More Confirmation

by worf 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • worf


    E-mail me and I'll tell you. My e-mail is open.


  • manon

    Horay Horay for Brooklyn!!! The tacky towers are packing up and moving.

    This is truly "The good news". The WTBTS is way to high profile, and remember it's open season on towers in NYC, the watchtower isn't safe.

    I'm sure the society will be raking in a pretty good dollar for their prime property. It smells like clever corporate restructuring. Let a money generating source move in the neighborhood in order to help NYC economy.


  • Mary

    LOL! I'll be the rest of New Yorkers will be glad to see them go!! Maybe on their last day there, New Yorkers can all gather together in front of Bethel and do the old Carol Burnett song:

    "I'm so glad we had this time together......just to have a laugh at your expense....... seems you just get started and before you know it........come's the time we get to say: GET OUT!!!

    Carol Burnett Show

  • DevonMcBride


    You got that right!!! I have non-JW friends who live in Brooklyn Heights and would be thrilled to see them go.

  • jws

    Do you think fear of 9/11 type attacks and/or blowback from a war in Iraq might be scaring them out of New York City?

    I assume with the moving of printing, the existing buildings serve no purpose to them, like office space? Would they sell all their buildings?

    I would find it hilarious if some group totally the opposite of JW ideals bought the space. Like the Catholic Church, Baptists, or some televangelist.

  • borgfree

    I may have posted this before, but if I did, here it is again.

    A JW I know, visited the NY buildings a few weeks ago, she was told that NY needs the property for the coming NY Worlds Fair.


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    By selling this property and "using up" the proceeds the Wathctower Society begins to make itself judgment proof. Really, this about protecting their asses. Oops, I meant assets.


  • joenobody

    Any predictions on what Scripture will apply to them moving to Patterson? I mean, it's gotta be in fulfillment of some prophecy right?

    Any takers?

  • Gizmo

    Whatever are they going to do with that "READ GODS WORD DAILY" sign.

    I put in a bid at ebay for it, I want to hang it over my house

    Wonder how much money the bastards are going to make?

  • manon

    This is a topic of file burning status. My 2 cents worth.


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