Where is the Rebel.

by The Rebel 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    I am here after about three years and have seen posters come and go. A few I have met in person and truly are great friends.

    It's a shame some have left though and I feel the personality of the site has changed over the years too.

    I feel good about supporting others and sharing my experiences.

    Kate xx

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I have been on this forum for 9 years. Most of these years, I was still in and not fully awake. Strangely, I knew the TTATT, felt compelled to read about it and even share some topics. However, somehow, I still believed that the JW were doing greater good than harm at the time. Still, as I was unable to talk about the negative things, I was coming here to let off steam.

    Now that I am out, I am still on this forum as I do believe many JWs read our posts. I like to consider my post generally moderate and as such, I am sure many JWs read them without being overly shocked. I also hope that through this forum, many people, especially the young ones, will understand that leaving the JW does not equate to throwing your life away.

    Objectively, the JW religion is a topic of which I, and many on this forum, are experts at and this compels me to take some form of action. As I am also presently forced to remain anonymous, I believe participating on this forum is a good way to take actions.

    I also hope that one day, I will go through my comments and topic and create some type of blog or write a few articles on the matters. So, one way or another, this work isn’t lost.

  • FayeDunaway

    I think that those of us with close family still in the cult can't move on from it. The cult will need to die, or our family will need to get out of the cult, for us to be done with it. It's a slave organization that utilizes mind control.The injustice screams out to us as long as the injustice continues.

    I may eventually barely come here anymore, because I am addicted and need to get other things done, and this makes me feel guilty that I spend too much time here! But as long as the family I have that are still in it are alive, I will be thinking about it all the time.

    For those of you with no family in it and you are ready to move on, I congratulate you and am happy this place helped you while you needed it. Moving on is healthy.

  • DisArmed

    Good OP Reb,

    Before arriving I had been in a place where I rarely gave Wally World a second thought. Out of curiosity and as the result of a friend's recommendation I tuned in. I found the forum to be a place that maybe, through my experience, I could somehow in a small way help a few. I still hope that is true. I noticed though that what I have to say has usually already been said by many. That's okay with me, it just means there are a lot of ex- JWs that have similar experiences. I still tune in, just not quite as much. The arguing, name calling and mean spiritedness seemed to have taken over there for a while and that was disheartening. I thought if current JWs were lurking they might think that that is what happens to people who leave WW or maybe they think those on the forum were already mean spirited and that's why they left. Lately though it seems to have turned yet again. The ones that have their own agenda come, try to exercise their agenda, then leave. They come and go. I hope the lurkers can find some info, good experiences, helpful advice and encouraging words to help them escape Wally World and, like me, rarely give that world a second thought.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    It's funny that you bring this up because I was wondering how to end my days of visiting/ commenting on this site.

    Every time I log on, I learn something new but I wonder if I need to stop being an X-JW and move on.

    This site has helped tremendously and I owe all of the posters, past and present a debt of gratitude for their assistance. I hope I've been able to help other in the same way but it seems like I've been getting a lot of "thumbs down" lately on my half baked comments which confirms my feeling that I've contributed all I can and should move on.

    I agree with you rebel, posters come and go and we should be glad that they were healed even though we don't hear from them anymore.

    Thanks for making this post.


  • millie210
    Pete Zahut
    It's funny that you bring this up because I was wondering how to end my days of visiting/ commenting on this site.
    Every time I log on, I learn something new but I wonder if I need to stop being an X-JW and move on.
    This site has helped tremendously and I owe all of the posters, past and present a debt of gratitude for their assistance. I hope I've been able to help other in the same way but it seems like I've been getting a lot of "thumbs down" lately on my half baked comments which confirms my feeling that I've contributed all I can and should move on.

    That would be such a shame to lose you.

    So you get dislikes, who cares?

    Although it IS too had that you dont know how mnany really enjoy your posts and the outlook you have.

    I think we notice the dislikes more maybe?

    Hope you stay, Youre one of the good guys.

  • zeb

    My heartfelt thanks goes to those who have helped me along the broken track. Perhaps especially those who have pm me and extended their kindness further.

    But as you say people come and go as their lives 'evolve'. I hope to be around a while yet.

    My love goes out to you all.

  • FayeDunaway
    Wow I love this thread. And I love you Pete, you're one of the good ones. Please don't feel unloved. I don't think I've ever disliked any of your posts. Just liked, and often.
  • arwen
    I have mistakenly hit dislike button. I wanted to hit like but could not undo it. So perhaps this might be the same on your posts!!
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Pete Zahut " I was wondering how to end my days visiting/ commenting on this site .....lately it seems like I have been getting a lot of thumbs down on my half baked comments"

    The Rebel :- Pete that is the most half baked comment you have ever made, infact I looked at your last two pages post history. The result was you received 76 likes and only 3 dislikes....not that I give to much stock to likes and dislikes :-) but in your case recently you would appear to be the most likable member on the board.

    Thanks for all the other replies, which I appreciated but time does not permit to comment on.

    The Rebel.

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