What was your most embarassing moment?

by kwijibo 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kwijibo

    Mine was at the KH giving a talk - got muddled up and almost said the F word into the mike. 
    In fact - i said it in my mind or under my breath and then panicked because i thought i had 
    said it out loud but the audience didn't seem to react so i new i must have not said it out loud. 
    I wonder if anyone noticed me breaking into a cold sweat........... 
    Anyone got any more?
  • Mystla

    I had an assembly part, one of those silly demos where I approached a lady in the checkout line in the grocery store... gag!! Anyway, we had to do the demo three weekends in a row to cover the whole circuit. The first weekend I was nervous but did fine. The second weekend I was more relaxed. I got a few seconds into it and completely and totally forgot my lines. Blank, nada, zip, zero. I stopped mid sentance even.. a horrible eternity passed.. I glanced at the audience.. I giggled.. at least five hours later the brother giving the talk promted my next line and everything clicked and I was fine for the rest. The third weekend I was sooo nervous, I did just fine.

    You can all guess which weekend the part of the circuit I knew was at.. even my worldly father came because I had a part.. every person I had grown up with, any guy I had ever hoped to impress.. sigh, I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.


  • Tatiana

    I was spending the summer in Atlanta with my aunt and uncle. I had a part on the Ministry School. I had a new dress and new shoes. (very slippery on the bottom) I was trying to impress this young brother I'd met. As I was leaving the platform, I slipped and fell flat on my ass. My dress went up over my butt. I turned 10 different shades of red. I went into the bathroom and cried......:(



    Does anyone remember those sort of shiny polyester pants? OK, remember that they were sown right up the back, as in...well you know.

    I remember I had a pair of these pants, and as a late teen, still growing here and there, I hadn't put these pants on in a long time.

    Well, I get to the meeting, and I think I was bending over to pick something up, and all you could hear was: ** RRRiiiPPP** . Yes, and anyone within earshot, could hear it. I was as red as a beet. I literally ripped my pants from behind my crotch to half way up my ass.

    One sister (older one) was quite funny, and she came over and gave me her sweater to place behind my chair. She winked at me and giggled, and I did too. But I waited to go to the washroom during the study, so as to not draw attention to the extra air conditioning I was getting from behind.

    Edited by - RAYZORBLADE on 2 February 2003 8:12:33

  • Etude

    Wait just a minute! You wore pants to the meetings? Where the heck is that congregation? It must be here in California, certainly not back East or the South. That's reason for disfellopshiping in some places. Maybe they can be worn in Alaska, with a matching double-botton wolverine parka.


  • Marcos

    Went to an English congregation for a while. In the KM school one night, I was giving a talk and (it was so long ago) one phrase was something to the effect of, "they WILL be punished by God!" Seems I emphasized the "by God" part by accident.

    The school instructor about fell out of his seat. He looked soooo shocked! It really was an innocent mistake but there were some giggles from the audience.


  • justhuman

    The most "embarasing" for me it was when I was doing the house to house thing, and a Russian dancer open the door wearing only a G string!!!

  • ydidIanswerthedoor

    This wasn't my embarassing moment but one of a brother conducting the WT study. There was a brother in the cong. whose name was Brother Munn. The conductor called on him saying, Yes, Mother Bunn? We all laughted histercally. Here was MY most embarassing moment, though. I had five kids and my next to youngest son was about 3 1/2 and said he had to go to the bathroom. I let him go alone and then I suddenly heard all the people in back of the hall laughing.....here he comes with his pants down around his ankles and a wad of toilet paper in his hand, holding it up saying, "Wipe me mom." I could have died.

  • SixofNine

    ydidIanswerthedoor, are you in the DFW area?

  • Gordy

    The funniest embarrassing thing for someone on the congregation I was in.

    There was a Watchtower study that dealt with how in Ancient Israel the father would teach the son his secular work and the mother would teach the daughter how to cook, sew etc.

    A young "brother" who must have been about 10 yrs old. Answer one of the questions.

    The answer was "THe father would teach the son his secualr work."

    The young boy answer it as "The father would teach his son his sexual work."

    The congregation erupted in laughter. The WT study conductor couldn't keep a straightface. The reader couldn't read the next paragraph for laughing.

    That was the only time I ever heard that congregation have a really good laugh.

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