When did the governing body go from 12 to 7 members?

by Tameria2001 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub


    Their members shrunk.

    (As a side note, having 7 is still a great number).

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    GB members were not and are not limited to 12 members (that's the Mormons who have only 12 members on their apostle board).

    There have been as many as 17 GB members at one time. "Qualified" anointed male jws are decreasing in number.

  • Tameria2001

    I don't know about 17 members of the GB, all I said was when I left there were 12. I don'l know anything about the structure of the Mormons, because I was never involved with them.

  • sparky1

    Tameria2001, here is a photo of the Governing Body (tm) from the mid 1970's when it was composed of 17 members; as Blondie rightly pointed out. All these men have long since died.

  • Listener

    Half Banana, I loved your reasoning.

    Sort of reminds me of a sinking ship. There were 17 GB members and now it has dwindled down to 7. I know they keep dying but it's like they've all deserted and only 7 remain, trying to bail out the water.

    You would think that with an increasing number, they would need more.

    Sparky, good photo. Out of all those men, it appears there was only one who sincerely cared about doctrine and true worship. Being in the limelight wasn't important to him.
  • flipper

    " When Did the Governing Body go from 12 to 7 Members ? "

    When they all started dying off. Couldn't find any " overlapping " governing body members to replace them

  • Gargamel

    Will be interesting when only one is left.

  • Iamallcool

    Gargamel, I think if one more gb member dies, I would not be surprised if they will be discussing to add some few more new gb members just like they appointed Stephen Lett, Samuel Herd, David Splane and Guy Pierce to the gb in 1999.

  • smiddy

    Seven members are better than 17 or 12 , do the maths ,more $$$$$$ for each of us , when we head for the hills when the imaginary GT breaks out.


  • jookbeard

    Sparky1 who is the GB member first on the top left in the grey 3 piece suit in that pic? I'm guessing Jaracz, but a complete lookylikey of the great British comedian Vic Reeves!

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