IRIDOLOGY- The Diagnostic Study Of The Iris---What Did You Think?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    JW's love to get involved in non-traditional treatments. In many of the congregations, the study of iridology was practiced. Scores of "sick" people would have "parties" where they would come and get their eyes "read". Then the person treating and diagnosing the illnesses of people would prescribe an herbal cure to rid the ill one of their malady. Some brothers claimed to be cured of kidney disease as well as cancer! Did any of you get involved in anything like this???

  • kat_newmas

    A woman removed a plantars wart from the bottom of my foot one time, by rubbing two halves of a potato on them... when she put the two halves back together she said "when this potato rots, that wart will be gone"... and it was.

    The whole lot of them accused me of using Witch-craft. It became a rather large issue in the congregation. No action was taken against me at that time though,

  • Scully

    A sister in our circuit was an iridologist.

    People went to see her for readings all the time. She made a lot of money selling herbal preparations to the people she "diagnosed" too.

    I've never been comfortable with this practice. It's just too easy to fall prey to someone who is in the business to make you produce expensive pee. The people she "treated" never seemed to get better, but they always went back for more.

    Love, Scully

  • CaptainSchmideo

    And, Hey! What about Noni? It cures everything from dandruff to cancer! And it sure makes you rich, if you are the first on your block to sell this crap! I know a guy who swears by it, and well he he should, for it has made him a mint in sales.

    Unfortunately, he stopped taking his medication for diabetes, and has now lost sight in one of his eyes...But! That's just negative, "stinking thinking", right? Right?!!!

  • blondie

    I went to a non-JW iridiologist on the recommendation of a sister. I filled out a sheet about my family's medical history. Then after reading that sheet said she could diagnose what ailments I had by looking at my eyes. Guess what the ailments were, yes, the ones I put on the sheet. Charlatans!


  • OICU8it2

    Some years back when I was active, iridology swept thru the Miamisburg, Centerville, Kettering, OH congregations. At the time I could not beleive something so idiotic could be happenning to people who are supposed to know the truth. Of course, I never read any apostate material so didn't know the organization's history of this sort of thing. I would try to reason with brothers but all it did was make some angry. It was even announced from the platform that one shouldn't put down others' personal medical views. Families were going somewhere in Tennessee, I think to get diagnosed and spending thousands of dollars for cure programs. All this from a disfellowshipped person. What a killing he made. Some got into dire medical straits for not treating diseases conventionally. I remember one brother (who I now recognize as an idiot) who nearly lost a young son who had diabetes. One sister put off breast cancer treatment using poultices that were supposed to cause the tumor to migrate out through the skin. Sad to say. she passed away. She was a wonderful woman. After a while, 2 sides developed in the kingdom hall. The root-eaters and the conventional. You absolutely would not beleive how one brother took his coffee. I should have known this type of thinking could prevail with such a group, but totally blinded and brainwashed, I stayed in the "truth" for several more years.

  • minimus

    JW's LOVE to get involved in unconventional things, especially medecine. But that shouldn't surprise us because the Society has always suggesyed alternative medicine....Remember, they hated the AMA!.....I always thought that reading someone's irises sounded a little demonic.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    My sister got into iridology when she lived in Southern California in the mid 70s. Her roomie had some kind of arthritis. The iridologist had her on a rather strict diet and doing coffee enemas - yuk! It was all rather strange. The strict diet probably did more than all that other yukky stuff she had to do. But it was very, very big stuff in their congregation.

    Mrs R, of the no enema class, please

  • MerryMary

    My SIL , an devout jw, has been treated by several holistic type of practiciners (sp?). Her latest has claimed to detect her cancer by running her hands over her and detecting the negative energy that the cancer emits from her body. She said her holistic chiropractor confirmed the diagnosis. She was put on a very strict diet regime, complete with weekly colonics (coffee I think). My sister says that for now the cancer is in remission. She has never been to a regular doctor to confirm or deny the cancer. Now she is going somewhere in So. California where she will put her hands on a computer of some sort, as a means of obtaining energy to heal her even further. I have a hard time believing that any of these type of practices are legit and they sound a bit voodoo-ish to me. For now I'll stick to conventional methods of medicinal treatment.

    Mary Lou

  • Mulan

    It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul.

    Do you think it is beyond possiblity that illnesses could be seen in the eyes?

    My father was a very well know, very successful Naturopathic Physician in the Northwest U.S. He practiced Iriidology, and I believe it is a proven science. He was absolutely amazing, in the things he diagnosed. He could spot a pregnant woman, long before she began to suspect she was pregnant. He was always right. I don't recall him ever being wrong.

    Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it "hocus pocus".

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