Senior Sex

by patio34 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • CoonDawg

    Well...I would't exactly call MYSELF middle age...32 isn't middle age...but if my wife is any indication...I think we'll continue to wear out matresses and strain bedframes for many years to come. I want to be like the old dude on "Road Trip"....walking around with a huge hard-on...ready to rock and roll. LOL


  • patio34

    Well, all the best CoonDawg, and as they say TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!

    Besides, both of you are still reproductive for decades. Ahhh, youth, enjoy it while you can!



    I'm not exactly middle-aged, not unless I'm gonna live to be 120, but let me share something with you children. Age looks a damnsite different, looking at it from the outside, than it does from the inside looking out. Maybe I can't speak for everybody, but a lot of us seniors have changed a hell of a lot more on the outside than we have on the inside. The gray/thinning hair and wrinkles have nothing to do with what you feel and how you think. I still have the same basic interests and tastes I did at twenty-one. I've just learned to be a little more thoughtful and discreet in pursuing them. Me and my lady still enjoy dancing, motorcycle riding and a few more intimate activities. We will celebrate our 41st wedding anniversary on the 24th of this month and I'll guaran-damn-tee you we won't do it watching Lawrence Welk re-runs on PBS.

  • patio34

    Aww, My, that's sweet! I'm glad for you. By the way, I'm 56, so I have experience at all this.

    Again, it's not about committed couples, but about sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex in general.

  • Ravyn

    I read somewhere once that while men hit their sexual peak at 17-25 and then slowly go down, women don't hit it until 30-40 and usually maintain it for the rest of their lives!

    so maybe the 18 yr old boys need to hook up with the 35 year old women and learn a few tricks huh?

    Ravyn (of the 'youngest I ever had was 22 when I was 34'...class)

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Man I sure hope I have more sex as a senior. Cus' I'm in my 20's now and don't get much of it

  • patio34

    Lol at Scully! There's quite a few posts I've missed, being at work and goldbricking it today

    Good luck Chevy, or should I say I hope you get lucky!?

    Ravyn, that makes good sense, especially since women outlive the men!

    It's still raining . . .

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Thanks for the well wishes Patio. I keep trying but nuthin yet....

    By the way it is still raining. Has it stopped?

  • patio34

    I'm in California and it's still raining. . . maybe they're monsoons. Thanks for asking Chevy. I should think you would have no problem with the babes at your age, btw.


  • patio34

    Another point possibly that bears on the discussion is that in movies, tv, etc. whenever love scenes are shown, it's with young attractive people. When older folks are shown it's rarely, if ever, in the throes of passion. This is because, imo, that everyone would rather see youth in these scenes because they are more sexually attractive.

    It would seem to be a given that if older people's sex would sell products (other than Viagra! --even then the people shown seem to be no older than 40), then Madison Ave. would use them.


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