Does your heart skip a beat when u read this?

by Iron Eagle 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iron Eagle
    Iron Eagle

    Do the demons inside you still make you remember what you have been taught for so many years by the Watchtower?

    Do you ever think ...'yikes...they might be right after all'

    And what if it all happens according to the plan of the Governing Body... The United Nations decides to wage war on religion ; the Witnessess carry on doing what they do best. Then the cry 'peace and security'... but uh-uh ..... here they are .....raising their ugly heads above the dock.... Jehovahs Witnessess .... Now with a message more vigerous than ever .... 'You see ! We told you religion would fall ! But you didn't listen .... Now you're next .... Jehovah will destroy you too. '


    Then the nations begin to attack Jah's people...

    yikes.... spooky ......

    Read the URL at the top to start wondering........

  • ITguy

    It's interesting. The article was also published in August of 2001, making it a year and half old.

  • outnfree


    No heart skipping beats for me. I am decidedly certain that the WT is NOT right! As for that article, to me, here's the crux:

    The Secretariat so far has little constitutional power to force nations to abide by its decrees.

    And the nations don't.

    So... me worry? Nah!


  • cornish


    It does not spook me in the slightest, just a load of stuff to scare the rank and file to stay in the org.but certainly,it would have spooked me in the past.

    The watchtower org being so corrupt would get no special protection from a righteous God more than any other religion anyway,they would be one of the first to go,making all those presumptous claims in his name.

  • RubaDub

    My heart seems fine buy I do have some gas pains ... I better go.


  • Francois

    "Jehovah will destroy you..." Right. And I'm the Virgin Mary.

    Ain't gonna happen. It hasn't happened on any of the dates they said it was gonna happen, which makes them a false prophet by definition.

    Ain't gonna happen. Jehovah is a concept of God dreamed up five thousand years ago by an ancient, illiterate, primitive band of desert savages. This Jehovah concept was into blood offerings and sacrifice on alters (just like the tribe that dreamed him up - the Hebrews). Not only that, but he was into foreskins in a big way. Now I axe you, what kind of transcendental God wants to have any truck with foreskins - burnt or raw? But this Jehovah character was heavy into foreskins. The more the better. Gotta have them foreskins are you ain't shit homeboy. That's your Jehovah, and you can damn well have 'im. And this concept has never been updated, not even to include The Master's life, which was a demonstration of his father, and our father, the God of Love. And he don't go around striking down his ignorant but erring children on this earth to the tune of 99.98% of them because they don't have any foreskins to sacrifice - fresh or frozen.

    "The God you can name is not the eternal God." - Lao Tzu


  • Realist

    is fighting for abortion rights equivalent with fighting against all religions???

  • detective

    Also found on the above webstite:

    GULFPORT, DE, January 24, 2003 ( - A former abortuary has been transformed into a repository for Bibles. Temple Baptist Church purchased the vacated offices of abortionist Dr. Brooker in Gulfport. The church's Bible, Education and Missionary Service ships Bibles to missionaries in 80 countries. The room in which countless unborn babies were killed now houses some 18,000 Bibles.

    Teresa Forrester, one of the people who protested outside the abortion mill until its closing March 2, 1998, said "This building where once life was taken here now life is given, the word of God is given out. So I can't do nothing but rejoice."

    A piece of the barbed wire used for a fence around the old abortuary hangs on the wall shaped into the Christian symbol of a fish. "We want to remember where we came from," Forrester said. "This building came from a really evil source. I mean babies were being murdered."

    Abortion mill

    "I can't do nothing but rejoice"

    I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay for someone else to hold another opinion. Funny how I have to work really hard to remind myself of another persons right to hold a different opinion even when they'd gladly coerce, intimidate and outlaw my right to hold an opinion different than theirs.

  • Farkel

    Firstly, since religion has been responsible for more deaths to humans than anything else man has ever done, ridding the world of it is a great idea. Ridding the world of it by force is an entirely different matter.

    : Among secular humanists, humanity must be the master of its own fate, which tends to mean some humans must be masters of others "for their own good."

    This is pure bullshit and is also a fallacious argument. Secular humanists want each INDIVIDUAL to be the master of his or her own fate. It does not logically follow then that some humans must be masters of others. Since the writer of this article cannot even make a simple logical argument, I take everything else said in that article with extreme prejudice. And another thing, pantheism and secular humanism have nothing in common. The writer doesn't know what he is talking about.


  • logical

    Dont forget that false prophets can also prophecy things that DO come to pass..... well considering they have been "part" of the UN in whatever guise its not hard for them to twist what they see to fit in with prophecy, which we all know is a particular talent of theirs.

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