The Cry for Peace & Security WHEN?????????...

by JT 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    *** w81 11/15 11 "Peace and Security!"-Then "Sudden Destruction" *** Whenever it is that they are saying: Peace and security! then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.1 Thess.

    For some of you young bucks in wt (smile- just messing with you) us old timers recall the Fear that the above text would put into you when you had a good sunday speaker-

    yet most jw today have no idea of the power that was packed into the "Cry for P$S" dogma and it goes to show that the teaching of the wt are bogus-

    any good jw is suppose to know that all the noise being made around the world is not suppose to lead into armeggedom- instead we are suppose to see a calmness around the world to such an extent that mankind can declare "Peace and Security"

    yet instead of seeing peace on the horizon - it looks like we may have war- so any good jw knows that WE MUST HAVE PEACE FIRST yet jw are running around talking about, THIS COULD LEAD INTO ARMEGGDOM

    so once again jw have no idea what they are suppose to teach or believe, how sad

  • minimus

    JT, are you stealing my words? I said that yesterday in a differnt thread. Get your own material, willya?


    Hi JT...

    I remember going over this with some folks and they told me that it may not really be peaceful and secure...they're just saying "peace and security". So they have all the bases covered. It will either be peaceful and secure or the usual wars and skirmishes will be happening but somebody somewhere might be calling for "peace and security". G.B. speak with forked tongue.


  • JT

    JT, are you stealing my words? I said that yesterday in a differnt thread. Get your own material, willya?


    my bad we were just sitting here talking about the new threat esp here in wash dc and sad to say so many jw are saying THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!----- yet their own dogmas teach that this can't possible be "IT"-

    BUT jw are a different breed i guess

  • JH

    Often I thought about that peace and security cry. After the 1st great war as they call it WWI, they made peace and that could have been a peace and security cry. After WWII, they had peace, and they could have said Peace and Security, but no.

    When the soviet onion fell apart in 1990, nobody cried, they could have said, king of the north is dead, so peace and security, but no.

    Since we had relative peace since WWII, maybe we have been living peace and security without knowing it.

    With the war(s) to come, I don,t think there will be any peace and security soon. Unless some unexpected peace breaks out.

    Peace to you all

    Edited by - jh on 13 February 2003 21:41:44

  • JT

    I remember going over this with some folks and they told me that it may not really be peaceful and secure...they're just saying "peace and security". So they have all the bases covered. It will either be peaceful and secure or the usual wars and skirmishes will be happening but somebody somewhere might be calling for "peace and security

    o i agree many say that, yet the wt articles don't support that position- when i was growing up it was all too clear that the conditions on earth would be peaceful and quiet and all of mankind would be lulled into a state of feeling ALL IS WELL-

    so the explanation that the jw gave to you are NOT WHAT THE WT TEACHES ON THIS DOGGMA

    BUT WHAT IS NEW when it comes to jw making excuses for wt- smile

  • lauralisa

    Hi JT,

    You are, I know, right in the middle of the target zone. (I've listened to all of the warnings about duct tape and plastic and water and diapers and pets and.... my kids live in Fairfax, Virginia, and of course I am a big twist of anxiety.) Didn't you guys in DC just go through enough hysteria a couple of months ago with that freak sniper?

    You, IMO, are a reliable source of information and insight AND, as usual, are RIGHT ON with your heads up about what "they" have said about P&S. Thanks for reminding us. If jws are feeling "encouraged" (gag me) about the onset of war and YES IT MUST MEAN ARMAGEDDON IS RIGHT UPON US!!!!!!!!!!! Then, well, shame on them. I read everything you post, and wish I could have met you when I lived in that area.

    love to you and Mrs. JT


  • JT


    point well taken, but this is the problem - the wt has gone into extensive detail on how this would take place and what events would follow- after the nations announce P&S- in fact the wt has stated if you ck that 1981 article that the cry would be some MAJOR ANNOUNFEMENT not just a passing statement by some gov offical- AND THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION- -- FALSE RELGION WILL FALL, THEY WILL TURN ON JW AND JAH WILL MOVE TO PROTECT HIS PEOPLE WHO are like the apple of his eye

    the details that the FDS provided on this issue are so detailed even a blind man would know it has started

    the Dogma is just another example of playing "Prophet"

  • JH


    a blind man would know it has started

    Do you mean the great tribulation has started?

    But like you said, peace and security didn't come. There is a problem in their chronology if the great tribulation comes without peace and security first.

    They didn't even get that one right.

    But then, if an unexpected peaceful solution did come to solve this crisis, it would really be Peace and Security. Think about it. That is the only way the JW could be right.

    The fact that no one believes in peace anymore would make this a great event, if ever they could make peace. From one extreme to another (Imminent War to peace). This would be the only opportunity for the prophesy to come true.

    I'm full of holy shit spirit tonight, listen to me.

    Edited by - jh on 13 February 2003 21:38:6

  • Noumenon

    Yes I've noticed the organisation has gone very quiet on this scripture lately. It was pushed a lot more in the eighties. Probably also something to do with the neutral, and even positive light, that the Society is portraying the UN in these days (this going soft on the UN is proof of an apostasy in the tops ranks perhaps?)

    My understanding is the Society always took the scripture to mean that mankind via his political expressions, likely the UN, will at some point feel he has achieved a real measure of true peace and security at last, and a rather dramatic announcement to this effect will be made, immediately preceeding their destruction by God's forces.

    But I recall an article a few years back where they indicated that the fulfillment of this 'prophecy' could in fact be either a dramatic announcement, or a long drawn out affair, like the continuing ongoing efforts of the nations in recent years to focus more on bringing about peace and security thru international cooperation and forums like the UN. So they were intimating that we could be seeing the fulfillment of this right now, ie, the nations continually focused on bringing about peace and security via the UN. So they have got both bases covered in a way.

    In any event, I personally expect there will be a fulfillment of this scripture one way or the other, however, likely not in the way that the JW's are expecting. interprets prophecy to indicate that the Anglo-American dyad will soon be destroyed (along with the Watchtower Society collapsing at the same time, this being Jehovah's punishment for it's sins), and that we are likely on this brink of these events. He speculates that a monstrous global political organisation will arise from the ashes and tyrannise mankind, trying to force them to obey it, and then Jehovah finally intervenes. If these events do in fact transpire it could be such a new more dictatorial version of the UN that cries 'peace and security', stating that it is the ultimate solution, and trying to fool all of mankind - a last ditch effort by Satan to suck as many down with him as he can before his final abyssing.

    Time will tell.

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