Loosing your Privleges and Scumbag elders

by Addison0998 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Incognito

    Congratulations! You have now been awakened to the ways of the Watchtower. As has been mentioned, the elders did you a favour.

    JW Privilege = spending your time working for free for no personal reward

    Why is 'Pioneering' considered a privilege which can be denied to the person willing to do it? As all JWs are expected to preach to others, why then is a title and elders approval required so as to fulfil a personal commitment to spend a specific number of hours preaching each month?

  • Apostate Anonymous
    Apostate Anonymous

    I've always been a firm believer that the Elders get off on the details sexual encounters of young JW women. They love to get very explicit details. "So, how long would you say this young man groped your breasts and inner thighs?"

    I would ignore those scumbags. They only have as much power as you personally give them. Their "power" only exist in the confines of this insecure\corrupt organization.

  • Spiral

    Addison, this is how the bOrg and the elders ABUSE single women. Jerking them around over their private life, taking a ridiculous "privilege" away, and then just basically making your congregation life dull and demeaning. I can name several sisters I know in this situation, who have wasted years - decades - on the hamster wheel of congregational approval.

    Then, if they do get married, it's frequently to someone they would never have picked initially. The bOrg's rules for chaperoning ruin most chances of getting to know your prospective spouse in any real way before you get married. And then, no divorce allowed!

    RUN, GO, BE FREE!!!

  • zophar

    Interesting that the Elder's manual says that if it is discovered that an Elder or Ministerial Servant committed a gross wrong several years ago that they may be able to continue serving.

    Shame that your nemesis didn't wait another year so you could plead several years ago! Not that it would matter, you are just a lowly female pioneer!

  • Crazyguy

    Did you actually meet with an accuser?

  • Lost in the fog
    Lost in the fog

    The bother about moving out to another congregation is that elders will likely still talk about you to their friends in the circuit regardless of what they officially say in the introduction letter. I know this for a fact, it happened several times when I was an elder in the old days.

    "So you have sister so and so move to your hall. You need to keep an eye on her. Especially around the boys. No, no I'm not telling tales out of school... but I wouldn't be happy to let my lad out with her and he's 26! Blah, blah blah blah."

    Seen it too many times. Even know the blabbers in the current boe which is why I keep a much lower profile since I started to fade myself. Even to voice an opinion in a friendly conversation to an elder brother and Wham two of the blighters turn up to counsel you.

    It is a cult. You have my condolences for the way you have been treated, but it will not get any better.

  • steve2

    Did the elders apply the “two-witness” rule and refrain from holding a judicial committee hearing until there was a second witness to back up this slimeball’s tattle-tale?


    You have far more chance of seeing elder-action based on a lone disclosure of sexual contact between two consenting adults that you do if you are a minor and disclose sexual contact by an adult JW where they insist on applying the patriarchal two-witness rule

    This adds further evidence that JW organization is far more invested in controlling the sex lives of its members than in protecting JW minors from sexual overtures by JW adults in the congregations.

  • LongHairGal


    Be glad you found out before you wasted your whole life. You are free.


    You are absolutely correct about how the elders treat single women! I also observed some single women on the hamster wheel of congregation approval that you mention. I was urged to get on that “wheel” but refused and held onto my full time job. Of course, I was unpopular because I didn’t seek their approval but all these years later I’m glad I followed my own instincts.

  • millie210
    Interesting that the Elder's manual says that if it is discovered that an Elder or Ministerial Servant committed a gross wrong several years ago that they may be able to continue serving.
    Shame that your nemesis didn't wait another year so you could plead several years ago! Not that it would matter, you are just a lowly female pioneer!

    Yes it is the 3 year rule.

    An elder guilty of sexual misconduct of over a couple years (a couple being 2) does not have to be removed if it is not well known.

    His time serving during the three years is proof of Gods blessing.

    So says the elders manual and it references an earlier Kingdom Ministry.

  • millie210

    Hi Addison,

    As an older female talking to a younger one let me tell you that every feeling of outrage and indignity that you are feeling are 100% valid.

    Do not let them tell you that just accepting their "discipline" is normal or tied to repentance. This is over control on their part. Your reaction to that is healthy.

    Go read the Song of Solomon. Those two weren't married and I have always gotten a kick out of watching the puritan leadership of the Org dance around that book of the Bible!

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