Sanderson’s “Young People” convention talk

by FFGhost 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    76 years old here. I got 52 years as a heavy duty truck mechanic. Check out web site "Covert's Mobile Truck Repair" Redding Calif., for a picture of myself and service truck. Service truck is a 2018 Ram 550, I got a new $12,000 welder, everything 1st cabin.

    I got $3,000 a month alimony because I was a threat to my ex wife's spirituality, I got 10 grandchildren of whom I do not even know their names.

    The difference between this message today and the same message when my generation got it is Matt.24:34. The difference of the substance of this current message and the message of the 'baby boomer' era is the difference of the creative thinking of Stephen Lett compared to Fred Franz. Fred Franz and Ron L. Hubbard must of been cut from the same piece of cloth. The "obedience to the Organization mantra" started in 1984 and yes I did recognize the purpose of that mantra as the church's move to shut down minds in that there was no person in the organization with as fertile of a mind as Fred Franz to perpetuate a line of BS to bridge the demise of Matt. 24:34.

  • punkofnice
    FFG - So did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to Sanderson’s talk corresponding to the Saturday morning convention program?

    Not on your nelly. I'd sooner gnaw my winkie off.

    what the greasy pig really means is, 'give us your money and let Uncy Sanderson sodomise you if you're under the age of 12.'

  • HiddlesWife

    MORE FREE LABOR from yung bodies and MORE MUCH $$$$$/DONATIONS from these kiddies (who were considered "enemies of God" when they were infants via Marshall Applewhite's Clone). Doing all of this so that this cultcorporation can MAINTAIN-RETAIN TOTAL CONTROL in addition to getting as much $$$$$ to line their DAMNING bank accounts/coffers! 😫🤬

  • Smiles
    Was that the same convention lecture to JW youth, where Mark Uriah Heep Sanderson revealed that the experience he just earlier related about a brilliant young man of a mere 18 years that righteously declined a university scholarship in order to become an ambitious 19 year old full-time partaker was none other than he himself... ?
  • Diogenesister

    It's just so dull. The record is stuck on repeat: don't get an education, pioneer or labour for us on our quick builds. If you do have a skill you can maybe remote Bethelite (because we're too tight to even provide your bed and board these days).

    Every. Single. Time.

    Nothing is even remotely interesting these days. There's no wildly imaginative Fred Franz writing crazy theories to study - with exciting end games 'just around the corner'. It's all stick and no carrot....the Yung wunz will leave in droves.

  • TonusOH

    The damage that has been done by the attitude of "let Jehovah take care of your needs" is enormous. How many families scraped by for years, secure in the belief that God would provide and that they would not need to worry about their later years since Armageddon was near? How many of them realized, only too late, that they were facing a lengthy period of deprivation and suffering because God did not provide and the end did not arrive? How many of them are even aware that others like them are the reason the GB lives so well, using them up like paper towels and discarding them when they are no longer useful?

  • LongHairGal


    What I cannot wrap my head around is how so many Jehovah’s Witnesses over the decades literally ‘checked their brains at the door’ and decided they weren’t going to save money or provide for their future!

    I can’t even respect this. Maybe it’s my non-JW upbringing (which saved me). Even IF some JWs saved (but wisely kept their traps shut) they would at least have something! But, it seems far too many JWs bought the equivalent of a bad investment tip and decided “hey what the hell..Armageddon’s coming so who needs a retirement plan? Let’s just go door-to-door..tra La La.”

    I was knocked for my job..This is why I wouldn’t give anything now to these people who wouldn’t be caught dead in a full-time job and who acted like I was Typhoid Mary back then when I was busting my a$$ earning a living.

    Let their ‘spiritual’ friends who invited them to those secret gatherings help them out OR brothers with businesses offer them a modest job.

  • Biahi

    I’ve always said, God helps those who help themselves.

  • LongHairGal


    Thanks. If I hadn’t ‘helped myself’ by working all those years ago, I would be so screwed it wouldn’t be funny. NOBODY would be taking up a collection for me.. Imagine 🤣?

    I cringe when I think of what could have happened if I fell for all the peer pressure in the religion. I even tried doing a ‘pioneer day’. Luckily, it was too tiring. I even cleaned a house (not for me). But, I credit the wisdom of my non-JW family for keeping me on the straight and narrow and holding onto my job, etc.

    It’s scary to think of all the Witnesses who fell for this non-preparation for the future - not just retirement. It really does fly in the face of plain old common sense..Not just Proverbs talking about the lowly Ant but what about money being a ‘protection’? This would imply savings of some sort.

    Sorry for anybody who threw common sense out the window and who followed the crowd there and is suffering today!

  • Smiles

    Sanderson publicly self-praised his own story of forfeiting some low level collegiate scholarship in order to pursue high level JW ambitions...

    Meanwhile, the same convention program shames average JWs for posting selfies/vlogs on social media because it might give the appearance of self-concerned boasting.

    But a WT big belly can go on camera in front of 10 million JWs and toot his own horn with the intention of being "encouraging" to young people...


    Wonder if Mark Sanderson would go on camera to boast about ever turning down the urge to masterbate?

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