story about the number plate:

    i was at one of Cantleave and Nuggets' infamous partys and we got onto the subject of personal plates--my previous car had an XJW plate-----and Cantleave suggested we look on the DVLA website for unused plates for sale---a search showed m666xjw-----Cantleave held a loaded banana to my head and my credit card came out. so he has to take full responsibility for it. "he made me do it "

  • stan livedeath
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Why did I start this thread?

    A) Today I went to the second hand shop to purchase a " tape deck"


    The main reason In the " Eighties" I was in Covent Garden and a busker was playing and selling his music on " tape". He was brilliant and his songs were about his life. Without buying the " tape deck" today I would never hear again "SARI: Peartree in the Wilderness by Kai Jansen, a busker in the 80s who sang and wrote about his life and greatest love.

    The Rebel

  • rebelfighter

    Thanks Rebel

    I like your tags those are cool.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I grew up in the 80s and 90s, but I remember a few things left over from the 70s.

    Chopper bikes, for one. I always wanted one of those as a kid.

    Dodgy haircuts was another. I never wanted those as a kid.

  • Landy

    White dog poo. You never see that now.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The birth of my kids, their first words. Working late at night arriving home and my baby girl

    crying, I take her in my arms and we dance until she fall asleep. Teaching my sons to fish, camping

    trips and then it went down hill,got baptized as a JW it all went to hell....

    Great shows in the 70'Happy Days, All in the family, Sanford and son, Mash and the

    Love Boat.......

  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    My dad had a van for his business. On weekends, he'd take out all his tools and gear from the back and we'd go to the beach. Since the van only had two seats in the front, with no seat belts, he'd put patio chairs in the back of the van for us to sit on. If we ever got rowdy or whinged too much, he'd either brake, accelerate or swerve, sending us flying in the back. We laugh about it now but these days, he'd probably get arrested, despite us never getting hurt.

    I grew up in Australia so fish and chips were the best thing too. Wrapped in newspaper, of course. We'd sneak out of the schoolyard once a week, to the local chippy around the corner. Things always taste best when forbidden. We'd toss our sandwiches in the bin or feed them to the magpies. When we got caught, we'd get the stick for punishment, and not do it again. For a few weeks.

  • Magwitch
    • One of my brothers getting the new Elton John album .... Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy (with a naked woman on the album cover - horror of horrors)
    • January 1, 1976 .... Did we survive the great tribulation??????
    • Summer of '77 - Going to see the BeeGees in St. Paul MN
    • Oldest brother goes to Bethel in '78 and comes home '80 an apostate .... setting a beautiful example for his four younger siblings to follow.
  • jhine

    The Generation Game , l would cry with laughter at that .

    White dog poo ??!!


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