Legalize ALL Drugs. Yes or No?

by SpannerintheWorks 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    People can sit around all day talking about how bad drugs, cigarettes and drinking is. They can also try restricting these things all they want... the bottom line is this: Humans are humans and will use these things no matter how much they are restricted.

    Thats like someone saying that the best form of contraception is abstinence. Sure, in theory it looks good... but the reality of the matter is that people will have sex no matter what restrictions are placed on them.

    The best solution to these kinds of problems is to bring them out in the open and try to create a system that helps prevent the secondary problems associated with them. Suppression only creates more problems.

    You're totally right. There are so many illegal activities that humans engage in that can be handled this way:

    Men are always going to beat their wives. No matter how many people come forward with proof of how destructive it is, it's going to happen and has always happened; So what we really need to do is recognize that it won't be stopped by the threat of jail time, legalize it, and throw our money into better wound care for abused wives and better counseling for orphans of mothers murdered by their spouses.

    Sara! They already support their habbit with welfare!!!! And they spend so much money on drugs they have nothing left to feed themselves!

    Crazy, I know these people are out there. I know there are people who use the system right now to feed their habit. It happens, I get it. I do not, however, want to set up a system where it is now TOTALLY FINE TO DO SO! At least under the present system, a certain percentage of people WILL be caught, and will receive punishment for their actions.

    I will concede that there is a case for the legalization of recreational marijuana. But as for the highly addictive, hard core, non-recreational drugs (show me a recreational crack addict) I just can't buy into the theory that says "It's already happening, we might as well make it OK."

  • og

    Men are always going to beat their wives. No matter how many people come forward with proof of how destructive it is, it's going to happen and has always happened; So what we really need to do is recognize that it won't be stopped by the threat of jail time, legalize it, and throw our money into better wound care for abused wives and better counseling for orphans of mothers murdered by their spouses.

    This is asinine; no one on this thread has suggested that violent crime should be condoned. The pro drug arguments presented have always referred to victimless crimes. An argument this stupid badly weakens your case. I wish I could turn this red font off.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Ok we both agree that some people on Govt Assistence waste their money on drugs. My question would then be, do you want them spending $200 a month on drugs or $20? Also, current money spent on drugs in NOT TAXED! A vast majority of it goes to OTHER COUNTRIES to support WARS and TERRORISM! If you made it legal and taxed it the Money would stay in the STATES not float out to Columbia.....

  • og

    And, as a matter of fact, there are plenty of recreational users of so'called 'hard' drugs. Our current President was one - okay, I grant, that's an argument for your side, but still...

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    This is asinine; no one on this thread has suggested that violent crime should be condoned. The pro drug arguments presented have always referred to victimless crimes. An argument this stupid badly weakens your case. I wish I could turn this red font off.

    I know it's asinine. That was the point. To buy into the theory presented, you have to also buy into the theory that drug use is a victimless crime. I disagree with that concept.

    (as for the red font, if you use the "clear formatting" button-it looks like an eraser-it'll get rid of the red)

  • Crazy151drinker


    Men are always going to beat their wives. No matter how many people come forward with proof of how destructive it is, it's going to happen and has always happened

    Sorry but this is a poor argument. The freedoms that we are allowed- to drink, have guns, freedom of religion, and freedom of speach-are based on the notion that we do not hurt others in these activites. I can drink but not drive, I can have a gun but I cant shoot anoyone, I can be a Satanist but I can go around sacraficing peoples cats, and I have the Freedom of Speach but I cannot yell "FIRE" in a movie theatre.

    Same with drugs. If I sit at home and do my drugs then fine. If I go out high on drugs and get into trouble then its jail time. Just like Alcohol.

  • shera

    Just curious,where would they sell the drugs after they were legalized?

  • crownboy

    How about a drug store, shera?

    I say legalize pot and decriminalize (but not legalize) the others.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    The freedoms that we are allowed- to drink, have guns, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech-are based on the notion that we do not hurt others in these activites. I can drink but not drive, I can have a gun but I cant shoot anoyone, I can be a Satanist but I can go around sacraficing peoples cats, and I have the Freedom of Speech but I cannot yell "FIRE" in a movie theatre.

    I cannot possibly convey how annoyed I am to have to concede that this is a very valid point. Damnit.

  • Sargon

    Excellant point about freedom 151.

    My problem is... every welfare cheque day I've got 1,000 people running around my neighbourhood yelling fire while sucking the public tit.

    Legalize this!! Come on Og, move to my neighbourhood.

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