Nephilim...Only desired females

by RULES & REGULATIONS 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JeffT

    I have noticed my jw is fascinated by the nephilim story! is this a jw obsession or just him do you suppose?

    I've been out a long time, but when I was in people at the hall talked about all kinds of stories about demons, fallen angels, beautiful women, freak offspring etc. It was a hot topic and everybody wanted to be on the latest story.

  • Godlyman

    Hmmm, what you have written I am in agreement with. Are you a practicing Jw?


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Just because a story is impossible to believe that doesn't mean it is not true, the story of the "gods" coming down from heaven and having offspring with human women is part of many ancient mythologies, Sumerian,Egyptian, Greek,Roman, and so many more.This is a reference to a common experience or history that goes back at the beginning of human history.

    Why would angels wanna have sex with human women? Many reasons...

    The Bible never says that angels are incapable of sexual relations, it sounds like in their materialised condition they can have sex and procreate.God is not allowing cross breeding between different species.See Jude 7 one of the reasons God punished Sodom and Gomorrah is because they went after flesh of a different kind (=Sarkos eteras).

    The mingling of different seeds and the creation of hybrids right before the Flood was Satan's plan to destroy makind and contaminate the human race and in this way void Genesis 3:15.No human race no judgement.

    So much more to say on this subject...

  • nowwhat?

    Too bad hybrids can only be male. Could you imagine a bunch of she-hulks running around?

  • waton
    "gods" coming down from heaven and having offspring with human women is part of many ancient mythologies,

    rf: the "achilles heel" of the many myth argument is, that repeated fantasies dont magically render them to be facts, the wt 2 witness rule notwithstanding.

  • peacefulpete

    Ray....your argument that if a mythology crosses cultures they must be historical means not only giants but elves fairies etc must be. Surely you are not suggesting that. Wouldn't it rather make sense to understand commonality in folklore as the result of common human psychology and cross cultural influences? We can often trace that exchange through linguistics for example. If you haven't, please carefully read the thread I linked to and pick up the discussion if you wish.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @ waton ,why is it so impossible to believe that this did happen? How can people's from different continents disconnected from each other develop the same stories of "gods" cohabiting with women?

    From Wikipedia:

    Comparative mythology is the comparison of myths from different cultures in an attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics.[1] Comparative mythology has served a variety of academic purposes. For example, scholars have used the relationships between different myths to trace the development of religions and cultures, to propose common origins for myths from different cultures, and to support various psychoanalytical theories.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz


    Elves and fairies do not cross over many mythologies although they can all be bracketed under the "demon like creatures"

    The reference to giants and gods coming down to earth in so many cultures is so widespread that is hard to ignore.

  • Godlyman

    Whatever the case, we can only read and choose to accept it as truth or not. No person can prove or disprove this account upon the earth today. All we can do is express our own opinion, but in the end, no single person truly knows. By the way, I am not a part of the JW organization. I choose to follow my own understanding.


  • waton

    only male materialized angels? did I read right? nordic goddesses also had children with human males?

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